What It Means If You Have The Rare 'Grand Cross' In Your Natal Chart (2024)

The Grand Cross, or Grand Square, is one of the rarest natal chart aspects in astrology.

A Grand Cross happens when there are four personal planets separated by 90 degrees on the birth chart, forming a square shape and cross in the birth chart. Each of the four elements of astrology is represented in this crosswith all signs sharing the same modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). These planets will either be in the Angular, Cadent, or Succedent Houses.


Effects of the Grand Cross in astrology

When a Grand Cross is in a natal chart, the energy is conflicting because it is represented by the tense and oppositional square aspect. Whiletrines and sextiles bring positive or more focused energy, squaresandoppositions between two or more planets can create a difficult time for the native.

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Thisis why the Grand Cross can bringchallenging energy since it can cause a lot of frustration when trying to accomplish things.

People that experience this in their charts need to learn more patience and perseverance because getting what they want may seem tougher for them at first.However, with a lot of hard work and planning, they can overcome and become successful.

3 types of Grand Crosses

1. Cardinal Cross

The Cardinal Cross, the most powerful and challenging Grand Crosses, is created when the planets are in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

The native with a Cardinal Grand Cross can start something and complete it. They have a strong sense of dedication and their work ethic is unmatched. Because they are aware that it takes patience to get things done, they will be used to focusing and crafting plans to allow them to get to where they desire.


Those with this placement are unstoppable and will be fiercely dedicated to accomplishing what they set their mind to, especially if they have multiple planets in these signs.

Aries impulsively likes to start a task and the patience of Capricorn will allow them to see it through to fruition. Libra can set the tone for their vision and Cancer can provide them with a solid foundation.

The native with a Cardinal Cross sees their limits but is not afraid of stopping or slowing down. They do not leap because they are tied down by Saturn’s discipline and the Moon’s patient observing nature. While they do have the fighting spirit of Aries, the Libra energy can allow them to bring about peace when it is needed.

As long as they understand the value of going slow and focusing on one task at a time, they can accomplish many things with determination and passion.


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2. Fixed Cross

The Fixed Cross represents the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius squaring or opposing one another. Fixed in nature, this is one of the most stubborn aspects.

Getting those with this aspectto change their mind is not easy, so a challenge for those with a FixedCross in the birth chart is that they will be hard to appease. They need to learn to be more adaptable and incorporate the meaning of being “flexible” into their day-to-day lives.

Taurus and Scorpio can be very connected to their roots and the past, so if a recurring pattern appears in the present, they can have a hard time moving forward and closing those old chapters.


Leo and Aquarius, on the other hand, can be more present and future-oriented. Although theyhave many similarities to Scorpio and Taurus, they will be more willing to break away from the grip of the past if it allows them to flourish.

While those with this placementmight find it challenging to disconnect from the past, they will still be open to seeing what lies ahead. Evolving and moving on from the past will free them enough to focus on a healthier future. Forgiveness, healing, and letting go will allow them to embrace Leo's vibrant energy and Aquarius’ rebelliousness.

3. Mutable Cross

The Mutable Cross is fueled by the Mutable Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces zodiac signs.

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With all of thisMutable energy, they can feel like they are being pulled in too many directions. However, like everyone with a Grand Cross, they have to learn to channel their energy into becoming efficient and practicing patience.


Those with a Mutable Cross can be visionaries and are filled with wonderful ideas but they might not be motivated to pursue them if they have too many Pisces placements in their chart. The pioneering spirit of Sagittarius and the curiosity of Gemini will get them aligned with what they want. Pisces brings a dreamer-type quality but with Virgo in the mix, they can anchor their imagination and make those visions into a reality. Once they complete their work they will receive fruitful blessings.

Finding a centered and focused energy can be challenging for the Mutable Cross native. Once they learnto trust the process and not criticize themselves, they will be able to have the confident side of a Sagittarius and have more faith in themselves like Pisces. Balancing the curiosity of the Gemini with the discipline of Virgo can help the native be successful in whatever they envision.


A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims tocontinue writing more about stargazingin the future.


What It Means If You Have The Rare 'Grand Cross' In Your Natal Chart (2024)


What does it mean to have a Grand Cross in your natal chart? ›

Given that square and opposition aspects being tense aspects already, when they appear in a Grand Cross configuration, you can expect extreme tension. And while the Grand Cross aspect is rare, when it appears in a natal chart, it's a sign someone may experience more challenges than others.

Is a Grand Cross good or bad? ›

Grand crosses, or grand squares, are powerful, auspicious patterns in astrology charts. While they can manifest themselves as conflicts in your life, with the right balance, they can give you strength, energy, and flexibility.

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The Grand Cross in astrology is one of the rarest natal chart aspects. Find out the three different types and what they mean for those born under it.

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Conjunctions are a major aspect in a horoscope chart. They are said to be the most powerful aspects, because they mutually intensify the effects of the involved planets. Depending on the involved planets, a Conjunction may be beneficial or detrimental.

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A lucky natal chart is one with lots of easy aspects such as sextiles and trines that are balanced by a few more challenging aspects such as squares, oppositions and conjunctions.

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Birth Charts of People with a Grand Cross
  • Alicia Vikander. October 3, 1988.
  • Emmy Rossum. September 12, 1986.
  • Danielle Panabaker. September 19, 1987.
  • Brie Larson. October 1, 1989 at 6:41 PM.
  • Melissa Benoist. October 4, 1988.
  • Alfie Allen. September 11, 1986.
  • Hilary Duff. September 28, 1987 at 3:56 PM.
  • Famke Janssen. November 5, 1964.

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An example of a Grand Cross would be with Saturn at 15° Virgo, Uranus at 15° Sagittarius, Neptune at 15° Gemini and Pluto at 15° Pisces. This is a mutable Grand Cross, which is said to be especially difficult with respect to the problem of maintaining focus in communication.

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An alternate perspective is that a yod is an aspect that indicates some kind of dramatic event, or 'finger of fate'; Yods represent extraordinary powers available for good or ill; it is largely a matter of how the individual uses the energy, and whether the planets forming the crucial aspects are in any way harmonious.

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He is an offensive support who recovers/heals allies and petrifies enemies. As a hero you can get for free by clearing Chapter 3, Blue King is a solid priority to build on the early phase of progression. He can help get you through roadblocks in the early chapter story mode and sub-quests.

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Aquarius is the rarest zodiac sign out there.

According to a recent study published by the CDC, fewer and fewer people have given birth throughout January or February.

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If you're wondering what the rarest zodiac signs are and why, we've got the answers for you. Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are typically considered the least common signs for a number of reasons. Many websites report that December, January, and February are the three least common birth months.

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Aquarius is the rarest of them all. Water-bearer babies tend to be few and far between because February is the least common birth month, according to the CDC. Additionally, the overlap period between January and February is the shortest astrologically, says Ash.

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Check your birth chart and see which planet is in your 2nd house. If it's Jupiter, you're in luck. Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion and good fortune, and since the 2nd house represents finances and possessions, this placement suggests a natural knack for attracting wealth your way, says Wang.

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Because the angular houses are the most powerful places in the chart (Lilly says "Planets in angles do more forcibly show their effects"), succedent houses—which are less powerful than the angular but more powerful than the cadent houses—also have a quality of appertaining to the angular houses, much as a ...

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In astrology, Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. Jupiter governs long distance and foreign travel, big business and wealth, higher education, religion, and the law.

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A strong and well-aspected Jupiter in the birth chart can indicate opportunities for wealth and financial growth. A strong Jupiter in the birth chart, especially when well-aspected, can suggest opportunities for financial growth, abundance, and prosperity.

Is it rare to have a grand trine? ›

Natal grand trines are rare and considered advantageous for the native since they can bring the most inspiring and focused energy. These people can accomplish anything they set their minds to. When this special aspect happens in the natal chart, the native can channel the energy of the element with fluidity.

How to overcome a fixed Grand Cross? ›

It is essential for the individual to cultivate patience, resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset to navigate the challenges and harness the potentials and opportunities presented by the Fixed Grand Cross constructively and responsibly.


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