VOO vs VOOG: Should you invest in S&P 500 or S&P 500 Growth? - Physician on FIRE (2024)

When it comes to S&P 500-indexed exchange-traded funds, Vanguard provides two key ETF options: VOO and VOOG. When deciding between VOO and VOOG, the choice lies in whether you prefer to invest in the S&P 500 or focus on S&P 500 Growth.

VOO vs VOOG: Should you invest in S&P 500 or S&P 500 Growth? - Physician on FIRE (1)

VOO‘s main objective is to generate similar overall returns as the market using the S&P 500 as its index. In contrast, VOOG distinguishes itself by tracking the S&P 500 Growth Index subset, which targets stocks exhibiting growth characteristics rather than companies that are less likely to sustain continued growth.

If you’re looking to invest in an S&P 500-indexed exchange-traded fund, this post is for you. Here, we’ll compare VOO and VOOG diversification, performance, fees, and tax efficiency to help you decide.

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Let’s dive in.

What is VOO?

The Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VOO) is Vanguard’s S&P 500 index-tracking ETF offering. It is the ETF alternative to Vanguard’s VFIAX, which is a mutual fund.

VOO‘s main objective is to generate similar overall returns as the market using the S&P 500 as its index. The ETF is inherently diversified and is generally considered safer than holding individual stocks within an index.

What is VOOG?

The Vanguard S&P 500 Growth ETF is Vanguard’s S&P 500 Growth index-tracking ETF. The S&P 500 Growth Index is comprised of all companies categorized as growth companies within the S&P 500, which is intended to measure the US growth market.

VOOG’s main objective is to generate returns similar to those of the US growth market. The ETF is intended for long-term investors since growth stocks may be more volatile, but they offer a higher potential for growth and higher returns.

VOO vs VOOG Summary

Fund TypeETFETFTie
DiversificationS&P 500 IndexS&P 500 Growth IndexTie
Inception Date20102010Tie
Number of Holdings505226VOO
Risk RatingModerateModerate-HighVOO
Minimum Investment$1.00$1.00Tie
Expense Ratio0.03%0.10%VOO
Tax EfficiencyETFs generally are more tax-efficientETFs generally are more tax-efficientTie
Tax Loss HarvestingFunds must settle and may need 1-2 days to be available for reinvestmentFunds must settle and may need 1-2 days to be available for reinvestmentTie
Trading and LiquidityDaily trading during Market HoursDaily trading during Market HoursTie
Performance26.25% in 202329.90% in 2023VOOG
Dividend Yield1.43% in 20231.09% in 2023VOO

SPY vs VOO: Which is better?

Diversification – VOO

VOO and VOOG have the same baseline index tracking, which is the S&P 500, but VOOG only takes a subset of the S&P 500.

VOOG tracks the performance of the growth stocks within the S&P 500. As a result, VOOG has fewer holdings, and although it invests in some of the same companies, it does so in different proportions.

VOO vs VOOG: Should you invest in S&P 500 or S&P 500 Growth? - Physician on FIRE (4)

Below is the portfolio breakdown by sector for both VOO and VOOG.

Keep in mind that the exact portfolio composition will change as the ETFs are reconstituted quarterly.

Information Technology28.90%46.80%
Health Care12.60%7.10%
Consumer Discretionary10.90%15.40%
Communication Services8.60%12.10%
Consumer Staples6.20%2.80%
Real Estate2.50%0.80%

From the table above, you can see that VOO and VOOG have different portfolio compositions.

VOO’s portfolio composition reflects the entire US market, while VOOG’s reflects the US growth market. VOOG heavily invests in information technology, with 46.80% of the portfolio, whereas VOO only holds 28.90%.

Another key difference is that VOOGs’ other largest sectors are communication services and consumer discretionary, while VOOs are healthcare and financials.

Overall, VOO is more evenly diversified within the market, with only the top three sectors accounting for 54.40% of the portfolio, whereas VOOGs top three sectors account for 74% of the portfolio.

Likewise, we can look at each fund’s top 10 holdings to see how they differ.

Apple Inc.7.00%13.16%
Microsoft Corp.6.96%13.07%
Amazon.com Inc.3.44%6.46%
NVIDIA Corp.3.04%5.72%
Alphabet Inc. Class A2.06%3.87%
Facebook Inc. Class A1.96%3.67%
Alphabet Inc. Class C1.75%3.28%
Testa Inc.1.71%3.21%
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B1.61%
JPMorgan Chase & Co.1.22%
Broadcom Inc.2.20%
Eli Lilly & Co.2.17%

The table above shows that both VOO and VOOG hold 8 of the same companies in their top 10 holdings. The key distinction is that VOOG holds each of the top 10 holdings in much higher concentrations than VOO.

VOO’s top 10 holdings account for 30.75%, while VOOG’s top 10 holdings account for 56.81%. VOOG is more heavily concentrated in the top 10 holdings, with approximately 43% invested in the remaining 216 holdings.

Overall, VOO is more diversified than VOOG. The sector and holding distributions are more even compared to VOOG. VOOG is more concentrated so returns will be more heavily influenced by specific companies in the top 10 holdings.

Minimum Investment – Tie

Both VOO and VOOG require a minimum investment of $1.00. Since these are both ETFs, they can be traded on fractional shares, allowing for even the smallest investment. For most Vanguard ETFs, minimum investments are $1.00 and have minimum fees, making it easy to invest in either VOO or VOOG.

Expense Ratio – VOO

VOO has an advantage in expense ratio, with an expense ratio of 0.03%. In contrast, VOOG has an expense ratio of 0.10%, which is more than triple VOO’s cost.

While VOO has the advantage in terms of lower expense ratios, both ETFs have relatively low expense ratios relative to the industry average, which is an expense ratio of 0.25%.

Trading and Liquidity – Tie

Since they are both ETFs, VOO and VOOG have the same trading and liquidity characteristics.

Investors can buy and sell ETFs throughout the day at any time during market hours. This is not the case with mutual funds, which are only traded at the end of the day based on Net Asset Value (NAV).

ETFs’ trading flexibility doesn’t come without drawbacks, though—they typically trade at prices slightly different from their NAV. This difference is called a bid-ask spread.

ETFs offer an advantage to investors who trade daily or change positions frequently. Since they can trade throughout the day, whereas mutual funds, you have to wait until the day is closed.

Tax Efficiency – Slight edge to VOOG

When comparing two different investment options, it’s essential to consider the tax implications and not only the returns they generate. The tax implications of an investment can have a significant impact on which investment generates higher after-tax returns.

Generally, ETFs will have a slight edge from a tax efficiency perspective. ETFs tend to distribute comparatively fewer capital gains to shareholders – these same gains are simply more challenging to manage efficiently from a mutual fund.

Since both VOO and VOOG are ETFs, they offer the same tax advantages and efficiencies. However, we can take a look at the tax burden on the returns to see if there is a marginal difference in tax efficiency.

Returns Before Taxes26.33%29.98%15.66%16.13%12.00%13.22%
Returns afer Taxes25.85%29.60%15.20%15.85%11.51%12.89%
Tax Burden0.48%0.38%0.46%0.28%0.49%0.33%

The table above shows that VOO has a higher tax burden than VOOG in both short-term and long-term investment periods.

Tax Loss Harvesting – Tie

As ETFs, both VOOG and VOO have the same rules and regulations.

Tax-loss harvesting is a strategy that involves selling investments at a loss to offset gains (and up to $3,000 in ordinary income). Tax-loss harvesting only matters in taxable investment accounts since you aren’t taxed on capital gains in tax-deferred accounts.

While this strategy can be implemented using any type of investment (stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, or other property), mutual funds have an advantage because of how they are traded.

When you sell an ETF, you’ll have to wait for the funds to settle before reinvesting the proceeds. This is commonly called T+2, and it may take one or two days before you have access to the funds.

If you prefer the tax-loss harvesting rules of a mutual fund, opting for a similar S&P-indexed mutual fund might be a better option. VOO offers a mutual fund alternative, VFIAX, with a minimum investment of $3,000.

Performance & Dividends – VOOG

The performance of an investment option is often one of the most critical aspects investors consider. While VOO and VOOG have similar investment approaches, they produce different performance results.

The table below shows the total annual returns between VOO and VOOG.

Total Return by NAV

As the table above shows, VOOG outperformed VOO in 7 out of the last 10 years. In those years, VOOG outperformed VOO by 5.22%. Likewise, VOO outperformed VOOG by an average annual return of 5.65%.

Overall, VOOG has generated higher annual returns more consistently than VOO, giving it the edge annually.

Cumulative Return by NAV

The table above shows the cumulative annual returns at different time periods. Overall, VOOG generated higher returns over the long 5-year and 10-year periods. But VOO outperformed in the 3-year span.

Overall, based on performance, VOOG outperforms VOO annually and has higher returns over the long term.

However, although VOOG has an advantage in annual returns, it also has a clear advantage in dividend yield. VOO has outperformed VOOG by an average of 0.60% in the last ten years.


VOO vs VOOG: Where Should You Invest?

VOO and VOOG are both ETFs offered by Vanguard that use the S&P 500 as the baseline index, but VOOG uses a subset of the S&P 500, which includes only growth stocks. To determine which you should invest in, you must identify which features of the fund you prioritize or prefer.

Regarding risk, VOOG is generally considered riskier since you are investing in growth companies with higher volatility. However, these growth companies are in the S&P 500, eliminating some risk levels.

Another key difference is expenses; VOO has a significantly lower expense ratio and is more diversified than VOOG. VOOG is more concentrated in the top 10 holdings and has an expense ratio over 3 times the cost.

Finally, regarding performance, VOOG has a clear advantage in both annual and long-term returns. Overall, VOOG outperformed in 7 of the last ten years and in both 5-year and 10-year periods. But, if you prioritize dividends and dividend yield, VOO has outperformed VOOG in 7 of the last ten years.

Some key similarities between the two include its tax efficiency, trading, tax-loss harvesting rules, and minimum investment. Both Vanguard ETFs are identical in these areas.

Overall, if you want to generate the highest returns and don’t mind taking on additional risk and expense, the VOOG is the better option. If you are looking for a more secure investment offering higher dividends, lower expenses, and less risk / higher diversification, VOO is the better option.

VOO vs VOOG: Should you invest in S&P 500 or S&P 500 Growth? - Physician on FIRE (6)

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VOO vs VOOG: Should you invest in S&P 500 or S&P 500 Growth? - Physician on FIRE (2024)


VOO vs VOOG: Should you invest in S&P 500 or S&P 500 Growth? - Physician on FIRE? ›

Performance & Dividends – VOOG

Should I buy VOO or VOOG? ›

VOO has a lower expense ratio than VOOG by 0.07%. This can indicate that it's cheaper to invest in VOO than VOOG. VOO targets investing in US Equities, while VOOG targets investing in US Equities. VOO is managed by Vanguard, while VOOG is managed by Vanguard.

Which is better, S&P 500 or VOO? ›

Vanguard S&P offers a lower expense ratio (0.035%) than SPY (0.095%), which means lower costs for investors and potentially higher net returns over the long term. VOO might be the more economical choice for cost-conscious investors, especially those investing large sums or planning for long-term goals like retirement.

Should I invest in ETF or S&P 500? ›

A well-diversified ETF such as one based on the S&P 500 can beat most investors over time, making it easy for regular investors to do well in the market. ETFs tend to be less volatile than individual stocks, meaning your investment won't swing in value as much.

Is VOO a good long-term investment? ›

The Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO 0.08%) is one of the best ways to invest in the S&P 500, which has been a pretty smart strategy over the long term. Since 1965, the S&P 500 has produced a total return of 10.2% annualized. The Vanguard ETF has an expense ratio of just 0.03%, so you get to keep most of your gains.

Is VOOG a buy right now? ›

VOOG has a consensus rating of Strong Buy which is based on 193 buy ratings, 36 hold ratings and 1 sell ratings.

How often does VOOG pay dividends? ›

VOOG Dividend Information

VOOG has a dividend yield of 0.84% and paid $2.66 per share in the past year. The dividend is paid every three months and the last ex-dividend date was Mar 22, 2024.

What if I invested $1000 in S&P 500 10 years ago? ›

Over the past decade, you would have done even better, as the S&P 500 posted an average annual return of a whopping 12.68%. Here's how much your account balance would be now if you were invested over the past 10 years: $1,000 would grow to $3,300. $5,000 would grow to $16,498.

Why not just invest in the S&P 500? ›

The S&P 500 is all US-domiciled companies that over the last ~40 years have accounted for ~50% of all global stocks. By just owning the S&P 500 you miss out on almost half of the global opportunity set which is another ~10,000 public companies.

Should I invest in growth or value ETFs? ›

The choice to focus on either value ETFs or growth ETFs comes down to personal risk tolerance. Growth ETFs may have higher long-term returns but come with more risk. Value ETFs are more conservative; they may perform better in volatile markets but can come with less potential for growth.

Is VOO good in 2024? ›

With an expense ratio of 0.03%, it's not hard to understand why VOO has more than $1 trillion in assets under management (AUM). While VOO is up 11.1% in 2024, I believe it's going to continue to increase throughout the rest of the year.

What is the 5 year forecast for VOO? ›

Based on our forecasts, a long-term increase is expected, the "VOO" fund price prognosis for 2028-03-01 is 551.296 USD. With a 5-year investment, the revenue is expected to be around +53.15%. Your current $100 investment may be up to $153.15 in 2028. Get our PREMIUM Forecast Now, from ONLY $7.49!

Why is VOO so popular? ›

Vanguard is currently the world's largest provider of index funds and they're known for their very low fund fees. Indeed, VOO's expense ratio is just 0.03%. In other words, your annual fee on a $10,000 investment in VOO is only $3!

What is Vanguard's best performing ETF? ›

Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM)

The better Vanguard ETF for their needs is likely VYM, which delivers a higher 2.9% 30-day SEC yield by targeting the FTSE High Dividend Yield Index. It also charges the same expense ratio as VIG does, at 0.06%.

Which is better, VOO or Vong? ›

VOO - Performance Comparison. In the year-to-date period, VONG achieves a 14.35% return, which is significantly higher than VOO's 11.79% return. Over the past 10 years, VONG has outperformed VOO with an annualized return of 15.93%, while VOO has yielded a comparatively lower 12.80% annualized return.

What is the best ETF for S&P 500? ›

What's the best S&P 500 ETF?
ETFTickerAnnualized 5-year return
iShares Core S&P 500 ETFIVV15.01%
SPDR S&P 500 ETF TrustSPY14.14%
Vanguard S&P 500 ETFVOO13.15%
May 1, 2024

Which is better, VOOG or Qqq? ›

Average Return

In the past year, QQQ returned a total of 31.54%, which is slightly lower than VOOG's 32.79% return. Over the past 10 years, QQQ has had annualized average returns of 18.46% , compared to 14.47% for VOOG. These numbers are adjusted for stock splits and include dividends.


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