Options Trading: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners - NerdWallet (2024)

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If you've been reading about investing during this time of historical volatility, you've probably heard of options trading.

Options are complex financial instruments which can yield big profits — or big losses. Here's what you need to know about how to trade options cautiously.


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What is options trading?

Options trading is when you buy or sell an underlying asset at a pre-negotiated price by a certain future date.

Trading stock options can be complex — even more so than stock trading. When you buy a stock, you just decide how many shares you want, and your broker fills the order at the prevailing market price or a limit price you set. Options trading requires an understanding of advanced strategies, and the process for opening an options trading account includes a few more steps than opening a typical investment account.

» Is options trading better than stocks? Learn about the differences between stocks and options

In 2022, the stock market saw its share of highs and lows amid concerns about inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and rising oil prices. When the market is volatile, options trading often increases, says Randy Frederick, managing director of trading and derivatives with the Schwab Center for Financial Research.

“You can use options to speculate and to gamble, but the reality is ... the best use of options is to protect your downside,” he says. "Options are one way to generate income when the markets aren’t going up.”

According to the Options Clearing Corporation, there were 939 million options contracts traded in March 2022, up 4.5% compared with March 2021. It was second-highest trading month on record.

» Need to back up a bit? Read our full explainer on what options are

American-style contract

Can exercise at any point up to the expiration date.

European-style contract

Can only exercise on the expiration date.


Contract that gives you the right to buy a stock at a predetermined price.


Contracts with other investors that let you bet on which direction you think a stock price is headed.


Contract that gives you the right to sell shares at a stated price before the contract expires.


Shares of ownership in individual companies.

Strike price

Predetermined price for a stock.

How to trade options in four steps

1. Open an options trading account

Before you can start trading options, you’ll have to prove you know what you’re doing. Compared with opening a brokerage account for stock trading, opening an options trading account requires larger amounts of capital. And, given the complexity of predicting multiple moving parts, brokers need to know a bit more about a potential investor before giving them a permission slip to start trading options. Wendy Moyers, a certified financial planner at Chevy Chase Trust in Bethesda, Maryland, says people who know the market well, and have time to watch it, are better suited to options trading than busy, beginner investors.

"It’s definitely more complicated, and you have to be on top of it all throughout the trading day," she says.

One way to get some practice trading options is to try a paper trading account. These are free accounts where you can trade with fake money until you have your options-trading strategy down pat.

» Get some practice: Check out the best brokers for paper trading

Brokerage firms screen potential options traders to assess their trading experience, their understanding of the risks and their financial preparedness. These details will be documented in an options trading agreement used to request approval from your prospective broker.

» Ready to get started? See our list of the best brokers for options trading

You’ll need to provide your:

  • Investment objectives. This usually includes income, growth, capital preservation or speculation.

  • Trading experience. The broker will want to know your knowledge of investing, how long you’ve been trading stocks or options, how many trades you make per year and the size of your trades.

  • Personal financial information. Have on hand your liquid net worth (or investments easily sold for cash), annual income, total net worth and employment information.

  • The types of options you want to trade. For instance, calls, puts or spreads. And whether they are covered or naked. The seller or writer of options has an obligation to deliver the underlying stock if the option is exercised. If the writer also owns the underlying stock, the option position is covered. If the option position is left unprotected, it's naked.

Based on your answers, the broker typically assigns you an initial trading level based on the level of risk (typically 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest risk and 5 being the highest). This is your key to placing certain types of options trades.

Screening should go both ways. The broker you choose to trade options with is your most important investing partner. Finding the broker that offers the tools, research, guidance and support you need is especially important for investors who are new to options trading.

» Need some help? Learn how to choose an options broker

2. Pick which options to buy or sell

As a refresher, a call option is a contract that gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy a stock at a predetermined price — called the strike price — within a certain time period. (Learn all about call options.) A put option gives you the right, but not the obligation, to sell shares at a stated price before the contract expires. (Learn all about put options.)

Which direction you expect the underlying stock to move determines what type of options contract you might take on:

If you think the stock price will move up: buy a call option, sell a put option.

If you think the stock price will stay stable: sell a call option or sell a put option.

If you think the stock price will go down: buy a put option, sell a call option.

Frederick says to think of options like an insurance policy: You don’t get car insurance hoping that you crash your car. You get car insurance because no matter how careful you are, sometimes crashes happen.

"You buy options hoping you don’t need them,” he says.

This is just a very basic overview. For a look at more advanced techniques, check out our options trading strategies guide.

3. Predict the option strike price

When buying an option, it remains valuable only if the stock price closes the option’s expiration period “in the money.” That means either above or below the strike price. (For call options, it’s above the strike; for put options, it’s below the strike.) You’ll want to buy an option with a strike price that reflects where you predict the stock will be during the option’s lifetime.

You can’t choose just any strike price. Option quotes, technically called an option chain or matrix, contain a range of available strike prices. The increments between strike prices are standardized across the industry — for example, $1, $2.50, $5, $10 — and are based on the stock price.

The price you pay for an option, called the premium, has two components: intrinsic value and time value. Intrinsic value is the difference between the strike price and the share price, if the stock price is above the strike. Time value is whatever is left, and factors in how volatile the stock is, the time to expiration and interest rates, among other elements. For example, suppose you have a $100 call option while the stock costs $110. Let’s assume the option’s premium is $15. The intrinsic value is $10 ($110 minus $100), while time value is $5.

This leads us to the final choice you need to make before buying an options contract.

4. Determine the option time frame

Every options contract has an expiration period that indicates the last day you can exercise the option. Here, too, you can’t just pull a date out of thin air. Your choices are limited to the ones offered when you call up an option chain.

There are two styles of options, American and European, which differ depending on when the options contract can be exercised. Holders of an American option can exercise at any point up to the expiry date whereas holders of European options can only exercise on the day of expiry. Since American options offer more flexibility for the option buyer (and more risk for the option seller), they usually cost more than their European counterparts.

Expiration dates can range from days to months to years. Daily and weekly options tend to be the riskiest and are reserved for seasoned option traders. For long-term investors, monthly and yearly expiration dates are preferable. Longer expirations give the stock more time to move and time for your investment thesis to play out. As such, the longer the expiration period, the more expensive the option.

A longer expiration is also useful because the option can retain time value, even if the stock trades below the strike price. An option’s time value decays as expiration approaches, and options buyers don’t want to watch their purchased options decline in value, potentially expiring worthless if the stock finishes below the strike price. If a trade has gone against them, they can usually still sell any time value remaining on the option — and this is more likely if the option contract is longer.

Options trading examples

Even simple options trades, like buying puts or buying calls, can be difficult to explain without an example. Below we're walking through a hypothetical call option and put option purchase.

An example of buying a call

Imagine a company called XYZ Corp. with a share price of $100. If you think the price is going to rise to $120 by some future date, you could buy a call option with a strike price less than $120 (ideally a strike price no higher than $120 minus the cost of the option, so that the option remains profitable at $120).

If the stock does indeed rise above the strike price, your option is in the money. That means you can exercise it for a profit, or sell it to another options trader for a profit. If it doesn't, then your option is out-of-the-money, and you can walk away having only lost the premium you paid for the option.

An example of buying a put

Similarly, if you think XYZ's share price is going to dip to $80, you could buy a put option (giving you the right to sell shares) with a strike price above $80 (ideally a strike price no lower than $80 plus the cost of the option, so that the option remains profitable at $80).

If the stock drops below the strike price, your option is in the money and you can profit from it. Otherwise, you'd forfeit the premium and walk away.

Why trade options?

"The pros are you could make a little bit extra money on investing in the short term," Moyers says. "The con is you could lose everything, depending on how you structure your options trading."

Once you have learned the strategies and you're willing to put the time in, there are several upsides to options trading, Frederick says. For instance, you can use a covered call to help you generate income in a sideways market.

Frederick says most covered calls are sold out of the money, which generates income immediately. If the stock falls slightly, goes sideways, or rises slightly, the options will expire worthless with no further obligation, he says. If the stock rises and is above the strike price when the options expire, the stock will be called away at a profit in addition to the income gained when the options were sold.

» Ready to learn more? Read 5 basic options trading strategies

Frequently asked questions

Can anyone trade options?

That depends on your broker. Some brokers restrict access to options trading via an aptitude test, a minimum balance or margin requirement, or all of the above.

What's the difference between puts and calls?

In simple terms, puts are contracts that involve selling the underlying stock, while calls involve buying it. For more information, check out our article on call vs. put.

Options Trading: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners - NerdWallet (2024)


Options Trading: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners - NerdWallet? ›

Avoid options with low liquidity; verify volume at specific strike prices. calls grant the right to buy, while puts grant the right to sell an asset before expiration. Utilise different strategies based on market conditions; explore various options trading approaches.

How should a beginner start options trading? ›

  1. How to Trade Options in 5 Steps.
  2. 1.Assess Your Readiness.
  3. 2.Choose a Broker and Get Approved to Trade Options.
  4. 3.Create a Trading Plan.
  5. 4.Understand the Tax Implications.
  6. 5.Continuous Learning and Risk Management.
  7. Buying Calls (Long Calls)
  8. Buying Puts (Long Puts)

How to learn option trading step by step? ›

How are Trade Options Using Four Easy Steps?
  1. Step 1- Open An Options Trading Account. To start trading in options is not the endgame. ...
  2. Step 2- Pick The Options To Buy Or Sell. ...
  3. Step 3- Predict The Options Strike Price. ...
  4. Step 4- Analyse The Time Frame Of The Option.
Apr 19, 2024

What is the trick for option trading? ›

Avoid options with low liquidity; verify volume at specific strike prices. calls grant the right to buy, while puts grant the right to sell an asset before expiration. Utilise different strategies based on market conditions; explore various options trading approaches.

Which option strategy is best for beginners? ›

5 options trading strategies for beginners
  1. Long call. In this option trading strategy, the trader buys a call — referred to as “going long” a call — and expects the stock price to exceed the strike price by expiration. ...
  2. Covered call. ...
  3. Long put. ...
  4. Short put. ...
  5. Married put.
Mar 28, 2024

Can you start trading options with $100? ›

Yes, you can technically start trading with $100 but it depends on what you are trying to trade and the strategy you are employing. Depending on that, brokerages may ask for a minimum deposit in your account that could be higher than $100. But for all intents and purposes, yes, you can start trading with $100.

What is the best level of option trading for beginners? ›

The first level is a great way to get started because traders at this level can only use covered calls and cash-secured puts. Be aware that each has their own risks. The risks for the covered call was covered above.

How fast can I learn option trading? ›

Now, the burning question on everyone's mind – how long does it take to learn options trading? Well, it really depends on how much time and effort you're willing to put in. Some people might be able to pick it up in a few weeks, while others might take months or even years to fully grasp the concepts.

How do you never lose in option trading? ›

The option sellers stand a greater risk of losses when there is heavy movement in the market. So, if you have sold options, then always try to hedge your position to avoid such losses. For example, if you have sold at the money calls/puts, then try to buy far out of the money calls/puts to hedge your position.

Why do people fail in option trading? ›

Lack of a clear strategy: Options trading requires a well-defined strategy. If options buyers do not have a clear plan, exit strategy or risk management in place, they may make impulsive decisions that lead to losses.

What is the secret of option trading? ›

Understand the Leverage Well

You can buy and sell options with relatively lower risk because you do not need to actually own the stock. Thus, by putting a smaller amount (option premium)- you get exposure to a significantly higher contract exposure. This is known as leverage.

How to learn option trading easily? ›

You can get started trading options by opening an account, choosing to buy or sell puts or calls, and choosing an appropriate strike price and timeframe. Generally speaking, call buyers and put sellers profit when the underlying stock rises in value. Put buyers and call sellers profit when it falls.

Which broker is best for beginners option trading? ›

Best Options Trading Brokers in India 2023
BrokerOptionsRequest Callback
ZerodhaFlat Fee Rs 20Open Account
UpstoxFlat Fee Rs 20Open Account
5paisaFlat Fee Rs 20Open Account
ProStocksFlat Fee Rs 15Open Account
5 more rows
Feb 9, 2024

What is the key to option trading? ›

The key to options trading is predicting how the value of stocks will change and within what time frames. The expiration dates of contracts can range from a few days to multiple years, with short-term contracts posing more risks than their long-term counterparts.

How much money do I need to start options trading? ›

How Much Money Do You Need to Trade Options? Broker requirements can vary from zero to a few thousand dollars. Most brokers require account sizes of $2,000 or less. However, trading an option account with only a few hundred dollars is not prudent.

Can I start trading options with $500? ›

Yes, you can trade options for only $500, but it is important to note that options trading involves significant risks and may not be suitable for everyone. Online brokers like Robinhood and TD Ameritrade offer commission-free options trading and allow you to start trading with no minimum deposit.


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