The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

5 THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1943 PITTSFIELD COURT ALLOWS WILL OF PROF W. E. M'ELFRESH Bond Indicates Personal Estate of er Wills Filed Pittsfield, June 24-The wilt co Prof Willian Edward McElfresh, Williamsn, allowed in probate court today Cudge Anthony "The bond indicates personal property $106,009. he daughter, 81000 and testator's wit-, Ad mo nanacd ary leaatee line executris. By the will of Margaret A.

Brown. Itockbridge, tiled today, he pastor 0 dit Joseph a church in at Teal n. war PoSt the income he 8505 4 for ware af tho Willian C. Brown lot the Who also Catholic cemetery at stockbrider.lay bequeathed Milduff, stockbridge. $100 a each friends end named An residuary less.

en Siss Carie 39. 31rc Moran and Miss rah Conk Prank .3. Jarrell, giRon abridge, a nomed rascutor. By the will of George N. Timer, Rocket, 8304 19 a 6 loft 9 00 43 and $100 to each of three 018.

flio wife. Mattie E. Turner. was somed residuery leg ate, and exectiThe bonds. phon personal propBy of 86000 and real estate 60.

Bernard Poland, North Adoma, appointed executrix of the will Teresa V. Ferdumon of that city. Bond shows personal property cot and ron: potato of The court gave a 0 to Aurora North from Springteld, for and abusive treatment anol do. ErA Rive chill on. Tho Petipto ora 1939.

Therel married 38 North Alains, A IS 16. Atty was for 8.30 GEORGE F. WRIGHT, 80, DIES AT FLORIDA HOME Dune 3. Fright, -retired dieneral Electric company paymaster. died yesterday De St P'etersburz, Fla.

Born in Feeding Mile, Pro went Toolton ca man and for eras geara was with his the dutig In Center Procto Doctor he entered the Ding coP the 8: F. Subsequently he worked Sor the in retired 28 830 and sit since thot time hot been living 177 Polarstitra. Mr Wright was a and Shriner. Elia wife, the Mary 18. Burtons.

and burial will take place in it Petersburg. PLASTICS DIVISION 4t TO GET 'E' JULY 23 Navy lo warded General June 3t The ArmyElectric division Friday, July REt 9 for areal accomplishment AlT the production of Cad the citation William H. Er.3 003 REsca 030. TO PRESENT COMEDY IN THE ARMY NOW' .313170 Michart Eisner j3 directing the comedy. "I'm 3n the Arny Sire bey- Ned to PISSONIA! al the Berkshire MuSaturday craning.

Suly 24. the Temple Sisterhood. Assisting Mr. Eisnor will be BOre. Schiller and 3Pra Philip Coder.

Are Michael Pay. and her committee have charge ang Charles Chenfeld, aided by Agra Todolsky, will have cf the program. The includes: 3110 Howard la Blisa Fortrude Green, Edu.rd Marjorie Hothkopf. Miss Batty Noward Silly Stanles RetPI', George Miss tielen Lev. age, Miss Bubert and Maril; Fires Arg de to hold annuel onhibitioon the, Berkshire Proms to 39 influsivo The league has elveted the F'resident, Aires Michael 1..

Eisner; vicoopresident, Mrs Raymond L. Inesser: secretary. Walter A. Pare Mire Carey $8. 30 the ship committee, Mia DeWiet 31.

Chas. 33. Fairfield ha.o 0 appointed in harge of handicraft. MiNe 7. Ackerman.

35 Back. 49 PUP Ct has talion a pocretars and it 'y the Enters American ment rommission. She is A of Pitteliele Mish school and Univer. ni Michigan where she majored in For thipp ale hos her $9 cha tomoral lilectrto TO POV hAR ootd for Else of illon 41. 31 zidwin a treet to William 34.

A Agnce 33. Chair, 187 Appleton Vi. region 1 cirli. $8:1 defense director, has appointed BErtien 94. neor, 8.3 Lexington ho assistant.

of electrical PrO ed 3. Wise. Theodore Gilmore ent Geslie Wilner tion tG New Cork The deigaton tho Pile annual convena0 has 1 473 Por the tienpeal Electro Athletic association picnic NEW! "BACTERIOSTATIC FEMININE HYGIENE Gaining Great Favor With douches doctors for urge women the who regular want une to refreshingly clean--for women troubled by offending odor, itching or discharge. Some producta may be barmful germD Icides which burn, harden and damage Sensitive tissues. But NOT Lydia Pinkham's Sanative Wash! InsteadPinkham's Sanative Wash is an effective (the modern trend).

It not only. discourages bacterial growth and infection but cleanses, deodorizes, relieves minor irritations and discharge. Has beneficial effect on delle membranes. Inexpensivel ARMY PILOT INJURED IN AFRICA, IN HOSPITAL Pittsfield. June 29-Mr and Dira Alexander W.

Bacheuzewski, 123 Onostreet. received word today their son, Licut Alexander Bacheuzewski. 4:1 army test pilot. is A convalescent at Halloran General hospital. Staten island, for a fractured right and tacial lacerations received in nia no accident in North Africa, where he ham been located eince No.

vember. A brother, Thomas is with the air forces at ft Knox, GIRLS' LEAGUE DAY CAMP IS OPENED Pi June 23-Tho Girls' League home vacation camp and Witau entin day camp opened esterday with full registration of 63 girls. The Witawentin campers started their with flag raising. Following this the group a at the lower council ring. representatives from taking part in the covering st the camp spirit for 1913.

Campers of 1912 buried a tube COntaining a parchment, on which the spirit of 1913 was inscribed. Canning Demonstratiou Mias Evelyn Streeter, home demonstration agent for the Berkshire County Extension -ervice, will conduct the canning demonstration at the Hostess school tomorrow afternoon in the theater the Electric building at 18 Eagle street. Following processing methods approtei hy Mas. machusetts State college, Mina Streeter will can plums and DeAR, both which will soon be available. The CC 16.

open to the public. TORT CASE SETTLED Fart -field. June 23-'The $300: tort Action of Harry H. Belard of Adans against Loon Paul af Springfield has been eettled and an axieement for the plaintiff in the sum of $1 without costa has been filed in superior court. Atty Paul Stoelzel of Adams represented Rosenthal the paintiff Reilly of and this Cum.

city PTA for the defendant. The case crew out of a motor accident in Springfeld February 9, 1911. when the plaintiff claimed the defendant's car hit. his, damaging 1t and injure the platntiff. To Repair Merrill Road Pittsheld public works department, daunty commiesioners and state commission Are tribute $1000 each toward repairs Merrill road.

which is used daily by hundredo of General Eloctric TWO SEW TO REPORT F'itt-field, June newly eurole local members of the Women's Auxiliary corps will report for duty tomorrow at Fort Devens. it was anpounced at the WAAC recruiting headquarters in the Postorfice building this morning. They are: Mrs Ellen Abrams Worthington street: Mrs Ruth Graham of Cheshire. ALEXANDER SHAW FUNERAL TODAY Fittofield. June 11 John F.

Wichert of the Firat Raptist church! is to officiate at the funeral tomorrow at 2 at Wellington funeral home of Alexander rptired superintendent of Berkshire street Railway compuny. The beaverA will he Thomas E. McDonald, now general manager of the company; James H. Taylor. J.

Howard Fryer, Forest Smith. Alexander Allen and Holland Boucher. 'The street railway company had 140 ployrs when he was superintendent, Stephen's Episcopal church choir will sing at the funeral of Samuel (. Cole tomorrow at 3. Rev Ralph If.

llayden will officiate. Bearers will he Samuel M. Cole. John R. Cole, Robert Robert-on, Charles M.

Weeks, John Scott. Harry Fish. Jerome 01. Shears The funeral of Jerome Shears, 43. of 9 Montgomery avenue.

a retired General Electric employe. who today, will he hell Thursday at at the home with Walter B. Wiley nf Pilgrim Memorial church officiating. Burial will he in Evercemetery. Now Lebanon.

Avery Hall, is flip funeral director. A native of Sheffield. Mr Sears had resided here 25 Te PAS member af Unity lodge of Masons. Survitore are daughtor. Miso Julia shears of this city: 94 Hairy cof Wear and Alled of and a stopdauzhto r.

Mire Dominic of this city, and three grandchildren. GIVEN SIX MONTHS ON ASSAULT CHARGE Pittsdeli. June 29 -3pectat Justice Frederick M. Myorn In district today sentenced Francis Colo cof 43 Francis AT to mix montha in tho house of correction for assault and battery on his former wife, Frames Colav. After week AS natient in St Luke's hovital.

Mrs Colto testified her husband ent her apartment under the runt a herp 116 lives, knukod her and kicked her in the houd. Michael Killeloa of 11 Jubiire 11 rent 13 to? two weeka for girturbing the peace, PITTSFIELD PERSONALS T'ittsfeld, June 23-John Cronin of White terrace har boon arending 8 week at Boston, H. Edward layn of wealth avenue is spending a vacation at Stockbridge bowl. ticorge W. Uscbman 17 Becch Grove avenue is Detroit, Mich for 3 two- weeks' stay.

Mis Charles Cheyne of 93' Jones avenue is A patient at the House of Meres hospital. WORTHINGTON EARL COWING DIES AT SO. WORTHINGTON Worthingion, June 29-Earl Cowing, 63, for many Firs A farmer in Chosterfield. died this morning at the home of his niece. Mrs Viola Gilthrop of South Worthington.

He suffered 2 shock while deer hunting last Decem- 45th Year 3 SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY, JULY 6 Office Open Daily for Registration. Complete Secretarial, General Business, Accounting, Stenographis, Office Machines, Special and Civil Service Courses CIVIL COMMERCIAL SCHOOL $48 State St. No Solicitors Springfield, Mast. 5 ber land had in Dickinson hospital. Northampton, until February.

He leaves sister, Mrs Elzena Perry South Worthington. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 at Stanton's hall in West Chesterfield with Rev John Barbour officiating. Burial will be in Ringville cemetery. PALMER WILL CONSIDER TAX ABATEMENT Finance Committce to Discuss Proposal On Boston Duck Mills Plant May Be Sold Palmer. June 23-The finance mittee will meet tomorrow night the hizh school auditorium at Among the subjects to ho discussed is the matter of the possible abatement of more than $50.000 in taxes assessed against the mills merly owned by the Boston Duck subject company any to in tax Bondsville liens by which the are to A Within the past few weeks Judge James Nolan of South Hadley Falls.

representing a prospective purchaser. his proposed to the town oflicials Palmer and Belchertown, as Well to the special committee of the Three Rivers ('hamber of Commerce and similar group from Bondsville, the overdue taxes be abated in and a very substantial reduction made in the assessed valuation of the propenty for the next three years. Local people have given to understand that if this is done there a possibility that the mills may sold to new owners and again into operation. The purchaser not been publicly named though the doubt remains locally aN to identity anf the company, which said now to employ a substantial numher. It is understond that Judge Nolan will be present at tomorrow night's meeting and probably present his client's case in more tail, ticorze B.

Cheney, chairman selectmen and also chairman the special committee of the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce said day that the finance committee would! he asked for their advice and opinion in the matter. Fred W. Sonda, of Wales road, Holland. and Dr Rosenbloom, of Brimfield road, Fishdale, each pleaded polo to speeding charges district court this morning and were fined $10 each by Judge Joseph Furey. The charges were hrought by state police 44 the result of minor accident at ant intersection Brimfiel June 19.

when cars driven by the two defendants were in sion. Miss Barbara Thomas of Pork street has leturned to her position at telephone exchange after vacation spent at Philadelphia and Hampton leach. Mr and Mrs Allen Barton of Jackson Heights, N. are the parents of a daughter born posterday. The child is the granddaughter of Mr and Mis E.

Robert Barton of Boastint za: of Thorndike. street. Palmer, and Mr and Sirs ManMiss Ellen Harrington of Walnut street in enjoying a vacation from her duties at the telephone office. Mfr and Mis John Czech of Orchard street, Palmer, announce the engazement their daughter, Victoria Judith. to Corp Armand G.

Toulouse. son of Mr and Mrs Fred Toulouse of Bingham, Ma. No date has been set for wedding. SiNe Czech is employed in the ofNice of the Wickwire Spen Pr Steel company here. and Corp Toulouse serving with the army.

The funeral of Casmir W.N held from the home in Bond-ville this morning followed by 8 requiems high mass 11 St Adalbort's church. Joseph Pulaski was the celebrant. The hearers were Anthony, Alfred. Joseph and Alexander Jasnocha, Stanley Saleand Alphonse Abair. Burial was in St Aluysius cemetery, Indian Orchard.

Thirty -four men from this vicinity were inducted into the armed Springfield 3Pyterday. The follows: Walter S. of P'almer, Joseph Gosselin, of Palmer. Norman Gunn of Pahner, Joseph L. Sierakoaski of Monson.

Edwin C. Walker Palmer, Joseph P. Bigos of Wilbrahun. Edward G. Hartley of Palmer, Mario A.

of Monson, Ward G. Allyn of Wilhraham, Rudolph J. Drat Thorndike, Anthony N. Barcome of Joseph Miceli of F'almer, Walter J. Tupek of Wilbraham, John Pottison Campsie of North Wilbraham.

Albert Greendle of Wilbraham, Stanley E. of North WilbraDaniel H. Wells. of Britfield. Joseph M.

Przybycien of North Wilbraham. Joseph F. Adanowicz of Holland. Alexander J. Kowalezyk of Three Rivers, Charles J.

of Thee Rivers, William J. Collins of Three Rivers, Bronisian P. Golar of Three Rivers, is. Ruson of Edward S. Jaros of ville, Bernard F.

Ditto of Palmer. Andrew P. Conway of Palmer, Henry Witek of Palmer, Stanley A. Dymek Three Rivers, Joseph N. Dennis.

ef Palmer, Edgar J. Rich of Bondsville. Theodora of North John Lizak of Joseph S. of dike, 4 WILLIAMSTOWN North Adams, EAVES FOR FORT SHUTTER READE-SCHWARZMAN June Mabel Reade of School street, a teacher at l'ine achonl. and Robert Schwa: eman cf Now York city, were married at 8t John'a church here Saturday.

Grant Noble formed the ceremony. Attendants were Mise Fath Tronerud and Carol F. Moore after 2 wedding trip to New York ritv tha couple will live in Williamstown, June Coriton H. Parker of the United navy. reserve, SOn of Mrs Cornelia Stratton Parker of South Williamstown, loft yesterday for Fort.

Schuyler in Now York for further navy training. He received his commission in the navy last January An 9 graduated last week from communications school at Harvard university in Cambridge. SOUTHAMPTON Southampton. June F. Peck of the College highway will ohserve their 90th birthday quietly at her home here on July 2.

She has lived most of her life in town. There are two children, Mrs C. Edwin Sherwood of Easthampton, and Lumen o. Peck of Springfield, and four grandchildren. also one great-grandchild.

Miss Beverly Linko of Chicopee is visiting her aunt and her family. Mr and DiR Louis Malanson of East street. Troop 43 cot the. Boy Scoutn front Springfield are at the cane at Wolf Hill Orchards for a week, Frank Frary, FOB of Mr and Mrs Frank Frary. suffered electric -hock at Hampton mills! in Jesterday.

HA was working 011 some wires laen power 4 4 in advortentir C11. tie was thrown down, injured his elbow and was unconscious and taken to the Dickinson hospital for treatment. He returned home today but will be under obseryation. WE WARE MRS NELLIE BANAS DIES AT PARENT'S HOME Westfield, June 23 Mrs Nellie Barnes) Banas, 29, died this afternoon at the home of her parents of I Sunnyside road. She was born in this city and educated here.

Besides her parents, she leaves four brothers. John this city, Seaman Walter of the coast guard stationed in Maine, Frank and Edward home: four sisters, John Solek of Southwick, Mi4 Frank Sedowiez Miry John lych this city and Miss Sally Banas at home. The funeral will he hold Friday morning at $.30 at the funerd! home, Elm street. followed by a high mass of requiem at Holy Trinity church at 9. Burial will be 113 St Mary's cemetery.

J. J. FULLER PLANT SOLD TO POWER COMPANY Westfield, June 2-The announcement is made today boy the Norman T. Aldrich Healty Company of the sale of the J. J.

Puller woodworking plant and land at 361 Elm street to the Turners Falls Power company. Simultaneously with the announcement of the sale comes the one that the large wooden building will be torn down. The Fuller shop is located adjacent to the power company ertv and power lines on Emery street. MI's Raymond Douglas, daughter of Mr Fuller, acquired the property at his death. The three-story wooden building was operated for more than to sears boy Mr Puller.

at a time when piano and organ manufacturing carried on extensively in this city. Mrs Douglas continued to operate the business but on a smaller scale the Past few VP? 1's. This business has row been moved to Southampton. SOLDIER'S CASE IS ORDERED FILED Westfield, June 29-Pvt Edward J. Barrett, 33, stationed at the Barnes airport, pleaded nolo to a charge of assault and battery following his arjraignment in district court this morning, and the cage.

was ordered filed. Francis J. Lee. 33. of P'rospect street, whom Barrett is alleged to hate way found guilty on a charge of drunkenness and he was given it two months' suspended tenco to tire house of correction.

Bar. rett testified that ire Wits on his war when he was and insulted boy Barrett said that ho Kept on his way, but Lee followed him and it novessary fear him to hit The cout decided that Lee the Walter F. Godfrey, 42, of 17 Eloise Springtield. wats fined $10 for fi-hirg in the middle branch of the Westfield river without 3 livense.

D'eputy Game Warden Frederick B. Dezelle was the complainant. Joseph F. Sullivan, 71. of 32 Arnold street found not guilty of selling horse which because of his age could not he worked.

On a second charge of selling gray mart and brown gelding which could nut be worked because of their age, the case continued until July 8.. Fred Hall of the MIA Was the plainant and A. It. Goldman appeared 1 a the defendant. MISS RITA F.

DINEEN WEDS E. R. DUPONT June Miss Rita Mira Willian Dinren of White street, and d'orp Edwart Richard Dupont, at Sir and Mrs Richard J. pont of Franklin street. Were married this morning at St Mary's church with Rev James I'.

Kirby performinz the Miss Ruth Carroll, organist, played, and Mrs Leonlard Warner sang. eption for guests was hell at McMullen's Cameo room. The bride Mole white Grecian style. long train and. veil of tulle, fastened to a halo net and lilies of the vallev.

Miss Helen Dinen attended her Aster and she wore poudre blue ninon in princess style with matching color headdress. Thontas Ferguson. man third class. was bust man. The bride note a shantung suit with white accessories, Suing away.

The bride 14' A gradutte of Mary's high school and been emed in the office of the Stanley Hone Products company. The groom ic high school graduate and had employed by the Precision Tool company and is now stationed at the YOUNG MEN TO REPORT FOR TRAINING JULY Westfield, June 2-July 1 will witness the of several prominent Suing men for several branches ir. the country's Some are vollege men while otners are graduates the high and others ale now erving and have been transferrel to higher duties after courses of study. A majority are listed undo the V-12 program. lion Robert Dewey, of Mr.

Chainhora Dewey, a junior at NSC. will report at Dartmouth college Thursday for training for flip marine officers reserve corps; his brother David has heen acrepted for preflight training in army aviation and he is awaiting his vall. Roger Butler. of Air and Mrs Roger L. Butler at Broad street.

and Charles Lucia. NOn of Mr anti Mr4 Charles Lucia. report to Dartmouth colle-e for their training. and Harold Whittemote will reJames Whittemore. son of hi Clerk port At Middlebury college Tor.

his preliminary training. Elliott Kellogg, of and Mra C. Kellose. report at Dartmouth for duty and also training. tie is in the service and has been assigned for advanced training with 11 from Newport, T.

Walter Bierdahowski 13 Dudley a Venue reports at Worcester Tech for his training for the navy. The Dewey will he remembered as the sons Gi the Late J. Chambers Deucy, newspaperman and later city clerk. FORMING DANCE BAND June 29-Secretary Allen HI. King of the YMCA announced today that the men of the 7th service group army air corps at Barnes air.

port are forming a dance hand. This hand when organized will furnish music for dances to be at the otata armory. The band is in need of the donation of 02 a violin, viol three At clarinets, two alto phones, one tenor saxaphone. drums A guitar. Donations of these instruments may te left at tho courtetrot YMCA.

The official thermometer 75 degrees at 3 this morning, bringing a welcome relief from tho heat of tho Dart week wheat the record of 00.3 Was reached. With the heat. has r'omP for heavy rains as lawns and cardens are beginning to show the signs of the drouth, A 8 (Pa I NORTH ADAMS THOMAS HOARE SPEAKS TO THE ROTARY CLUB Westfield, June 30-A rather pessimistic nicture was painted for the I people 4111 the home front of today by Thomas Hoare, director the Massachusetts Acanciation of Small Loan orzanizations, in speaking before' the Rotary club at it noonday luncheon. "The financial burdens we must carry land the other inconveniences which we must undergo, might as well he borne cheerfully. he said.

('riticize if may, hut 1 011 the home front late the second, front and must hack up on the fighting front it ve ale t. preserve those things we hold so dear. He cited an array of statistics and to denionstrate points. Four ofticers from the seventh serve ire group, army air corps, stationed at the Barnes tirport were gueste of the club. They included, Col Arthur Lehman, commanding officer: LieutCol David M.

Singer. First Lieut Thomas J. Ciccalone, adjutant, and Chaplain John H. Huston. Volunteers were obtained to man airplane spotting tower Sandy hill Monday from 3 d.

mI. to 6 mI. The recently elected officers will he installed at the meeting Tuesday. Mrs Elizabeth Fowler, chairman of the park commission, announces that Grandmother's garden is at the hight of its summertime heauty. The larkcanterbury belle and hella donna are in full bloom.

Mi's Fowler vises the public that the display should be seen now. DALTON FAREWELL DINNER FOR CAPT COUCH State Guard Officers Give Testimonial to Well-Known Officer at Irving House Many Speakers Dalton, June 29-The officers of the State guard, Berkshire county regional headquarters personnel, tendered dapt Franklin L. Couch of Dalton. 3. farewell testimonial dinner tonight at the Irving house.

Capt Couch will leave tomorrow for Washington. D. where he will enter the army on July William I. Anlerson Was master of ceremonies. The guest speakers of the evening were: dol W.

Hi. Eaton of Pittsfield, Maj tHeorge Porter of tho army, stationed in Springfield: Capt Edward S. Gilegory of Springfield. Maj Roger Williams, commander of 1st batallion. State guard.

Dalton; Maj Theodore Cahill, commander 2d batallion, State guard, in l'ittstield: Capt Sheldon Colling, 3d batallion, stationed in Springfield. Capt ('ouch gave d. brief address. During the eveing, the group waS entertained with group of old songs. Officers attending from Berkshire county were Maj Theodore Cahill, Lieut Rexf.

Lieut William Slicke, Capt Frank Champaux. Cape Charles Thompson, Lieut. Anthony Angelo. Maj Roger Williams, Capt Donald Linscott. Capt William Anderson, Capt William Wonkey, Capt Fred Cummings, Lieut William Hurt, dol W.

H. Eaton, Maj George L. P'orter, Capt Edward S. Gregory, Lieut Harry Grant of North Adams, Capt Samuel Lieut Robert H. Clark, Lieut Wallare Young.

Capt James Hewat, Lieut John Noreross, Lieut Carson, TI. Elwin Dunn, Lieut Raymond Parrott. Lieut Hugh BatJardini, Capt Giles Bradshaw, Capt Albert Squires. Maj Carl Vrooman of Nortiz dams. Capt 1.

B. Tucker, Lieut newis Crosier, Lieut John Garry, Capt Tremaine Parsons, Lieut Oscur Hutchinson, Lieut Joseph McCabe, Copt Sheldon Collins. Licut Vincent Richard, ('apt John Williams, Lieut Julius Here. Nergt larry Tripp. Sergt Joseph W'echter, Nergt Harold Burch.

Mergt (. Bartlett Sergt Lewis Wagner, Serat John Bonnineton, Lewis Barlow. Corp Goeney, Corp Robert WV. Stickies Kerat Willian Hopi, Sprat Edwin T. McGinty, Corp George W.

Kelsey. I'vt Eugene Cornelius, Lieut Ralph Pulidor, Lieut Nelson Gilbert, ADAMS 6. PLACED ON PROBATION AFTER PLEA OF GUILTY Adama, June 24-Mrs Gazella Bryce. 25, of 8 Linden strect, was arraigned in district court this morning on charge of being drunk and disorderlv. A plea guilty was entered and Judge 11.

La Harrington, after hearing that the defendant had made two attempts to jump from 'bridges over the Hoosac river early this morning ordered probation for three months. Patrolman Joseph Cardonnell waS on duty at Myrtle street this morning at 1.30 when he was asked gO. to Commercial street where woman was trying to jump into canal oppusite the Brown Paper company mill. The same man told the officer that he had stopped from jumping off the Deanstreet bridge a few minutes earlier. Employes 03 the paper company stopped the woman The second time.

Mrs Bryce told the court that she divorced and has two children living with her parents. She said she did not reinember hut happened last night after having a few drinks. ORDERS CASE FUED 29-Gilbert F. ent at the state arniory tonight. WE.L REPORT AT DETENS Adams.

June 2-Richard Welch, Adans. June 'Brie 20. of Farnums. a sailor hone leave, before the district cont this morning. pleading not guilty A charse.

of failing to keep to the right of the traveled way. Tapers in the case were filed by Judge I. Harrington after the latter had warned O'Brien to 'practic some the discipline taught hin in the navy. thief of P'olice ward W. Reid told of meeting the defondant J'esterday afternoon at -treet intersection and of O' Brie's being O' Brien admitted that he had made a mistake.

TO NEEDS RECRUITS Adams, June 29-Departure of members of Co M. Massachusetts State guard. with this Week's draft quota for Fort Devens. has caused officers of the company to seek recruite in order to bring the unit up to full strength. Several applicants for membershin in the unit were DIPS- son of air and Mrs Thomas F.

Welch of Nobels place, will leave tomorrow for Fort Devens. Me enlisted last October in the army reserve. corpo. After graduating from Adams high school in 1910 he took a three years' course at At Michael's college, Wine ski, Dr 1. Murray of 31 Park is at House of Mercy hospital, l'ittsfield, following an operation performed yesterday.

His condition is xeported as being favorable BOY SCOUT ACTIVITIES TO CLOSE THIS WEEK Only Exception Is August Camping Trip at Camp Sherman Ware, June 29 -Troop 166, Boy Scouts, will close activities of the year this week, the only exception being the week's camping at Camp Sherman. Brimfeld, in August. The June contest for natrols and individual- is to close with activities tip to Thursday night. There are 16 Scouts enroled for the week's ing and others may 80. A board of review is planned to review merit badges earned this month ant two Of three Ncouts will go before the Eagle board for that difficult test.

it is announced by Scoutmaster Emile F. St Onge. A new roster of messengers and couriers for the civilian defense program hay been prepared, changes heing necessary because older members have left for other service, or will soon do The paper collection campaign ends this week and the scoutmaster asks that it le made success as this is one of the principal sources of revenue for the troop. The winding for the June cont st to date gives Bat patrol, Rohert leader. percentage of 99 to head the list; Wolf patrol, Wildcats and Jolly Rogers following in that order.

Simons leads the individual group with a standing of 36. Metcalfe, Soars, Giard. Goulding and Liquornik following in that order. Mrs Theodotia Robinson Dies at College Street Home Ware, June 29-Mrs, K. at 8 Cottage street tonight.

was Paige Rohinson, 82. died at hep, home born in Hadley, a daughter of Frazier and Wealthy 4 Knight) I'aige and caine here 39 veal's AgO. She was the widow. of John K. Robinson, a businessman here for many yours.

She was 0 member of the First Uniturian church and a charter member of the Social Science club. She leaves a daughter, Miss Kuth P. Robinson at home: a sun. J. 1'.

Robinson, and granddaughter, Janet Robinson uf this town. The funcral will he held Friday afternoon at 2 at the home with Rev F. W. officiating. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery and will he in charge uf A.

Richuond Walker. Forty-seven Ware 11F 73 reported here this morning and were taken 10 Springfield for physical Saminatin as 3. preliminary to entering military service. The draft board quota of 47 men from Ware incluted 14 married men and four have children. The Belchertown quota also reported here and went with the Ware men.

There are but few hoys of 18 registering hero and this is esplained as probably due the fact that many of the 17 and ts-year olds have entered service. In May there were only eight of the 18-year old registered in the entire draft district and this takes in seven towns. Put Donald Bessette, who has bren training in Florida, has been transferred to an advanced bombardier school in Michigan. He 18 the son of Mr and Adelard of Third avenue. Albert Rodger of Aspen street is attending the Christian Endeavor conforence at Northfield.

as presentative from Last Congregational parish young people. Mr and Mrs Roger I wihorne and son. Mark. of Washington, D. al'P visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs George HI.

Moulson of West street. STr Hawthorne was 011 the Byrd pedition to the Nouth Pole. Richard Metcalf and Grover Budlong. loca: bomb reconnaissance officers of the public safety group, will give important information at a in town hall, Thursday at S. In connection there will be shown a movie sponsored by the army which will how scenes during bombing raids.

Frederic Smith. chief air-raid warden. requests all wardens if attend and get more inforination as to the handling of unexploded bombs. Ware And Hampshire Woolen plants will close Saturday at a. 111..

and reopen July plant ja closed For the work and reopens July 0. Methodist and Mast Congregational churches will start union services Sunday in East Congregational at 9.30 a. with Rev H. F. of the Methodist church in charge.

Services there will continue until August. 1 and will then transfer 19 the church with Rev K. A. Handanian in charge. The hour of olening will remain the same during the cation period of the two ministers.

Several activities of Greenwich Foundation, the organization made possible by funds provided by Greenwich Congregational church when that body ceased functioning because of the Quabbin reservoir, will be eliminated this year because of travel conditions. The usual program of sending 16. young people from as many churches will- he to religious conferences will ho carried out. The Arsi of series of canning demonstrations, arranged by the local Extension Service groups, will he at the fire station Friday night at 7.30. The demonstration will be in charge of Mrs Evelyn Stowell Brown, former home demonstration agent for H.unpshire county extension activities.

and Miss Sally Giuson county home demonstration agent. Anyone interested is invited to attent. Miss Shirley Albertine. 3, nurse tocated in Boston, is having 2 vocation with her parents. Mr and 318 Louis Albertine of Clinton street.

Mr l'aul G. of North street, seriously injured when struck a she was walking on the sidewalk near her home last week, is considerably improved at Mary Jane hospital. Mrs 1.00 N.117 and children of Church street are at Nantashet beach for a vacation. Mr. and Mr'5 l'aut W.

Fearson of Boston arc visiting his parents. and Airs M. W'. Pearson of Pleasant street. Mr And Mrs Tadeus Ziemb and their daughter, Mrs tilady, Rogers, of trip to Maine and when these return Pleasant terrace are 0n Mrs Rogers will join her husband at Fort Bragg, N.

C. Mrs Joseph Charbonnai1 who has been with her parents, Mr ani Mrs Walter. Ballou of Pleasant -treet, and has been employed at Springfield Armory, will go to Oklahoma City, to join her husband who is tuched to an army aviation group there. BRIMFIELD Brimfiell. Juno Brown is substituting on the rural mail route while Edward Marriott is having his vacation.

Ami Mrs Alert Nonsen and daughter have moved from the house on the Warren road, owned by Arthur Wesson to their' -built home. The meeting of the Worcester Southest Pomona Grange. usually held the first Saturday of each month, will be omitted in July. Francis Fountain, who graduated from the local high school the 17th, has been inducted in the army and will leave for active duty July -10 4 LEO MORIN FINDS 30TH MOST SIGNIFICANT DATE North Adans, Juna 20-Leo J. Morin, son of Mr and Mrs Robert J.

if 24 New street, perhaps has reason to believe that there. is hind some occult significance in the 301n of the month. To begin with he was June 30. 1024, at Cohoes, registered for the draft June 39, 1912. and was married tutober 30 of the year.

Stricken suddenly ill he was, takea to the hospital where he underwent operation tor appendicitis November 30, 1912. Young Morin is leaving for military service the 30 of this month. the day which he will become 19 CHI'S old. He has beell given several parties in honor of his induction into military service. Mr Morin has been an boy at Holy Family church in Greylock for the pact seven and served there Sunday at the early morning Named Acting Captain North 1 dans.

June 29-- Firem in Andrew Grant is acting captuin of the fire department during vacations of the permanent captains, according to an announcement made today ny Fire Chief Saulnier. Vacation periods for the captains bigan last Sunday DR A. O. ROSENTHAL GOING TO ARMY SERVICE North Adains. June 20.

Arthur 0. Ro-enthal today received orders to report for active duty July 12. 1 A first lieutenant in the army at las. Dueing his veers 4 practicing physician in North 118, Dr Ro-enthal has PIP1 many calla. Besides his regular brantice ho las also physician for the North Adens aerie of Eagles.

Tor is president of the Northern Berkshi. Medical and a member of the American Medical societs, In addition he holds membership in the Elks, Masons. Child Welfare association. B' Brith and the Hebrew Men's Ho is graduate of C'olby college at Waterville, studied medicine at Middles in Waltham. Ir and Mrs a Rosenthal.

the former Edith lass and their three. at 41 Quincy street. THREE SPRAGUE BROTHERS IN NAVY North Aduns, Jane Sprague, of 11 street, is the third son Air and H. Sprague to enter armed service. recently enlisted in the United navy and is now at N.

for training. brother. Litayette. man, first ruturned A short time ago from a year's 011 a mine- weeper Trinidad and has bien selected for An officer a training school. Stewart radioman, third class.

is aboard ship somewhere in the Pacific. ONLY ONE WAR PLANT TO OPERATE THE FOURTH North Adams, Jill 29 -The Sprague Specialties company is the only ona of the city's industrial plants which will remain in operation during the Fourth of July holiday. Both the Iloosac Mills corporation and the mill will be closed for the entire week to give employes a vacation. far as can be learned stores are to he closed Monday also, and the postoffice will be closed except for delivery of special D. W.

FOWLER REELECTED HEAD OF R. C. BRANCH Fowler, principal Drury high North Adams, Jane. 29. -Donald W.

school, has been reelected chairman of the North Adams branch of the Red Cross. Miss Estelle 7. is the vico-chairman and Armand L. Bonvouloir, treasurer. JAMES BLAIR, 76, DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS North Adams, June 29 James Wlair, 76.

a native and life long ersident of North Adams, died this morning nt his home, 63 Holden street. after a long illness. He retire? several veals ago after employment as a litborer for 1. local contractor. Afr Blair attended the Wits: church.

He is survived by hie the former Emma Estes: four Fred, Archie. Raymond and Frank Blair. and four daughters, two whom mo resident- of this city. The he local daughters are Mrs vallee and Miss Verna Blair. The body was taken this afternoon to it home of P.

son. Raymond Blair of 9t Bravewoll avenue. where It will remain until the funeral Thursday afternoon at Roy Ivanhoe Metrollum, pastor of the First Baptist church. will ofliciate and burial will take place in Itillsido cemetery. The funeral of Airs S.

son, 40. widow of Simpson. who died Saturday her home. 339 River street. was helt at tho Simmona funeral home this morning at 11.

Rov Robert R. Carmichael, rector John's Episcopal thareh. offidater and burial Was in the fargily lot at Houthview cemetery. RESURFACING AWARD IS ANNOUNCED 19 From Our Reporter Boston, Juna 29- to face West Main street in Mortit Adams with bituminous COIN for nine -tenths of 11 mile A tomy by state public commis sion, on behalf of the city, in Bone, nington Construction company of nington. 011 low bid of BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY ON INCEST CHARGE North Adams.

June 29 William Brown. 13. of 161 State sterol. di'raigned before Tudge John D. Magenio in district court shortly after his are rest this morning by locat police, pleaded guilty 1.0 charze el incest and tS bound over to the grant jury at the sitting superior court at iela furnish $2500 hail with the defendant 4.

iS transferred this to the county jail. there to await trial before the grand jury. Brown was taken into custody at his place of employment. the Shapiro Juuk company on 1 chlan4 street. Poo say that his actions have involvel (his 15-year-old daughter.

Chief of Poe W. Conlon and state agents cond acted an investigation. interview at which the yess terday included lice station witt CiG and lie P. MRS LOUIS H. CLARKE DIES IN AMHERST June Georgiana I.

(Henderson: Clarke, widow of Dr Louis 17. Clarke, died lent might at the of her Sire Spade. Sunset Amherst. Mrs Clark. bores in Burlington, an in Northampton.

her she lived 20r Et; time in Hadley an! ramo 20 Holyoke in She Bus AR Ective memher Herond d'on-reactional church and director and president for 1 :) years of' the DiR? ident charter member 37 the Twentieth century club. Ang active in Sorb for Holyoke and Nkinner Coffee hour. sides daughter, cite thorn she made her home, she leaveo three l'acifio Dais. ides. Cal.

TL. and 11.. of this city. and that'ce grandchildren. The Funeral monte iu charge of MA Day are incompleie.

ill in gar J. Willian Joseph DE, 02 Park street died la'e luck Might Providence tie A A.S born in Vermont and had live: Sottin Hadley Malls for many sears. remove ing 10 Holyoke Tour 350. IP had been until the time of his 1'e- tirement, a papermaber for tho Caro 50115 Paper company. ICe a niece, Mrs Gloria Marcotte.

with whom he made His bome. ent sAVe oral other nices and nephewc. Fua neral are in of C'. Blais Son. ILDAS PERREAULT DIES; 1 MANAGED STORE, BLOCK Holyoke, June Perreault of 463 Appleton sticet.

former meat land grocery store owner of South Holyoke and more recently The owner and nianager of Commodore streets. died last night at Holyoke apartments at Appleton and Linden hospital alter it brief illness. home 7:4 443 Appleton street. In came rom Canada 53 rears ago when he 17, an operated A market and grocery stole at And South Summer streets for many After his ree tirement, lie tank over the ownership and management of 11:2 Commodore apartments. BOV REPORTED MISSING ITolyoko.

June 29-William Coffee 14, of 20 Tackson parkway, has been missing front homie since his quenta reported to the police this morning. It is thougl! the youngster left with show that Wild headed for Athol after A Eliy of a few 5 in South Hadley. Roots BIRD and Sidings A Complete Repair Service For The Exterio: of Yout Home Ey Our Own Trained Insured Men "ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN' LIBERAL TERMS R. H. LEMOINE 360 WORTHINGTON ST.

TEL. 3-0710 Gas on Stomach Relieved in 5 minutes or 9 double your money back on excess stomach art. causes painful, suf SI gas, sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescrit the fastest -arting medicines knmen for symptomatic relief like those In Rell-and No Dell-ans comfort in jify co double your money de on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. Mont Til Vie: GLASSES Moderns STYLED and FITTED BY Cheney Sag 301 BRIDGE ST.

SPRINGFIELD 281 HIGH ST. HOLYOKE "Not the Highest Prices but the Finest Quality Service" 1 F..

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is a fact about Springfield MA? ›

During the 19th and 20th centuries, Springfielders produced many innovations, including the first American-English dictionary (1805, Merriam-Webster); the first use of interchangeable parts and the assembly line in manufacturing (1819, Thomas Blanchard); the first American horseless car (1825, Thomas Blanchard); the ...

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield Demographics

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

What is the nickname for Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Is it expensive to live in Springfield, MA? ›

One aspect that makes living in Springfield an appealing choice is its affordability. Though the Northeast is often thought of as an expensive place to live, the overall cost of living in Springfield is around 31% lower than the Massachusetts average and only 1% higher than the national average.

What is the poverty rate in Springfield MA? ›

25.3% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Springfield, MA (38k out of 150k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Females 35 - 44 and then Females 55 - 64.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Why is Springfield so famous? ›

It was the originator of the game of basketball, vulcanized rubber, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It was the hometown of the children's writer Theodor Geisel, a.k.a. Dr.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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