Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (2024)

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Last updated on February 27th, 2024 at 07:57 am

How To Install Laminate Transition Strips In Doorways

Installing new laminate flooring and wondering where to put the transition strip in the doorway? I’ve got you covered! Here is where you should place transition strips in a doorway:

Transition strips should be placed in the center of the door opening where the opening is the smallest. In this placement, the transition strip will not impact the door’s ability to close regardless of which way the door swings.

Pictures are always more useful in my opinion though, so I’ll show you exactly where I’m talking about below!

Let’s dive in!

Quick Navigation: Laminate Floor Transition Strip Placement

  1. Step One: Measure Inside Of Doorway
  2. Other FAQs About Transition Strips In Doorways
  3. Final Thoughts
  4. Related Laminate Flooring Articles

Subfloor TypeLevel Of DifficultyTime To Complete
WoodEasy10 minutes
ConcreteMedium20 minutes
Material ListTool List
Transition strip (with metal rail and screws)Drill
Contractor PencilImpact driver
(For concrete) Concrete anchorsBandsaw
SharpieTape measure
Miter saw or circular saw
(For concrete) Masonry drill bits

Where To Place Transition Strips In Doorways

I broke this tutorial up into pictures below to help you figure out exactly where to install transition strips in your doorway.

Step One: Measure Inside Of Doorway

The first step to installing a transition strip in a doorway is to measure the inside of the door opening.

The smallest, center part of the door opening is where you want to measure and place the transition strip because the door will never swing over that area.

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (1)

Plus, centering anything in an area is always the most aesthetically pleasing look. Transition strips in doorways are no different.

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Once you have that measurement, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (2)

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Step Two: Cut Metal Rail & Screw Into Subfloor

The next step toinstalling a transition strip in a doorway is to cut the metal rail of the transition strip and screw it into the subfloor.

The easiest way to cut the metal rail is to use a bandsaw. A bandsaw like this one found at Amazon will slice through the metal easily and leave a clean cut.

Take your doorway measurement, make a mark on the metal with a sharpie, and cut away.

After that, it’s time to screw the metal rail into the subfloor.

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (3)

How To Attach Transition Strips To A Wood Subfloor

If you have a wood subfloor, then you’re in luck and this process will take 2 seconds.

To attach the metal rail for transition strips into a wood subfloor, use the screws that come with the transition strip, and screw the cut transition strip into the wood subfloor.

That’s it!

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (4)

How To Attach Transition Strips To A Concrete Subfloor

If you have a concrete subfloor, then you have a couple more steps.

First, lay the metal rail on the ground and use a sharpie or pencil to mark the spots in the concrete where the screws need to go.

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (5)

Then, use a masonry drill bit like these bits found at Amazon to drill into the concrete where you marked. This type of drill bit is crucial to cut through the concrete more easily and not damage your power tools.

After all of the holes are drilled, insert the appropriate-sized concrete anchors into the holes. (These anchors will be dependent upon the screw size of your transition strips. The instructions in the package will tell you what size drill bit to use.)

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Finally, lay the metal rail back down (lining up the holes on the rail with the holes in the subfloor), and screw the rail into the anchors.

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (6)

Thankfully, neither installation method is overly difficult. It will definitely make your life easier if you install the rails before installing any laminate floorboards.

(In our first project, we didn’t install the transition strips first, so we had to go back with an oscillating multi-tool to cut back the laminate where we needed it. It was a much more time-consuming project than it needed to be!)

Once the metal part of your transition strip is installed, it’s time to move on to the final step.

Step Three: Cut Laminate Strip To Length & Snap Into Metal Rail

The final step toinstalling a transition strip in a doorway is to cut the top decorative part of the laminate strip and snap it into the metal rail.

You already have your doorway measurement, so all you have to do is make a mark with your pencil on the top decorative part of the strip, and cut it with a circular saw.

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (7)

Once it’s cut, snap it into the metal rail attached to the ground, and you’re done!

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (8)

Other FAQs About Transition Strips In Doorways

Here are some other frequently asked questions about transition strips to help you install one in your doorway more easily!

How Much Gap Should A Transition Strip Have?

Transition strips should have a 1/4″ to 3/8″ gap between the metal rail and the edge of laminate flooring. This gap gives laminate flooring room to expand and contract during humidity and temperature fluctuations. The top decorative piece of the transition strip will hide this gap.

What Type Of Transition Strip Do You Need For A Wood Floor To Carpet Transition In Doorway?

The best type of transition trip for a wood floor to carpet transition in a doorway is a reducer. This transition strip is best because it bridges the gap over floors of differing heights. If the carpet is the same height as the laminate flooring, use a T-moulding transition strip instead.

For a list of all of the different laminate flooring edging options and when to use each, check out my article here.

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (9)

Can You Glue A Transition Strip In Place?

Glue is a bad way to secure transition strips in place because laminate flooring is a floating floor, so it is meant to move. When it does expand and contract, the glue breaks down, and the transition strips pop out of place. Instead, secure in place with screws.

In fact, we tried to do that with one of our transition strips because we have a concrete subfloor, and if the floor isn’t perfectly level, it can be a nightmare to install.

The glue job lasted all of a day (pretty much until we walked over it a few times), and the strip is already detached from the subfloor.

Save time and just use the tutorial above to install your transition strips properly. Then you won’t have a problem. (We ended up installing them all properly in the end, and just wasted a bunch of time.

Final thoughts On Installing Laminate Floor Transition Strips

There you have it!

Measuring and installing laminate transition strips in doorways is rather simple (especially if you have a wood subfloor).

When in doubt, just shut the door and put the strip on the floor in different places until you decide what spot looks best.

Catch you in my next post!

Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (10)

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Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!)

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Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Picture Tutorial!) – DIY With Christine (2024)


Where should transition strips go in the doorway? ›

The rail should sit between the two door jambs at the narrowest spot in the doorway. If your flooring is already installed and you are adding a transition strip, there is a little more to do. To prepare your subfloor, you will need a few supplies: Dremel saw or multi tool.

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Transition strips are a vital tool for your multi-room flooring installation, and you'll need to utilize them often. There are various situations where they're needed, such as: Where your flooring meets a different flooring type. In between rooms where an expansion gap is needed.

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End cap or end bar transitions may work best for a hardwood or laminate transition. You could also use a T-shaped aluminum transition strip if the two different flooring materials are the same height. You'll have to find one that matches the color or finish of both flooring types.

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T-Molding is used in doorways to transition between two floors of similar height. It's important to leave room beneath the molding for the floor to expand, so you'll need a gap of approximately 1 and ¼ inches between your two surfaces.

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Slide the threshold underneath the doorstops and position the notches cut to fit around the door jambs. Tap it snugly into position using a rubber mallet. The threshold should slope slightly away from your home so that water will not pool at your doorway.

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An alternative approach to transitions between flooring materials involves using wide strips of mosaics or pebbles as detailed transition borders. These strips add an eye-catching design element and create a distinct separation between the materials.

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Loctite® PL PREMIUM MAX makes it simple to fix those pesky problems around your home. Use it to lay transition strips, construct eye-catching DIY projects, adhere tough materials like leather, brick, concrete and more.

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Transitions Between Different Materials

If you are dealing with two different types of floor coverings, a transition strip is almost always required.

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Don't install your laminate on any floor with a drain. Don't install laminate on any uneven subfloor or outdoors. Don't install your laminate over residential carpet. Don't install a second layer of laminate underlayment.

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Choose the Best Possible Direction:

There is no right direction, but the more accepted rule is that the floor direction should run parallel to the longer walls, but long hallways are exempt from this rule.

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Each tack strip should butt up to each other, end to end. Install tack strips so they wrap around door frames. Don't place tack strips across the openings of the doors, though. You don't want to step on the sharp points of the tack strips.

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Determining where to end laminate flooring at doorways

Ideally, these transition strips should be aligned directly beneath the door when it's closed, ensuring they don't jut out past the door frame.

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The best place to stop running the tile is under the door. From the bathroom side, you want to see tile disappear under the door, from the hallway side, you don't want to see tile if the hallway is hardwood or carpet.


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.