The Worst Retirement Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (2024)

To avoid the worst retirement mistakes, you have to be realistic about your plans and think ahead. Unfortunately, it's too easy to make the wrong financial moves when preparing for retirement. According to the Federal Reserve, 31% of non-retired adults believe their retirement savings are on track. However, none of the 69% who feel they are not on track likely set out to sabotage or not fund their retirement.

If you're part of the 69% of people not on track with your retirement, you can start (or continue) your journey by sidestepping these 11 financial mistakes.

Key Takeaways

  • If you think your retirement savings aren't on track, make changes while you are still working and create a financial plan.
  • Save as much as you can by contributing to IRAs or a 401(k)—if your employer offers a 401(k) match, take advantage of it.
  • Invest wisely and find a trusted financial advisor to help with investment choices and keep your portfolio balanced.
  • Keep taxes and penalties in mind if you are considering withdrawing money from your retirement accounts.
  • Plan for healthcare costs in retirement, pay off debt and delay Social Security until age 70 to help maximize your benefits.

1. Quitting Your Job

The average worker changes jobs about a dozen times during their career. Many do so without realizing they are leaving money on the table in the form of employer contributions to their 401(k) plan, profit-sharing, or stock options. It all has to do withvesting, which means that you don't have full ownership of the funds or stock that your employer "matches" until you have been employed for a set period (often five years).

Don't decide to leave without seeing what your vesting situation is, especially if you're close to the deadline. If you're nearing your vestment, you might consider whether leaving those funds on the table is worth the job change.

2. Not Saving Now

Thanks to compounding interest, every dollar you save now will continue growing until you retire.There is no better friend to compound interest than time—the longer your money accumulates, the better.

Work to cut back on expenses and prioritize your saving. Most experts suggest at least 10% to 15%of your total income should go into retirement savings over your working life.


If your company offers a 401(k), try to contribute as much as you can. Any contributions are made on a pre-tax basis, which reduces your taxable income in the year of your contribution. Also, the interest and earnings grow tax-free until you withdraw the funds in retirement, in which case, you'll pay income taxes on the distribution amount.

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), you can contribute a maximum of $23,000 per year in a 401(k) for 2024 (up from $22,500 in 2023). If you are 50 or older, you can make an additional catch-up contribution of $7,500 in 2024 (same as 2023).


If there is no 401(k), take out a traditional or Roth IRA, but realize that you will have to save more since you are not getting matchingfunds from your employer. You can contribute a maximum of $7,500 per year (in total) to a traditional or Roth IRA for 2024 (up from $7,000 in 2023). Individuals 50 and over can deposit a catch-up contribution of $1,000 for a total of $8,500 per year (up from $8,000 in 2023).

3. Not Having a Financial Plan

To avoid sabotaging your retirement and running out of money, create a plan that considers your expected lifespan. In this plan, include your planned retirement age, retirement location, general health, and the lifestyle you want to lead before deciding how much to set aside.

Update your plan regularly as your needs and lifestyle change. Seek the advice of a credentialed financial planner to ensure your plan makes sense for you.

4. Not Maxing out a Company Match

If your company offers a 401(k), sign up and maximize your contribution to take advantage of the employer match if available. The match is typically a percentage of your salary. For example, if you contribute 6% of your salary, your employer might match 3%.

If your company has a generous matching program, it's free money. The IRS has established a maximum for total contributions to an employee's retirement plan from both the employee and employer. In 2024, the total contribution cannot exceed $69,000—or $76,500 for those aged 50 and over with the $7,500 catch-up contribution. In 2023,the total contribution limit was $66,000 or $73,500, including catch-up contributions.

5. Investing Unwisely

Make intelligent investment decisions, whether it’s a company retirement plan or a traditional, Roth, or self-directed IRA. Some people prefer a self-directed IRA because it gives them more investment options. That’s not a bad decision,provided you don't risk your savings by investing in “hot tips” from unreliable sources, such as investing everything in bitcoin or other ultra-risky options.

For most people, self-directed investing involves a steep learning curve and the advice of a trusted financial advisor. Paying high fees for poorly performing, actively managedmutual funds is another unwise investing move.

And don't go that route unless you're prepared to truly direct that self-directed IRA by making sure your investment choices continue to be the right ones. For most people, better options include low-fee exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or index funds. Your 401(k)-plan sponsor is required to send you an annual disclosure outlining fees and the impact those fees have on your return. Be sure to read it because there might be policy or fee changes that can affect your investments.

6. Not Rebalancing Your Portfolio

You should rebalance your portfolio quarterly or annually to maintain the asset mix you want as market conditions change or as you approach retirement. The closer you are to your last day of work, the more you will likely want to scale back your exposure to equities while increasing the percentage of bonds in your portfolio.

7. Poor Tax Planning

If you believe your tax bracket will be higher in retirement than during your working years, it may make sense to invest ina Roth 401(k) or Roth IRA, asyou will pay taxes on the front end and all withdrawals will be tax-free. What's more, you won't pay taxes not just on your investments, but on all the money those investments have earned.

On the other hand, if you think your taxes will be lower in retirement, a traditional IRAor 401(k) is better since you avoid high taxes on the front end and pay them when you withdraw. Taking a loan from your regular 401(k) could result in double taxation on the borrowed funds since you must repay the loan with after-tax dollars and your withdrawals in retirement will also be taxed.

8. Cashing out Savings

If you cash out all or part of your retirement fund before age 59½, your plan sponsor will withhold 20% for penalties and taxes so that you won’t receive the full amount. You will lose future earnings since most people never catch back up.

Other issues to watch out for are as follows:

  • Leaving less than $5,000 in a company account when changing jobs without specifying treatment. The employer could place it in an IRA for you after taking 20% in withholding. This can result in high fees that could lower your savings balance.
  • If you take money out to roll it over to another qualified retirement account, you have 60 days before taxes and penalties kick in. You can request a direct rollover or trustee-to-trustee transfer to eliminate the 60-day rule.

To help cover healthcare costs in retirement, increase your savings in tax-advantaged accounts such as a health savings account (HSA), which lets you pay for qualified healthcare expenditures in retirement tax-free.

9. Driving up Debt

Driving up debt ahead of retirement could hurt your savings. You should always work to maintain an emergency fund to avoid last-minute debt or drawing down your retirement savings. Also, try to pay off (or at least pay down) debt before you retire. On the other hand, experts caution you should not stop saving for retirement to pay off debt—you'll benefit even more if you find a way to do both.

10. Not Planning for Health Costs

According to the Fidelity Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, an average retired couple aged 65 in 2023 may need approximately $315,000 saved (after tax) to cover health care expenses in retirement.

Work to keep yourself healthy to lower that figure. Keep in mind that Medicare doesn't cover all retirement healthcare costs. Plan to purchase supplemental insurance or be prepared to pay the difference out of pocket.

11. Taking Social Security Early

The longer you wait to file for Social Security, the higher your benefit will be (up to age 70). You can file as early as 62, but full retirement occurs at 66 or 67, depending on your birth year. So if you can hold off, it’s best to wait until age 70 to file to receive maximum benefits.

The only time this does not make sense is if you are in poor health. Another consideration: If spousal benefits are an issue, filing at full retirement age may be better so your spouse can also file and receive benefits under your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

At What Age Can I Withdraw From My 401(k) Without a Penalty?

If you withdraw funds before 59½, you will incur a 10% penalty from the IRS (unless you qualify for hardship withdrawals). If you withdraw after that age, there is no penalty. However, there is one exception to the rule, known as the "Rule of 55." If in the year you turn 55 or after, you are fired, quit, or let go from your job, you may withdraw money from your 401(k) without incurring a penalty. This only applies to your current employer's 401(k), not any previous 401(k) you may have.

At What Age Can I Start Receiving Social Security Benefits?

You can start receiving Social Security benefits at 62; however, you will receive reduced benefits at this age. You start receiving full benefits at your retirement age, based on the year you were born. Once you reach age 70, your benefits increase above the full amount you receive at your retirement age.

What Are Some Common Retirement Mistakes?

Some common retirement mistakes are not creating a financial plan and not contributing to your 401(k) or another retirement plan. In addition, many people take their Social Security distributions too early, don't rebalance their portfolios to match risk tolerance, and spend beyond their means.

The Bottom Line

No matter where you are on the pipeline to retirement, you have likely made mistakes along the way. If you don’t have enough saved, try to save more starting now. Take on a part-time job and put that money into your retirement account. Dedicate any raise or bonus to your investment fund.

In addition to avoiding the problem areas above, seek advice from a trusted financial adviser to help you stay—or get back—on track.

The Worst Retirement Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (2024)


What is the #1 regret of retirees? ›

Claiming Social Security benefits too early. Nearly one in five respondents (19%) regretted claiming Social Security retirement benefits too early. The older the respondents were, the more likely they were to express this regret.

What is the number one retirement mistake? ›

Mistake 1: Neglecting to Create a Financial Plan

Creating a financial plan now can give you an idea of your possible financial future. You don't want to make the mistake of underestimating the cost and length of retirement.

What is the 3 rule in retirement? ›

The 3% rule in retirement says you can withdraw 3% of your retirement savings a year and avoid running out of money. Historically, retirement planners recommended withdrawing 4% per year (the 4% rule). However, 3% is now considered a better target due to inflation, lower portfolio yields, and longer lifespans.

What are the costly mistakes people make when they retire? ›

The worst retirement mistakes are probably not planning to retire at all, failing to take full advantage of retirement savings plans, mismanaging Social Security, making poor investment decisions and neglecting the non-financial side of retirement.

Which retirees are happiest? ›

“In similar research that we conducted a decade ago, we also found a strong relationship between happiness and planning, as retirees who expressed the highest levels of satisfaction were also those who took concrete steps to put their emotional and financial lives in order at least five years before retirement.

What should you not do with your retirement money? ›

Don't touch your retirement savings

If you withdraw your retirement savings now, you'll lose principal and interest and you may lose tax benefits or have to pay withdrawal penalties. If you change jobs, leave your savings invested in your current retirement plan, or roll them over to an IRA or your new employer's plan.

What was the worst year to retire? ›

As Pfau notes, the period in the late 1960s and early 1970s was a tough time to retire. Inflation ran rampant, and the S&P 500 scored several significantly negative years in that period. Returns were particularly poor in 1966, 1969, 1973 and 1974.

Why not retire at 60? ›

The average retirement savings at 60 are not enough to cover the average expenses of Americans 65 and older. According to the Federal Reserve's 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances, the average retirement savings of Americans in the 55-64 age group are $537,560.

How long will $400,000 last in retirement? ›

Safe Withdrawal Rate

Using our portfolio of $400,000 and the 4% withdrawal rate, you could withdraw $16,000 annually from your retirement accounts and expect your money to last for at least 30 years. If, say, your Social Security checks are $2,000 monthly, you'd have a combined annual income in retirement of $40,000.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

One example is the $1,000/month rule. Created by Wes Moss, a Certified Financial Planner, this strategy helps individuals visualize how much savings they should have in retirement. According to Moss, you should plan to have $240,000 saved for every $1,000 of disposable income in retirement.

How long will $500,000 last in retirement? ›

According to the 4% rule, if you retire with $500,000 in assets, you should be able to withdraw $20,000 per year for 30 years or more. Moreover, investing this money in an annuity could provide a guaranteed annual income of $24,688 for those retiring at 55.

What is the biggest retirement regret among seniors? ›

Some of the biggest retirement regrets include: A vague financial plan. No retirement goals. Counting on long-term employment.

What do most retirees have saved? ›

The average retirement savings for all families is $333,940, according to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances. The median retirement savings for all families is $87,000.

What is the number one fear of retirees? ›

1. Not having enough money: This is the number one fear of retirement, and for good reason. The cost of living continues to rise, and Social Security alone may not be enough to cover all of your expenses.

What is the average life after retirement? ›

According to their table, for instance, the average remaining lifespan for a 65-year-old woman is 19.66 years, reaching 84.66 years old in total. The remaining lifespan for a 65-year-old man is 16.94 years, reaching 81.94 years in total.

What percentage of retirees are happy? ›

About 67% of retirees who are 15 years or less into retirement said they're happier since retiring, and 82% said they're more relaxed on a typical day. While only 8% report feeling less happy in retirement, about a third said they're not more happy than they were before leaving the workforce.

How much do most retirees have saved? ›

The average retirement savings for all families is $333,940, according to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances. The median retirement savings for all families is $87,000.


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.