The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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12 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY MARCH 20 1947 'SLAYING SUSPECT Srides OHIOS LARGEST BROKERS ItACKOMACK uuriKui inu mi mniij jrnia ns (warded for their interest by tivc in fraternal organizations died on the broken off bow given slips from some of his rare in the home of herithe Dearborn for more than Helena tlnbituh iit'n Neir Color A the at Come and Make Your Selection Early Later she rcscled navX ships (nim lh' Dearborn Taylor's Toiletries Street loor and Business Travelers To EUROPE Enjoy the whiskey that's 18 flights weekly tl Here is the warm welcome whiskey! Delightful Old Sunny Brook wirn a mellow Kentucky flavor that BRAND MKCICM OHfwvtOrj IMO or rovr og Kentucky Whiskey A Blend AMERICAN OVERSEAS AIRLINES Crr of Celt Li A EB LAWNS WE nuv ESTATW Call Writ for re Booklet INK TYPE iSBON STENCILS DETROIT AND cl*tON CAR LINES GLADIOLUS BULBS IS UNDS NOW READY th rAiM Joint Dis in the gale lashed Pacific A lifeboat from the St John' Victory which also answered tht SOS managed to get tr men off the storm tossed bow to transfer them to the Amern President liner Twenty two other survivors were Ctackerfack Box of lipstick nail lacquer and face powder Lipstick 150 100 Rouge Compact 100 Rouge en Creme 100 ace Powder 150 100 VEGETABLE LOWER LAWN SEED TOOLS INSECTICIDES ACCESSORIES ITOBl HOUM CAILT 1 CHI TO I YOU'LL ENJOY SHOPPING AT Cream Tint ounda tion 150 Milk Tone Cake Make up 100 Nail Lacquer 60c DUPLICATOR SALES SERVICE 1512 Prospect MA 8071 time keeping (he 350 ved tnnint in a private hospital after an ill ness of several months Mr Suhr who was 83 was con nected for 45 years with Schafer Suhr Coal Co It was found ed in 1897 with William Schafer as president and Mr Suhr as sec retary and treasurer Mr Suhr be came president in 1934 following the death af Mr Schafer He re tired from the business in 1942 His llriflht as a Ctiinirul Crlxp nit Phone WOodbi 1400 in their homes her classes attracted attention as rating unusually high in grammar and composition She retired in 1941 The former Annette Graham she was born in a log cabin in Con neautville Pa and was educated in the State Teachers College in Edinboro Pa She married Jeffer son 74 Gunn and the couple came to Cleveland in 1909 She began teaching hero about five years later Her husband died five years ago Her son and two grandchildren sur vive her Services will be held at 1:30 Saturday in the Klanke funeral home 12020 Detroit Avenue Lake wood Burial will be in Sunset Me morial Park Cemetery DIAMONDSAKHU ITS 9 MRS ANNETTE GINN Mrs Annette Gunn former teach er in the Cleveland public schools and specialist in the teaching of English to children of foreign par entage died in the home of her son Robert Gunn 3419 98th Street yesterday at the age of 70 Mrs Gunn taught here for more than a quarter century Much of this teaching was in Harmon School 20th Street near Woodland Ave nue Despite the wide variety uiTjmTHiucun HUM' CHtttT lHZ I man jn one of the me his sole rc PEAT MOSS MILORGANITE XXX SOIL BIL DER VIGORO stern section of the Dearborn ana are on route to Hawaii The navy i is Iradinfi a 'jL7idfsnrari mr sra SMiTh for miinsy mnn whn aaL io a iiieooat wnen ine i split I SEIDM AN i Al 36O DETROITAVt famous color Plus 20 ed Tax CARROT JUICE 9 Mistrals 4 Vitamins RprommrndM In rthrll I'eipr KMney MltfU Aitf Cmcin held in purportedly' a San ran wa Af able Also American can make your re turn reservation before you depart and help you with necessary documents BEGONIA BULBS I'atli I 0lt KC Vitmaln A for the Eyes Vitamin 8 tor the Nerves Vitamin for the Teeth Vitamin 9 for the Growth the dirtarr rar Kheunialixm ulitla Hay Aiinuni unuiMlinn Ixiw iiitMid I'ressure lia mlnrrnl Add vitamin nf jrrnl nmwMl IM ni ran 2Oc 24 can S475 Cleveland I arrest Health ood lnre NATURAL OODS INSTITUTE 4 I'ttnsiTn us ch 1319 83d Division He was a member of the Sons of the American Revolu tion tlie American Society of Civil Engineers the American Institute of Rea! Estate Appraisers and the Cleveland Real Estate Board He! was president of the last named in 1938 He was also a trustee of the Cleveland Association of Building Owners and Managers Surviving him are his wnfe the former Lucia Koke of Cleveland a daughter Mrs Nancy Benner: a son Gale Knowlton and his father Burt Knowlton of Moga dore Mr Knowlton was born in Kent and was graduated from Kent High School GEORGE RETTIG George Rettig landscape archi tect and former superintendent of for the city of Cleveland land for the Cleveland Metropolitan Park Board died airhill Hos pital yesterday at the age of 75 Beginning a the turn of the century Mr Ret tig was in charge of forestry and landscaping for the city Some of the parks which testify to his skill are Highland Brookside don and Rocke feller Cut Duplicating Costs In Half NEW Copy Write Liquid Duplicator i niroii tiustec of SPRING STYLES will be displayed at 8 tunight at Berea High School in a show sponsored by the Berea Business and Professional (Tub to raise funds for a Red Cross incubator for Berea Community Hospital These 10 professional models of the ashinger School are donating their services in modeling the newest frocks Left to right: Mary Rose mary Trances Pat ashin jer 4 irginia Martin Barbara Gor man Rosalie Miragia Eileen Reuse Madline Dunne 'Lay Eonallo and Dolores Kovarik 73 PROO 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO OR A 10 NE 'Y0r GIVI! tomorrow in the DeVand funeral of Education Building lbs home 11130 Euclid Avenue Burial a'k will deal with the waste of will be in Acacia Park Cemetery America's youth Chester Avenue The trustees Sklenicka said felt raj that the federal grant tor the im i0 provement could be obtained even it actual construction were delayed The Legion pusi'ion was similar of Mayor Thoma A Burke who Mid yesterday lie favoied go i years he was with Cleveland 1 1 GEORGE RETTIG tan Park Board 1920 to 1930 he did forestry and landscaping in many of the reservations and narks i in the metropolitan system Around 1930 he went to Sharon Pa to convert the former farm of Buhl Sharon steel maker into a public park He had re mained there until his health failed recently Mr Rettig was known also as an amateur sleight of hand artist and frequently entertained gatherings with his tricks His wife the former Marcella Schultz of Cleveland died last year Surviving him are a sister Mrs Elizabeth Kerr of Cleveland and a nephew Harrison Kerr of New York musician and uneral services will be in Sharpsville Pa near Sharon Sat urday STEPHEN REPASKY Stephen Repasky 86 year old for mer coal miner who devoted his I spare time to cultivating and cross I breeding rare plants died yester day in his home 2901 Ambler Street iS Hts garden in the rear of his home was the center of interest of 1 neighbors many of whom were re Rites Held in West for Edmund Stallo Edmund Stallo for 10 year? the husband of Mr May Harring ton Hanna Stallo and a resident ol Cleveland for several yrars died impoverished in a state instituton ip California last Sunday accord ac AIH1NES IN I You're destined for a gayer younger look the minute you apply Crackerjack Your lips go sunny rural red your skin glows radiant and tawny touched Crackerjack is viva cious flattering new Concocted for you by Helena world artist! By lagship is the modern way the quick and dependable way to travel Less than 9 hours transatlantic from land to land Aboard an American Overseas lagship there is only one cost for ex ample $325 plus tax New York to London uneral services for Harry Dar in Knowiton manager of the artment of the Central will be held in the A Daniels funeral Avenue Lake a ood at 1 :30 Saturday Mr Knowltons suffered a heart attack at his desk it in the bank yes terday morning nd died shortly after noon in Cleveland Clinic He was 52 His nome was ar Virginia Avenue Lakewood connprtinn harry with the Central ltu National Bank dated from September 1943 Pre viously he had been president of the Valuation Service Co He had been identified with federal activi ties here as acting regional co ordinator Division of Co ordina tion Office of Emergency Manage ment in 1940 and 1941 Cleveland Railway Consultant In the period between World Wars I and II he had been active in the construction housing and re 1 estate fields He was real estate consultant for the Cleveland Rail way Co Mr Knowlton was a veteran of World War I in which he served with the 332d Infantry Regiment i Travel the airline with the experience of more than 13800 trans atlantic flights makes friends af first sip! Good humored good 1 tasting good whiskey on every count You'll like your drinks better when they re on me Sunny Brook side MRS EMU BLD HALL Mrs Elsie Blichall wife of Emil 11 Gordon which picked thcml Blichall and for many years ac iuP midocean after they had been r4M a despite their wretched material displaced person camps in Ger plight Dr Joseph Schwartz di many Austria and northern Italy rector of Joint Distribution Com 1 mittee activities for the United Integration Begun Jewish Appeal in Europe said last i In the first group Dr Schwartz night I reported definite signs of improve Addressing an audience of 500 in intent over the condition a year ago Euclid Avenue Temple under aus pie said the Jews in this more for pices of the Jewish Welfare und innate group were beginning to be campaign Dr Schwartz asserted: I integrated into the economic and ine jews or America have rendezvous with destiny in 1947 in helping their people abroad to sur vive and rebuild their lives" The speaker said the latest fig tile environments according to Dr urcs tor Europe showed 1590000 Schwartz who said the worst off survivors out of prewar con were the 400 000 Jews living in Ro All over Europe there is a re Eurone Poland itimrarv nr ni surgence or the spiritual and com Bulgaria Greece Czechoslovakia Both denied seeing the shootmgjfeg munal life among Jewish survivors and Yugoslavia 3) the 250000 in1 but said they heard the shots mg to the Associated Press 84 uneral services for the nati born man of wealth bacramento Tuesday were arranged for cisco woman whose identity not disclosed Stallo son of a United States minister to Rome married Ijiura McDonald whose family was su seriated with the Standard Oil Co Their daughters Laura and Helen 1 married the former Prince rancesco Rosptgliosi and the lat ter Prince MUhael Mura' Mr Stallo and the daughters heirs of a 5250000CO ei th death of Mrs parents Af'er the death of Mrs Stallo the i was shovn to have nd' i I 1 WAfOO aft rwa St In tmi he had winl'O) dDnsX S'a 'n Watch £)OEPAIRS 48 HOUR SERVICE OUR ELECTRIC TIMING MACHINE Eliminotet Guessing! STATE WATCH 151 suicides last year reached a peak from March to June he said The number in each month in 1946 was: January 9 ebruary March 23 April 14 May 22 June 16 July 8 August 3 September 16 October 17 November 5 De cember 15 So far this year there were 17 suicides in January nine ir ebruary and 23 to date this month Dr Gerber said he was still in vestigating the death of Mayor a social life of the western European kuuim jva Tile second group are in poor condition and exist mostly in hos I David Douglass of North Olm O' sled whose body was found Tues I i day in his saraee Death was du jeCISOnCf increase to carbon monoxide poisoning the A "seasonal increase" in suicides coroner said He added that he was blamed yesterday by Coroner hoped to complete the investigation Samuel Gerber for the large today number of persons taking their lives One of 3 Held in Lombardo hT in recent wceks i The March suicide toll was raised i Probe Called Triggerman to 23 when or Gerber ruled that me aeatns oi two Cleveland police One of three men being held byjmen and a West Side divorcee were police was named last night by an i3Upa' Referring to the upward trend other of the trio of suspects as the)the coroner said more people take triggerman in the slaying of Otto their lives in spring than at any Lombardo early Sunday in the other time in the year The Mayfield Road district detective said Identity of the man named was withheld by Lieut David Kerr head of the police homicide bureaupending further questioning The informant also told detectives that three men witnessed the shoot ing of Lombardo a 21 year old gambling grocery clerk near his home at 12208 Mayfield Road at a a One of the witnesses referred io is believed to be the informant him fc self Two other men named by the in fc formant as witnesses were picked up by police late yesterday and were being held last night Oi is a relative of the slain man The other is a resident of the district Drx4lx cnAlnrY chz'inJ rs rf IStnP uneral Today As police press for a solution of the murder funeral services foi the victim will be held at 10 a this morning in Holy Rosary Catholic iwj Church The killing followed Lombardos! visit to a neighborhood crap game I which developed into a fist tight: and which was the prelude to a poker game I Lombardo was killed after hei had first lost $20 in a neighborhood I crap game and then won IS in a' poker game During the crap gam i Lombardo got into a fist fight with a bartender and allegedly drew a knife The bartender is one of men first taken into custody Woodland Avenue near the present fome western Euro placed persons one of the most! ouue 9th Street He attended old Pean countries and Scandinavia (2) baffling of our time loardo iwn years alter the end of ihe war mere are ZtWOOQ Jews daughter Mrs 1157 Argonne Road South Euclid Shn was hnrn in i years ago and attended Cleveland schools In 1907 she was married to Mr Bliehall proprietor of the Ohio School of Mechanical Den tistry Mrs Bliehall was one of the early officers of Messiah Chapter White Shrine of Jerusalem She was its hieh nriesie in 1011 1 was supreme deputy of the White Shrine for north central Ohio She was an eany memoer also oi uien vtlle Chapter Order of lhe Eastern in surviving ner ocsiqcs ncr nus vu ei A 4 5 a 's i Donald two grandchi! KS AK dren a sister Mrs Jessie Sickle I Dr Milton Cohen a and three brothers William red American Allergy und and as sociate raiw or me journal oi ai The White Shrine of Jerusalem will address public school LOANS TO REPAIR MAINTAIN MODERNIZE OUR HOME OR BUSLNESS PROPERTY Aik at any of our ft Offices 100 WANTED 100 SINGER SEWING MACHINES WE Tour Old PAY Singer Round Bobbin CASH Drop head Model 115 Machine or All Other Singer or Singer Long Round Bobbin $1750 Shuttle Drophoada Dropheads REGARDLESS WORKING CONDITION Phon CH Hourj a Day thing the people want most in "VM wifiAy 1 1 I IJI I i "ik in a icarnps who HvsT Antthh hcrtm Wtu to spend a Sin herO1C day in a bed with 1 men whee uui sve zu pairs or reel i nr me Jewish Welfare U' aign in conjunction with 4 Jewish AppeaL which Mug umnatlv KI AS df Of 1 el re :92 hen nried Clarissa rrutee Here Oppose Chester tension but avor Grant Sklenicka enuntv command er of the American Legion last 1 night announced that his organiza tiou's tiiutces uere opposed to any 4 evictions "at thia time" in connec ktion with the proposed extension of OLD WSunnyBrook Suhr ir malhrnnatirt tfflrhrr in a ui aanca loaay to sa2a rf thn ii US HnnPVPlt Junior lOh Srhnn wuuiq nu Mwnn me arrival ban rranc scouirnlinH him Cleveland Heights is the sole survive et drunn him ily survivor shattered tanker ort Drbora DlrinTnd8 uneral serves wll be pnvate The lucky Jfl ade por aboardl i tne American President liner GenHonw Dorothy Mangold A V' rsuT 'ILVMIUWII 1 Cleveland 60 LW0 miles northwest of Honoiul plants He had made his home in Cleve land since the death six years ago of his wife Mary in Pleasant City where they had resided while he worked in the coal mines in the Cambridge district Mr Repasky was born in Austria and came to the United States 56 years ago He had been a miner in both Pennsylvania and Ohio Surviving him are his sons Stephen jr and John both super visors for the Cleveland Transit System and two daughters Mrs I Mary Troyan and Mrs Anna a bish uneral services will be Saturday in Pleasant City riends may call at the Jos Schulte funeral home 4092 Mayfield Road South Euclid CHARLES AUGUSTUS SUHR Charles Augustus Suhr for many ierick and Hafemeister voarc iHam i too ent ill oool vuio luutiiiicu ryiusi viity luinil visas i hiiiic online ui ivi uxtueni trade in Cleveland died ytpterday ronrjurl services At 1:30 Achers at 3 this afternoon in the inds Rising Spiritual Hope Among Jews All Over Europe home was at 2901 Hampton population of 7500000 Jews) mania where crop failures had ag Shaker Heights Thls surviving population conditions I Mr Suhr was bom in 1864 on ree main groups: Gt He termed the problem of dis Woodland Avenue near the present Sonle i50n0? Iewx in western Euro placed persons one of the most! 9th Street He attended old JCU'1 ana scanainavia tzi wining or our time Brownell School and Central 900000 in eastern countries of Two years after the end of the! TTTTTTTT i School His family was among the I war are 250000 Jews still in LEGION HITS EVICTIONS fi early residents of what then was 'di cod person camps and bar Euclid Heights nnw Cleveland AffVvnrc fit riiir Heights) their home being on air i mount Boulevard He married the former Olive Lothman of Cleveland in 1901 She died in 1942 A son Charles A Suhr jr mathematics teacher in Harry Knowlton Central National Bank Aide Is Dead W3Sr It Ein iv Jv rrx vl I 3 I a EAHIinrA lilATiirn i AubUotd AHulntK Wztf MgaEMK i A xJwf' its 1 1 $7' ivfl 1 1 i NO tM Ub IOI RllIMI PIOPLI CT gy ACTWimfi a ft JBaMMb i ffl twl I ho iEAinfvM I I hui xWk hS vA 1 aa itl I hf 1 'x i Wif 6 uU' 7 orW pA gSSRs' I I frwSEffi! in pEBCMAIVg I.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.