Why Is Short Selling Illegal in Some Countries? (2024)

Short selling—when investors sell borrowed stocks expecting their price to decline—is often unpopular with the general public and has been banned in some countries. The premise of the strategy, which is typically a form of insurance in a portfolio, strikes many as wrong since it seems to profit from the problems of others. The banning of short selling in various jurisdictions over time can also be attributed to economic, regulatory, market-specific, and social factors.

Key Takeaways

  • Bans on short selling are frequently done to curb market manipulation.
  • Short selling can exacerbate market declines, especially during economic turbulence.
  • Banning short selling is ordinarily based on a country's specific regulatory and economic context.
  • Factors such as the maturity of the financial market, the strength of regulatory institutions, and the overall economic environment play a critical role in these decisions.

Each country's approach to short selling is based on its financial market's dynamics, regulatory philosophy, and economic policy objectives. Understanding the reasons behind bans or limits to short selling requires knowing the specific concerns about market stability and national economic interests where they occur.

Historical Examples of Short Selling Bans

Historically, there have been important instances when short selling was banned in various countries, usually in response to financial crises. Here are occasions when banning short sales was part of an emergency response to stabilize markets and protect the economy:

  • The Great Depression (1930s): In the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during the Great Depression, the U.S. implemented regulations to control speculative short selling. For instance, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 introduced rules governing short selling and established the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to enforce them.
  • Global financial crisis (2008): During the 2008 financial crisis, several countries temporarily banned short selling to protect their financial markets. In the U.S., the SEC temporarily banned short selling in financial stocks in September 2008. Similar measures were taken in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and several European countries to safeguard financial institutions and restore market confidence at a perilous time.
  • Eurozone debt crisis (2011): During the eurozone debt crisis, countries like Spain, Italy, France, and Belgium imposed temporary bans on short selling certain stocks in the banking and financial sectors. These actions aimed to stabilize and protect the banking systems.
  • COVID-19 pandemic (2020): The pandemic led to extreme market volatility, prompting several countries to implement short-selling bans or restrictions. Countries like Spain, Italy, France, South Korea, and Greece enacted such measures to curb market declines and maintain financial stability during the health crisis.

These examples underscore a pattern: short selling bans are typically enacted during periods of severe economic distress or market turmoil. The rationale is to prevent these sales from exacerbating market declines, protect critical economic sectors, and maintain investor confidence. However, economists and financial experts debate the effectiveness and long-term impact of such bans.

Countries Where Short Selling is Illegal

Some countries restrict but do not ban short selling. China has stringent regulations on short selling. The Chinese government has been known to impose temporary bans or restrictions on short selling, especially during periods of market volatility. It allows the practice, but it's limited to a select list of stocks.

Short selling is banned in South Korea until at least June 2024. The ban was part of the fallout from investigations into naked short selling by institutional investors. In early 2023, South Korea's financial regulators fined five foreign companies, including Credit Suisse, for naked short selling. This is an often-illegal form of short selling where an investor shorts stocks without first determining if they can be borrowed.

Malaysia has long had a cautious approach to short selling. Following the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, Malaysia banned short selling. Although the ban was lifted almost a decade later, restrictions were reintroduced in various forms over the years, especially during market downturns.

Indonesia has had temporary bans on short selling, usually in response to significant market downturns. The Indonesian Financial Services Authority has the power to impose and lift such bans. Also, both Greece and Turkey have had temporary bans on short selling, also in response to extreme market conditions.

In India, short selling is allowed but within stringent regulations. The Securities and Exchange Board of India regulates the practice, which must meet margin and disclosure requirements.

All these regulations are subject to change based on market conditions and regulatory decisions.

Why Is Short Selling Illegal in Some Countries?

Short selling is illegal or heavily restricted in some jurisdictions. Here are the major reasons why:

  • Market stability: Short selling can exacerbate market downturns. In a declining market, short sellers can contribute to price declines as they sell borrowed shares, hoping to buy them back at a lower price. This can cause a snowball effect, which can then lead to panic selling and market crashes. Banning short selling is defended as a means of averting these spirals.
  • Preventing market manipulation: Short selling has been used in market manipulation schemes like bear raids, where traders short a stock and then spread negative information to drive the stock price down. The practice is illegal.
  • Maintaining investor confidence: Short selling could undermine investor confidence during economic uncertainty. Investors might perceive increased short selling as a sign that something is fundamentally wrong with the market or specific companies, leading to reduced investment and economic slowdown. The turmoil could then send jitters through the wider economy.
  • Protecting companies: Short selling can pressure companies, especially those already struggling. A decline in stock prices because of short selling would negatively affect a company's ability to raise capital and maintain its operations, potentially leading to layoffs, reduced investment, and other problems for the firm.
  • Regulatory and oversight challenges: In some markets, the regulatory framework may not be robust enough to monitor and regulate short-selling activities effectively. This could lead to illegal practices like naked short selling. Such practices can distort market functioning and lead investors to believe the market is operating unfairly. Banning the practice entirely is seen as the better alternative.
  • Economic policy considerations: The decision to ban or restrict short selling could align with broader economic policies. For instance, during a financial crisis, governments might take a range of measures to protect their economies, and controlling short selling is sometimes part of this tool kit.

While it is important to note that short-selling bans might provide short-term market stability, they can also have negative long-term effects, such as reducing market liquidity and reducing price discovery mechanisms.

Why Is Short Selling Legal in the US?

Short selling is legal in the U.S. for several reasons, reflecting the country's regulatory approach and philosophy toward financial markets. One reason is market efficiency and liquidity. Short selling is said to contribute to market efficiency. By allowing investors to sell stocks that are perhaps overvalued, short selling helps correct market mispricings. As such, investors should find more prices that reflect the true value of a company based on available information. Additionally, short selling increases market liquidity, making it easier for investors to buy and sell securities.

Another reason short selling is legal in the U.S. is price discovery. Short selling allows the market to incorporate negative information into stock prices, not just positive. This should lead to a healthier market since prices will more likely reflect both the good and the bad news.

Additionally, short selling is valuable for hedging and managing risk. Investors and portfolio managers use short positions to hedge against downside risk in their portfolios, not unlike a person taking out car insurance. This could be particularly important in volatile markets or during economic downturns.

The U.S. also has a robust regulatory framework that governs short selling. The SEC has rules to prevent abusive practices, such as the uptick rule and its ban on naked short selling. These regulations are designed to prevent market manipulation and ensure fair trading.

The legal status of short selling in the U.S. also reflects a broader economic view favoring minimal intervention in the market. The idea is that markets, when left to operate independently, are the best mechanism for allocating resources and ensuring economic growth and stability.

While short selling is often controversial, especially during market downturns, there is a general understanding among U.S. investors and regulators that short selling is a legitimate investment strategy. This acceptance is partly because of the education and transparency around market practices in the U.S.

What is Naked Shorting?

The SEC banned naked short selling in 2008 after the financial crisis. Before this ban, the SEC amendedits Regulation SHOto limit naked shorting by taking away some loopholes. Regulation SHO requires the SEC to publish lists of stocks with unusually high rates of failing to deliver, a sign of naked shorting.

In naked short selling, the investor sells shares without first ensuring that they can be borrowed. Essentially, it involves selling short shares that the seller does not own and has not confirmed can be gotten should they be needed. As a result, the seller may fail to deliver the shares to the buyer within the standard settlement period or may be fraudulently selling shorts on stocks that the seller never intended to trade for.

Naked shorting can be used to manipulate the market. By selling a large volume of nonexistent shares, a trader could artificially increase the supply of a stock, driving down its price. This could harm companies and investors, especially in smaller or less liquid markets.

Also, naked short selling can lead to failures to deliver on settlement dates, disrupting normal market operations and leading to a chain reaction of trading and liquidity issues.

What Are the Consequences for Short Selling Illegally?

Engaging in illegal short selling, including short selling where it's prohibited or engaging in naked shorting, could lead to serious consequences for the individuals and firms involved. Some consequences include regulations, legal action and litigation, criminal charges, reputational damage, trading restrictions or bans, revocation of licenses, forced liquidation or covering positions, as well as increased scrutiny and compliance costs.

What Are Some Alternatives to Short Selling?

There are several alternatives for traders searching to profit or hedge against a decline in a stock's price without engaging in traditional short selling. Some include put options, inverse and short ETFs, bear market funds, and credit default swaps.

Why Is Short Selling Controversial?

Short selling is a contentious practice. First, it can hurt markets, companies, and investor sentiment. There is also the potential for market manipulation. Aggressive short selling can have a major effect on the companies being shorted. But overall, the stories of short sellers profiting greatly from the ruin of others strike the public as unseemly, especially during times of economic duress. Some view profiting from a company's misfortune or failure as inherently unethical. Finally, short sellers are often blamed for stock market crashes or exacerbating financial crises. Yet, within the financial market, it's seen in most cases as simply a means of hedging in one's portfolio.

The Bottom Line

The legality of short selling varies globally because of diverse regulatory philosophies, economic conditions, and market structures. Key reasons for its prohibition or restriction in some jurisdictions include concerns about market stability and the prevention of market manipulation. Short selling can amplify market downturns, particularly during periods of economic stress, leading to panic selling and destabilizing financial markets. Additionally, it could be used in manipulative trading practices, such as spreading false information to profit from declining stock prices, which requires regulations to protect investors and maintain market integrity.

Moreover, short-selling bans or restrictions could align with broader economic policies or national interests, such as safeguarding key industries or companies during vulnerable periods. In markets with less developed regulatory frameworks, effectively monitoring and regulating short-selling activities can pose significant challenges, making bans or restrictions a more practical solution.

Why Is Short Selling Illegal in Some Countries? (2024)


Why Is Short Selling Illegal in Some Countries? ›

Key reasons for its prohibition or restriction in some jurisdictions include concerns about market stability and the prevention of market manipulation. Short selling can amplify market downturns, particularly during periods of economic stress, leading to panic selling and destabilizing financial markets.

How is short selling illegal? ›

Naked short selling is illegal because it involves the selling of securities that the seller does not actually own or have borrowed, which can result in a lack of sufficient supply of the securities in the market and potentially lead to a decline in the price of the securities.

Why does US allow short selling? ›

Permitting short selling, particularly with the current robust regulatory framework, means that investors can manage risks better and markets can factor in the broadest possible views about a particular stock, bond, or index – reducing the likelihood of bubbles forming.

Why is short selling illegal in India? ›

Short selling involves the sale of a borrowed security with the intention of buying it again at a later date at a lower price. The practice was banned by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) between 2001 and 2008 after insider trading allegations led to a decline in stock prices.

Why is short selling restricted? ›

Not having the short sale restriction could potentially lead to a stock plummeting in price due to continued downward selling pressure. Having this rule in place helps to protect the markets from added short side volatility, and helps protect companies from a coordinated short attack.

Which countries ban short selling? ›

Countries like Spain, Italy, France, South Korea, and Greece enacted such measures to curb market declines and maintain financial stability during the health crisis.

Why is short selling unethical? ›

Short sellers have been labeled by some critics as being unethical because they bet against the economy. But short sellers enable the markets to function smoothly by providing liquidity, and they can serve as a restraining influence on investors' over-exuberance.

Has the US ever banned short selling? ›

In the U.S., short selling was first barred during the War of 1812, restricted during the Great Depression, and since then has been under greater scrutiny, especially after market turmoil in 1987, 2001, and 2007-8.

Why is a short sale bad? ›

In the end, short sales are almost always damaging to your credit, but they do less harm than foreclosures or bankruptcies. A short sale might block you from a mortgage on a new home for two years or so, but a foreclosure or bankruptcy could keep you out of the market for as long as seven to 10 years.

Who invented shorting stocks? ›

The practice of short selling was likely invented in 1609 by Dutch businessman Isaac Le Maire, a sizeable shareholder of the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC in Dutch).

Is short selling illegal in the UK? ›

3.1 Short selling is the practice of selling a security that is borrowed or not owned by the seller with the intention of buying it back later at a lower price to make a profit. Short selling is regulated the UK by the Short Selling Regulation (SSR)2.

Is short selling banned in Korea? ›

South Korea has banned short-selling since November with the goal of rooting out naked short sales, which is illegal in the country. While the government initially said the restrictions will remain in place until the end of June, it has since been mum on the time frame.

What is the penalty for short selling? ›

This can lead to extra payment by the Exchange to purchase the shares of the sellers. The extra expenses are to be paid by the person who has defaulted by short delivery. Apart from the extra expenses, the defaulter also has to bear the penalty of . 05% of the value of the stock on per day basis.

Is short selling legal in the US? ›

Short selling is legal because investors and regulators say it plays an important role in market efficiency and liquidity. By permitting short selling, a strategy that speculates that a security will go down in price, regulators are, in effect, allowing investors to bet against what they see as overvalued stocks.

Why do companies hate short selling? ›

The fear for companies and investors is that short sellers make stock prices go down. That, in turn, makes it harder for companies to raise capital if they need it in the future and harms existing investors' returns.

What is the 10% rule for short selling? ›

The 2010 alternative uptick rule (Rule 201) allows investors to exit long positions before short selling occurs. The rule is triggered when a stock price falls at least 10% in one day. At that point, short selling is permitted if the price is above the current best bid.

What is the argument against short selling? ›

Such practices undermine the integrity and confidence of markets, impacting the efficient allocation of resources and hindering the growth of the economy, and are rightly banned. Short selling is a trading approach that enables investors to profit from a fall in the price of an asset.

How does short selling destroy a company? ›

Short attacks present a clear and present danger for boards by creating uncertainty, negatively impacting investor perceptions of management, the board and the company, and diverting executive and board attention.

What is a malicious short selling? ›

"Short and distort" is a type of securities fraud in which investors short sell a stock and then spread negative rumors about the company in an attempt to drive down stock prices. It is often performed as a form of naked short selling in which stock is sold without being borrowed and without any intent to borrow.

Can short sellers be sued? ›

When short sellers cross the line from permissible commentary to defamation, from opportunistic trading to market manipulation, legal recourse is available and may be a company's best bet at preventing future attacks. A motion to dismiss is arguably the most important event in a case against a short seller.


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