What’s investment risk and risk tolerance (and how to navigate them both) (2024)

Risk accompanies all sorts of activities, including investment. What types of risks may impact your retirement and savings accounts?

What’s investment risk and risk tolerance (and how to navigate them both) (1)
3 min read |


  • Many of your daily activities come with a share of risk. Investing does too. Learning about investment risk and your own risk tolerance can help you navigate your financial decisions.
  • There are different types of investment risk, and each has its own impact on your investments. Your risk tolerance takes into account your experiences and your goals to help you find the risk level you’re comfortable with.
  • Investment risk and risk tolerance must be balanced effectively so that you can take advantage of long-term opportunities and understand how to navigate market fluctuations.

Risk is inescapable. Take driving a car: It poses risk, but millions of adults get behind the wheel every day. But risk is also relative. Your neighbor may be a scuba diver, but going underwater with oxygen tanks may be completely off limits for you.

The same is true of investing risk: It is inescapable, and it is relative. How can you better understand both investment risk and risk tolerance, and figure out what you need to know to navigate them in pursuit of your financial goals? We’ve got insights.

What is investment risk?

Investment risk refers to the degree of uncertainty inherent in an investment decision. In other words, when you invest in something—stocks or a home, for example—there’s no guarantee that you’ll make a return at all, much less the return you’re hoping for. In fact, you may have unexpected losses. On the flip side, a risky investment may pay off with unexpected returns. Typically, as risk goes up, the potential for greater rewards or losses does too.

Potential risk typically increases in parallel with potential reward.

What’s investment risk and risk tolerance (and how to navigate them both) (2)

What are the types of investment risk?

Investment risk doesn’t come from a single source: The stock market, economy, length of investment time, and more are all potential risks.

Types of investment risk

The riskWhat it isEffect on investments
Inflation riskThe tendency for prices to increase over timeFuture dollars (your investments) will not have as much buying power.
Interest rate riskThe risk to savings and loan rates if interest rates changeFor money you want to grow (investments), interest rate increases are generally positive. For money you’re borrowing, increases are negative.
Market riskThe risk of loss due to financial market performance (differs from market volatility which is just how frequently and significantly an investment changes price over time)Stocks vary from day-to-day and year-to-year.
Longevity riskThe risk of outliving your savingsThe length of retirement is undetermined, making it tough to know how much money you’ll need.
Credit risk (corporate bonds)The risk of default by the issuer of the bondBondholders may not be paid the promised interest or the full principal.

And risk isn’t necessarily bad. Take inflation: It causes prices to increase over time. If you want your investments to keep pace with the risk of those increases, you may need to take on some risk.

What is risk tolerance?

Risk tolerance is actually a little more complicated than just how much risk you feel comfortable with. It’s a mix of what’s happened to you in the past, what’s going on now with your financial status, and your goals for the future. “Generally, there are three concepts associated with risk,” says Heather Winston, financial professional and product director for Retirement and Income Solutions at Principal®.

Risk conceptWhat it meansWhat it could look like in real life
Risk capacityHow much risk you can afford to take. It's dictated by things like your investment timeline, income needs, and money available.As you move closer to retirement, you change your investment mix to have more bonds and fewer stocks, trading the possibility of greater rewards (or loss) for more stable rates of return.
Risk toleranceWhat's acceptable to you to gain or lose over time.When you’re younger, you choose an investment mix that may be weighted heavily with stocks, knowing that you have time to recoup ups and downs from the market.
Risk composureHow you handle what’s happening in the market and the impact to your portfolio—for example, does an event trigger a specific emotional reaction?You stay true to your savings strategy and don’t react to market fluctuations.

How do you manage your investment risk and risk tolerance?

It can be helpful to generalize your risk profile and use that as a starting point. A risk profile quiz can help you find the level of risk you’re comfortable with, as you try to strike a balance with the years you have left until retirement.

Tip: Not sure if your risk profile is conservative or aggressive—or somewhere in between? This risk profile quiz (PDF) can help you learn more about your reactions to moments of uncertainty.

Finally, when you think about investment risk, it’s helpful to weigh short-term wariness with long-term opportunity. Look at the stock market: The S&P 500 has some years that are better than average, and some worse. Over the long haul, however, there have been fewer negative periods than positive. For the investors who took the risk and kept their money in, even when the markets were wobbly, the value of their investments likely increased.

And before you make any big changes, step back. “Fear of missing out can be strong, and we tend to be impatient,” Winston says. “Take a deep breath, slow down, and ask yourself, Do I want to do this? Why? What happens if this doesn't come to fruition the way I intended?”

Check-ins on investment risk and your risk tolerance

  • Financial basics—a budget, an emergency fund—may help shield you from some market risks.
  • Your risk tolerance may change. If you have a longer time frame, you may have more tolerance for risk, because you can make up losses. In general, your risk profile may get more conservative over time.
  • Market moments of uncertainty shouldn’t pre-empt your saving and investment plan. The adage “it’s not timing the market, it’s time in the market” remains true.

What’s next?

How are you progressing toward your retirement goals? Log in to principal.com to see how you’re doing. Want to save outside of a workplace 401(k)? We can help you set up your own retirement savings with an IRA or Roth IRA account.


Markets and the economy

Financial planning

What’s investment risk and risk tolerance (and how to navigate them both) (2024)


What’s investment risk and risk tolerance (and how to navigate them both)? ›

Your risk tolerance takes into account your experiences and your goals to help you find the risk level you're comfortable with. Investment risk and risk tolerance must be balanced effectively so that you can take advantage of long-term opportunities and understand how to navigate market fluctuations.

What is investment risk tolerance? ›

What is risk tolerance? Simply put, risk tolerance is the level of risk an investor is willing to take. But being able to accurately gauge your appetite for risk can be tricky. Risk can mean opportunity, excitement or a shot at big gains—a "you have to be in it to win it" mindset.

What is the definition of investment risk? ›

All investments involve some degree of risk. In finance, risk refers to the degree of uncertainty and/or potential financial loss inherent in an investment decision. In general, as investment risks rise, investors seek higher returns to compensate themselves for taking such risks.

What role does risk tolerance play in helping to determine your investment choices? ›

Investments with the potential for higher returns often come with a higher potential for sudden downdrafts or outright loss. With an understanding of your risk tolerance, you can create a strategy for your investments that will help you balance the worries of volatility with the potential for bigger returns.

What is an example of risk tolerance? ›

For example, an investor seeking a long-term retirement plan has a higher risk tolerance for yearly changes in the value of their investment. Before implementing an investment strategy, investors must consider possible outcomes, including hypothetical situations and adverse scenarios.

How do I assess my investment risk tolerance? ›

How to Determine Your Risk Tolerance
  1. How many years do you have until retirement? You may be comfortable taking on more risk if you have a longer time horizon.
  2. What are you investing for? Aside from retirement, do you have any other specific investment goals? ...
  3. How do you feel about risk?
Jul 24, 2023

What are the 3 investment tolerance levels? ›

In general, investors are classified according to 3 risk tolerance levels:
  • High risk tolerance (aggressive investors)
  • Moderate risk tolerance (moderate investors)
  • Low risk tolerance (conservative investors)
Aug 1, 2023

How do you manage risk in investing? ›

Managing Risk

You cannot eliminate investment risk. But two basic investment strategies—asset allocation and diversification—can help manage both systemic risk (risk affecting the economy as a whole) and non-systemic risk (risks that affect a small part of the economy, or even a single company).

How to measure risk in investment? ›

5 Ways To Measure Risk
  1. Alpha. Alpha is a measure of investment performance that factors in the risk associated with the specific security or portfolio, rather than the overall market (or correlated benchmark). ...
  2. Beta. ...
  3. R-squared. ...
  4. Sharpe ratio. ...
  5. Standard deviation.

How to manage risk? ›

The risk management process includes five-steps: identify, analyse, evaluate, treat, and monitor. You can mitigate risks by avoiding, accepting, reducing, or transferring them.

How do you manage risk tolerance? ›

Ways to Manage Risk
  1. Know Your Risk Profile: Evaluate and understand both your tolerance and capacity for risk.
  2. Asset Allocation: Distributing your investments across various asset classes—like stocks, bonds, and cash—can mitigate the risk associated with market volatility.
Oct 11, 2023

What is an important factor that affect an investor's risk tolerance? ›

Financial standing

Perhaps the most critical of risk tolerance factors is an investor's financial standing. An investor who has a considerable share of assets and a thin percentage of liabilities will most likely be ready to take higher risks.

Who is responsible for risk tolerance? ›

The company's level of risk tolerance comes primarily from the board of directors and the C-Suite. Some companies are very conservative, some not so much. And, as is typical, some companies are more or less conservative depending on the circ*mstances.

What is risk tolerance in investment? ›

What is Risk Tolerance? Risk tolerance refers to the amount of loss an investor is prepared to handle while making an investment decision. Several factors determine the level of risk an investor can afford to take.

What is the primary purpose of investing? ›

Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and increase in value. The greater growth potential of investing is primarily due to the power of compounding and the risk-return tradeoff.

What are the three drivers of investor risk tolerance? ›

Three key drivers used to calculate your risk tolerance are your approach to market volatility, your time horizon, and your goals. Your financial advisor will typically offer you some sort of questionnaire that asks several questions about various market scenarios to help determine how much risk you crave.

What is true about an investor's risk tolerance? ›

Your risk tolerance takes into account your experiences and your goals to help you find the risk level you're comfortable with. Investment risk and risk tolerance must be balanced effectively so that you can take advantage of long-term opportunities and understand how to navigate market fluctuations.

What is the difference between risk limit and risk tolerance? ›

Risk Limit the maximum amount of risk that can be underwritten. Risk limits will often be identified for key risk‐taking activities such as insurance underwriting and investment. Risk Tolerance a quantitative description of the extent of risk that the company is willing to take in respect of a specific risk.

What is acceptable risk tolerance? ›

Risk tolerance reflects the acceptable level of variation around a particular set of risk-based objectives. It's a measurement of exactly how much of a loss a person or an organization is willing to experience given their existing assets and the other risks they currently face.


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