Top 5 tested marketing strategies for freight brokers | Rose Rocket (2024)

If you are a freight broker looking to increase your client base, then investing in online and offline marketing is crucial for lead generation and your brokerage’s long term success.

Freight costs have been increasingly more volatile in the past few years. Nowadays more companies looking to lock in their annual budget will turn to a freight broker who can take a temperature check of the freight market and share valuable information about rates, services, and solutions that are specific to their needs.

Promoting your expertise and quality customer service when it comes to importing and exporting goods across different countries (and deftly maneuvering across red tape), will help set your brokerage apart and have customers perceive you as a leader in international logistics and a trustworthy transportation partner.

Here are 5 ways you can market your brokerage and capture more qualified leads.

Be active on social media

Start social media accounts for your brokerage on platforms like Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram to find potential clients and referrals. Include in your profile bio a one-liner about your areas of specialty, locations you service, and if you have a particular niche e.g. oversized loads to reach your target audience.

This might take some trial and error if you are unsure of where your customers tend to hang out but once you find a channel that works for you, your following will start to grow. Social media is a great way to raise your online visibility, engage with other peers in your space, and talk about your latest wins and success stories to increase your credibility.

Tip: Accompany your captions with engaging visuals or short-form videos to capture their attention. Videos are a great way for potential customers to get to know you and your team on a more personal level.

Keep an eye on online reviews

When was the latest time you checked your online reviews? Potential customers will likely do a quick Google search to see what other people are saying about your brokerage before deciding to work with you. Don’t forget, online reviews can make or break your business so make sure to have someone be on top of customer feedback.

Create a group chat on your company’s communication platform with your team so you can stay on top of reviews as they come in. You can celebrate positive reviews as a team and address negative reviews quickly if you get hit with a one star review.

Respond to unhappy customers professionally and make them feel heard. You never know, following up with them and giving them extra attention and a clear resolution can encourage them to update their review to a more positive one and earn you major brownie points for your timely customer service.

Tip: Feature your best testimonials on the homepage of your website to show off your stellar reputation.

Invest in SEO for your website

SEO stands for search engine optimizations – which essentially means finding out what your target audience is looking for, and capitalizing on those words and topics. So to start, do some online research and figure out what your target audience is typing into Google when they are looking for a freight broker in their area. What concerns or questions may they have about working with a freight broker? How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors when it comes to rates and services?

Find a list of relevant keywords in your niche (you can do this using SEO research tools to see the monthly search volume and competition for each keyword) and begin to create content that connects with your audience’s pain points. Investing in SEO will make it easier for people to find your website on the internet and grow your organic traffic.

Tip: You can answer commonly asked questions in your FAQ page or blog, which allows you to capitalize on keywords. You can also include a lead generation form that allows you to create a strong prospect list for your sales team to follow up with.

Ask for referrals

Use your loyal clientele as a starting point for generating referrals. They can speak at length about your experience, professionalism, and pricing structure so prospects feel more at ease and excited about working with you.

Even if they don’t have any referrals in mind currently, just ask them to keep you top of mind. You never know when they might email you about someone’s friend’s uncle’s hairdresser’s second cousin who is interested in working with a freight broker.

Tip: Offer a small incentive for referrals whether it's a discount on their next order or more VIP perks so customers feel more motivated to promote your brokerage business.

Invest in offline marketing

Even though building a digital presence is key to marketing your brokerage, it’s crucial to also invest in offline marketing.

An easy way to get your name out there is through truck wraps. You can design and customize a trailer wrap with your branding, logo, and contact information (aka a moving billboard) to get more exposure out on the roads. Ask customers how they discovered your business to see if this form of offline marketing is bringing you qualified leads.

Tip: Add your website URL and social handles on your truck wrap as well so it's easier for potential customers to connect with you online.

The bottom line

Selling your services to carriers and manufacturers will feel easier once you start targeting your niche audience through the right channels. Discover where they like to spend their time whether it's through Linkedin, trade shows, and invest more time into creating a strong prospect list.

If you think a transportation management software could be the next step for your brokerage growth or want to learn more about how we can help your business, book a demo below with one of our Rose Rocket logistics experts – as the #1 Rated TMS, we’d be happy to help you learn more!

Top 5 tested marketing strategies for freight brokers  | Rose Rocket (2024)


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Start social media accounts for your brokerage on platforms like Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram to find potential clients and referrals. Include in your profile bio a one-liner about your areas of specialty, locations you service, and if you have a particular niche e.g. oversized loads to reach your target audience.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.