How To Transfer Fidelity 401K To Vanguard (2024)

Are you considering transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, but not sure where to start? In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process step by step.

What is a Fidelity 401k and Vanguard? A Fidelity 401k is a retirement savings plan offered by Fidelity Investments, while Vanguard is a company that offers a variety of investment products, including retirement accounts.

Why transfer to Vanguard? There are several reasons why you might want to transfer your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, such as lower fees, better investment options, or a more user-friendly platform.

Important factors to consider before transferring Before making the decision to transfer, it’s important to consider factors such as any fees or penalties associated with the transfer, the investment options offered by Vanguard, and your long-term retirement goals.

What happens to your Fidelity 401k after the transfer? Once the transfer is complete, your Fidelity 401k will become a Vanguard retirement account, and you will have access to Vanguard’s investment options and services.

Tax implications It’s important to note that transferring your retirement account may have tax implications, so it’s best to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional before making the switch.

In conclusion Transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard can be a beneficial move for your retirement savings, but it’s important to carefully consider all factors and consult with a professional before making the decision. We hope this guide has provided you with the information you need to make an informed choice for your financial future.

What Is a Fidelity 401k?

A Fidelity 401k is a retirement account provided by Fidelity Investments that allows individuals to save for retirement with tax advantages.

One of the key features of a Fidelity 401k is its wide range of investment options. This gives account holders the flexibility to choose from various stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more to build a diversified portfolio.

Having this variety allows individuals to tailor their investment strategy based on their risk tolerance and financial goals. Additionally, contributing to a Fidelity 401k can provide tax benefits, such as tax-deferred growth on investments and potential tax deductions on contributions, helping individuals maximize their savings for retirement.

Furthermore, Fidelity offers exceptional customer service support to assist account holders with any inquiries or guidance needed to manage their 401k effectively.

What Is Vanguard?

Vanguard is a renowned investment company known for its low-cost index funds and client-owned structure, offering a range of financial products and services.

Founded in 1975 by Jack Bogle, Vanguard has grown to become one of the largest investment firms globally. With a customer-focused approach, Vanguard aims to provide individuals with diversified fund options to meet their long-term financial goals.

The company’s investment philosophy revolves around the principles of low-cost investing and long-term wealth building. Vanguard’s suite of financial planning tools empowers clients to make informed decisions about their investments and financial future, aligning with the company’s mission of helping people achieve financial success.

Why Transfer Your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard?

Transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard can offer benefits such as lower fees, diverse investment options, and access to Vanguard’s renowned customer service.

When comparing fees, Vanguard is known for its low expense ratios on index funds, ensuring that more of your funds are actively invested.

Vanguard provides a wide range of investment opportunities, including low-cost mutual funds and ETFs, allowing you to build a well-diversified portfolio.

Customer satisfaction at Vanguard is also highly regarded, with responsive support and educational resources to assist you in managing your retirement savings effectively.

Making the switch can potentially streamline your investment management and improve your retirement planning experience.

Steps to Transfer Fidelity 401k to Vanguard

Transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard involves several key steps, including gathering necessary information, opening a Vanguard account, initiating the transfer, and waiting for the process to complete.

First, you will need to gather all the details of your Fidelity 401k account, such as account number, balance, and account owner information. Next, open a new Vanguard account if you do not already have one by visiting their official website or contacting a Vanguard representative.

Once your Vanguard account is set up, download the transfer form from Vanguard’s website or request it from customer service. Fill out the form carefully, providing accurate details to ensure a smooth transfer process. Make sure to include your Fidelity account information, transfer amount, and any specific instructions. Ensure the form is signed and dated as required.

After completing the form, submit it to Vanguard either online or by mail. Before initiating the transfer, consider the tax implications. Depending on your situation, you may choose between a direct transfer or a rollover.

A direct transfer is tax-free and involves transferring funds directly from Fidelity to Vanguard without the money passing through your hands. On the other hand, a rollover requires you to take possession of the funds temporarily before moving them to the new account, which could have tax consequences if not done properly. If you opt for a rollover, ensure you complete the transfer within 60 days to avoid penalties.

Once the transfer is initiated, monitor the process closely through your Vanguard account or by contacting their customer service if needed. Once the funds have successfully transferred to your Vanguard account, review your new investment options and financial goals to make informed decisions on how to manage your retirement savings effectively.

Step 1: Gather Necessary Information

Before initiating the transfer, it’s important to gather essential information. This includes your Fidelity 401k account number, account balance, beneficiary details, and any necessary authorization forms.

To begin the transfer process smoothly, make sure you have your account statements readily available. This will allow you to verify the accuracy of your account number and balance.

Next, confirm the contact information for your designated beneficiary. This should include their full name, address, and Social Security number. It’s crucial to understand the specific beneficiary designation requirements outlined by your financial institution to prevent any delays in the transfer.

Be sure to review the authorization forms carefully. This will ensure that all fields are accurately completed and signed, authorizing the transfer to go through successfully.

Step 2: Open a Vanguard Account

To transfer your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, start by opening a new Vanguard retirement account online through their secure platform by following the provided instructions and completing the necessary forms.

When you access the Vanguard website, you will be guided through a step-by-step process to set up your account. The platform prioritizes security, requiring you to create a strong password and enabling two-factor authentication for added protection.

During the account setup, you will need to provide personal information such as your name, address, social security number, and employment details. As part of the security measures, Vanguard may also ask for additional verification to ensure the safety of your account. Once you have filled out the required forms, you can review and submit them electronically for processing.

Step 3: Initiate the Transfer

Initiate the transfer process by following Vanguard’s specified steps to move your Fidelity 401k funds, track the transaction timeline, and ensure completion and verification of the transfer.

Once you have initiated the transfer, Vanguard provides a clear timeline for the transaction process. This typically takes between 7-10 business days for completion.

During this period, you can monitor the progress through your Vanguard account dashboard. Updates on the transfer status will be regularly posted.

Once the transfer is finalized, Vanguard will issue a confirmation email to notify you of the successful completion.

To ensure security and accuracy, Vanguard may also conduct verification procedures. This could include confirming your identity or contacting you for additional information. These measures are in place to ensure that the transfer is seamless and secure.

Step 4: Wait for the Transfer to Complete

After initiating the transfer, allow for the necessary processing time for the funds to move from your Fidelity 401k to your new Vanguard account. This ensures a successful completion with accurate account details.

During this waiting period, it is crucial to double-check all account information to avoid any delays or errors in the transfer process. Make sure that the account numbers, names, and other details match exactly between the two accounts to facilitate a smooth transition.

An important indicator of a successful transfer is the confirmation from both Fidelity and Vanguard that the transaction has been processed.

Once the transfer is complete, it is advisable to verify the account balances in both accounts to ensure the accurate movement of funds.

Things to Consider Before Transferring Your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard

Before transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, evaluate factors such as fees, investment choices, and potential impact on company match contributions.

Fees are a crucial factor to consider when moving your retirement account. Vanguard may offer lower fees compared to Fidelity, which can impact your investment returns over time.

Assess the investment options available at both institutions. Vanguard is known for its wide range of low-cost index funds, providing diversification and potential for growth.

When switching accounts, take note of how it could affect any employer match you currently receive. Moving your 401k to Vanguard may alter the match structure, so ensure you understand the implications before making a decision.

Fees and Expenses

Compare the fees and expenses associated with your Fidelity 401k and Vanguard accounts before transferring to ensure you understand the cost implications of the transition.

When considering the fees of these investment platforms, it’s crucial to look at various aspects such as transfer costs, expense ratios, and management fees.

Transfer costs may vary between Fidelity and Vanguard, affecting the overall amount you will have to pay during the transition process. Compare the expense ratios of the funds offered by both companies as this directly impacts your investment returns.

Understanding the management fees charged by each platform is essential to assess the total cost of maintaining your account over time. By carefully evaluating these fee components, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals.

Investment Options

Explore the investment options offered by both Fidelity 401k and Vanguard to assess diversification opportunities, asset allocation strategies, and long-term financial goals.

In Fidelity accounts, investors can choose from a wide range of mutual funds, including index funds, actively managed funds, and target-date funds, allowing for effective diversification across different asset classes.

Fidelity provides robust tools to help investors allocate their assets optimally based on their risk tolerance and investment horizon.

On the other hand, Vanguard offers a similar array of investment choices, with a focus on low-cost index funds and ETFs.

By leveraging Vanguard’s asset allocation tools, investors can build a well-balanced portfolio that aligns with their financial objectives and risk preferences.

Company Match

To maximize retirement savings through employer contributions and contribution limit awareness, it’s important to consider the company match policies of both Fidelity 401k and Vanguard.

By comparing the company match programs of different investment providers like Fidelity 401k and Vanguard, you can gain valuable insights into the amount of employer contribution matching you can benefit from. This can help you make informed decisions about your retirement savings.

It’s also crucial to understand the contribution limits set by these retirement plans. This knowledge can help you strategically plan your contributions to take full advantage of the matching benefits offered. By being proactive and aware of the employer match policies, you can significantly boost your retirement savings over time, setting yourself up for a more financially secure future.

What Happens to Your Fidelity 401k After the Transfer?

After transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, the funds are typically rolled over into a new Vanguard IRA account, where you can manage asset allocation and investment strategies.

This post-transfer process allows you the flexibility to choose from a range of investment options within Vanguard, including mutual funds, ETFs, and individual securities.

Once your funds are in the Vanguard IRA, you can work with financial advisors or utilize Vanguard’s online tools to tailor your asset allocation to suit your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Vanguard offers various investment management services, from self-directed options for hands-on investors to fully managed accounts for those looking for professional guidance.

Can You Transfer Other Retirement Accounts to Vanguard?

In addition to a Fidelity 401k, you can transfer other retirement accounts to Vanguard through rollovers or direct transfers, expanding your investment options and consolidating accounts.

One popular way to transfer retirement funds to Vanguard is through a direct rollover. This process involves moving funds directly from your existing retirement account to a new Vanguard IRA without incurring taxes or penalties.

Vanguard offers a variety of IRA options such as Traditional, Roth, and SEP IRAs, each with its own tax advantages. Consolidating multiple retirement accounts with Vanguard can simplify your financial management, offering a centralized view of your retirement savings and potentially reducing fees associated with maintaining multiple accounts.

Is There a Time Limit for Transferring Your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard?

While there isn’t a strict time limit for transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, it’s advisable to initiate the process promptly to ensure a smooth rollover and transfer completion.

Transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard without any delay is crucial as it allows ample time for any unexpected hurdles that may arise during the process. Taking proactive steps now can help avoid last-minute stress and potential complications that could delay the transfer.

By acting promptly, you can also take advantage of the current market conditions and ensure that your funds are moved efficiently. Keep in mind that timely action not only streamlines the transfer process but also safeguards your retirement savings for uninterrupted growth.

Are There Any Tax Implications for Transferring Your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard?

Transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard may have tax implications depending on the transfer method, with direct rollovers avoiding taxable events compared to indirect rollovers.

Direct rollovers involve moving funds directly from one retirement account to another, typically without withholding taxes. This transfer method is preferable as it does not trigger any current taxation.

On the other hand, indirect rollovers entail receiving the funds yourself and then moving them to the new account within a 60-day window. Indirect rollovers may trigger withholding taxes and potential penalties if not completed correctly.

When transferring an IRA to Vanguard, ensure it is a trustee-to-trustee transfer to avoid potential tax consequences, and consult with a tax professional for personalized advice.

Final Thoughts on Transferring Your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard

Transferring your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard can offer benefits like lower fees and diverse investment options. However, it’s important to consider potential disadvantages and the quality of customer service support.

Lower fees at Vanguard can help maximize your investment growth compared to Fidelity. Additionally, the range of investment options at Vanguard allows for greater diversification in your portfolio, reducing risk.

Before making the transfer, it’s vital to evaluate the customer service support provided by Vanguard to ensure efficient assistance in managing your retirement savings.

Keep in mind that while Vanguard may offer competitive advantages, there could be drawbacks such as account transfer fees or potential tax implications that need to be carefully considered.

How To Transfer Fidelity 401K To Vanguard (2024)


How To Transfer Fidelity 401K To Vanguard? ›

To transfer your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, start by opening a new Vanguard retirement account online through their secure platform by following the provided instructions and completing the necessary forms. When you access the Vanguard website, you will be guided through a step-by-step process to set up your account.

How do I move my 401k from Fidelity to Vanguard? ›

To transfer your Fidelity 401k to Vanguard, start by opening a new Vanguard retirement account online through their secure platform by following the provided instructions and completing the necessary forms. When you access the Vanguard website, you will be guided through a step-by-step process to set up your account.

Can I transfer from Fidelity to Vanguard? ›

Transferring cash from your Fidelity account to Vanguard involves simple electronic transactions, allowing for quick and efficient movement of funds between the two financial institutions. When initiating a cash transfer, you can typically select an electronic transfer option on your Fidelity account's online platform.

How do I transfer my Fidelity 401k to another company? ›

What Are the Steps to Transfer Your Fidelity 401(k) to a New Employer?
  1. Step 1: Check if Your New Employer's Plan Accepts Rollovers. ...
  2. Step 2: Gather Information About Your Fidelity 401(k) Plan. ...
  3. Step 3: Decide on the Type of Transfer You Want to Make. ...
  4. Step 4: Contact Your New Employer's Plan Administrator.

How to transfer money from Fidelity 401k? ›

How Can You Transfer Money from a 401(k) to a Bank Account?
  1. Step 1: Understand Your 401(k) Plan's Rules and Regulations. ...
  2. Step 2: Check If Your Plan Allows for In-Service Withdrawals. ...
  3. Step 3: Determine the Amount You Want to Transfer. ...
  4. Step 4: Contact Your 401(k) Plan Administrator.

How do I transfer my 401k to another brokerage? ›

Just take the following five steps:
  1. Choose a good brokerage to hold your account. ...
  2. Ask the brokerage and your 401(k) administrator about the transfer process. ...
  3. Complete the required paperwork. ...
  4. Get your money into your new IRA ASAP. ...
  5. Invest your newly deposited funds.
Nov 13, 2023

How do I withdraw my 401k from Fidelity after leaving my job? ›

To withdraw funds from your 401k, you typically need to submit a request to Fidelity, providing details about the amount you wish to withdraw and your preferred method of payment.

Which is better, Fidelity or Vanguard? ›

While Fidelity wins out overall, Vanguard is the best option for retirement savers. Its platform offers tools and education focused specifically on retirement planning.

Does Vanguard accept transfers? ›

Vanguard accepts transfers from most IRAs, individual and joint nonretirement accounts, trusts, and custodial accounts (such as UGMA/UTMAs).

Does Fidelity charge transfer fees? ›

Fidelity doesn't charge a fee for sending or receiving EFTs, but the receiving bank may charge a fee. Fidelity also doesn't charge fees to process wire transfers to a bank or other recipient.

How do I transfer my 401k from one company to the next? ›

How to Roll Over Your 401(k)
  1. Contact the plan administrator to arrange the rollover. ...
  2. Complete any forms required by your employer for the rollover.
  3. Request that your former plan administrator sends the funds via electronic transfer or a check so you can move the funds directly to the new plan administrator.
Jan 24, 2023

What is the penalty for withdrawing from Fidelity 401k? ›

If you are under age 59½, your earnings may be subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty. If you are over age 59½, you may withdraw before-tax funds (excluding your TVA matching funds) from the 401(k) Plan. You will not pay an early withdrawal penalty; however, your distribution will be taxed as ordinary income.

Can I transfer out of Fidelity? ›

Move money into or out of your Fidelity account with ease, and in most cases, no cost. To start, choose how you want to move your money, and we will help you decide the right money transfer for you.

How do I transfer my 401k from Fidelity to Vanguard? ›

What Are the Steps to Rollover Your 401k from Fidelity to Vanguard?
  1. Step 1: Understand Your Fidelity 401k Plan. ...
  2. Step 2: Research Vanguard 401k Options. ...
  3. Step 3: Contact Vanguard to Start the Rollover Process. ...
  4. Step 4: Fill Out the Necessary Forms. ...
  5. Step 5: Choose Your Investment Options. ...
  6. Fees and Expenses. ...
  7. Investment Options.

How do I avoid 20% tax on my 401k withdrawal? ›

Deferring Social Security payments, rolling over old 401(k)s, setting up IRAs to avoid the mandatory 20% federal income tax, and keeping your capital gains taxes low are among the best strategies for reducing taxes on your 401(k) withdrawal.

How do I cash my Fidelity 401k? ›

Fidelity offers various options for transferring your funds, such as direct deposit into a bank account or sending a check via mail. After choosing the transfer method, you need to submit a withdrawal request through your Fidelity account either online or by contacting customer service.

How do I roll over my 401k to another company? ›

This is called a direct 401(k) rollover, and it frees you from having to worry about tax consequences or early withdrawal penalties. Speak with your new plan provider about getting an account number, then provide the information to your current 401(k) administrator. They'll take care of the rest.

What are the disadvantages of rolling over a 401k to an IRA? ›

Any Traditional 401(k) assets that are rolled into a Roth IRA are subject to taxes at the time of conversion. You may pay annual fees or other fees for maintaining your Roth IRA at some companies, or you may face higher investing fees, pricing, and expenses than you did with your 401(k).

How to choose between Vanguard and Fidelity? ›

Fidelity and Vanguard both offer robo-advisor services, educational tools and mobile apps to help you better manage your money. However, for those who want to actively trade, Fidelity offers Active Trader Pro. This service helps investors stream data and customize charting. Vanguard doesn't have a similar service.

How do I change my 401k on Fidelity? ›

How to Change Your 401k Contribution for Fidelity
  1. Step 1: Log into Your Fidelity Account. ...
  2. Step 2: Navigate to the 401k Contribution Settings. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose the Type of Change You Want to Make. ...
  4. Step 4: Enter the New Contribution Amount. ...
  5. Step 5: Confirm the Change.


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