India vs Qatar Live Streaming FIFA World Cup Qualifier Live Telecast: Where To Watch Match Live | Football News (2024)


World Cup 2023 Points Table

IND 9 9 0 0 0 18 +2.570
SA 9 7 2 0 0 14 +1.261
AUS 9 7 2 0 0 14 +0.841
NZ 9 5 4 0 0 10 +0.743
PAK 9 4 5 0 0 8 -0.199

Full Points Table

World Cup 2023 Stats

  • Most Runs
  • Most Wickets
Player Runs AVG
Virat Kohli Virat Kohli 765 95.62
Rohit Sharma Rohit Sharma 597 54.27
Quinton de Kock Quinton de Kock 594 59.40
Rachin Ravindra Rachin Ravindra 578 64.22
Daryl Mitchell Daryl Mitchell 552 69.00

Full Stats

Live Scores & Results

  • In Progress
  • Upcoming
  • Recent

    '; var noMatchHtmlUpcoming = '

  • No Upcoming Matches
  • '; var noMatchHtmlRecent = '

  • No Recent Matches
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    % chance to win

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    Draw ' + item.drawWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    '; } else { if (parseInt(item.teamaWinPer) > parseInt(item.teambWinPer)) { html = '

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    '; } else { html = '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

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'0' + minutes : minutes; var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } function loadwidget(url) { var isChrome = !! && (!! || !!; const monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; const dayNames = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri","Sat"]; var noLive = false; var noUpcoming = false; var dataurlenglish = ''; if (url == undefined || url=='' || url=="") { if (tourid == 0) { dataurlenglish = '' + sport + '&league=0&timezone=0530&language=' + lang + '&gamestate=4&widget=Rhslivescorewidget'; } else { dataurlenglish = '' + sport + '&league=0&timezone=0530&language=' + lang + '&tournament=' + tourid +'&widget=Rhslivescorewidget'; } } else { dataurlenglish = url; } Sports_Jsonp.loadJSON({ url: dataurlenglish, cache: true, type: 'jsonp' }, function (dataenglish) { var active = false; if (dataenglish != undefined) { if (!dataenglish.matches) { if (!dataenglish.error) { cb(); return false; } } matchscores = dataenglish.matches; var inprogress = sortMatches(matchscores, 'inprogress',false) var upcoming = sortMatches(matchscores, 'upcoming',false) var recent = sortMatches(matchscores, 'recent', false) if (inprogress.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(inprogress, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'inprogress'); } catch (e) { } if ( == "cricket") { var team1score = item.participants[0].value.split('&'); var team2score = item.participants[1].value.split('&'); var scorehtml1 = ''; var scorehtml2 = ''; var activeclstm1 = ''; var activeclstm2 = ''; var playstatus = ''; var crr = ""; var scroedata; var crr_score = ""; var crr_overs = ""; try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { activeclstm1 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[0].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { activeclstm2 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[1].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } if (item.result_code != "A") { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == "test") { if (team1score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } } if (team2score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } else { if (team1score.length > 1) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ' ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } if (team2score.length > 1) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ' ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } try { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == 'test') { if (item.event_is_daynight == "false") { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Morning Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Lunch Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } else { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Opening Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Dinner Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } playstatus = "Day " + item.event_day + " " + playstatus; } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } catch (e) { playstatus = '' } var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } crr = parseFloat(crr_score) / parseFloat(crr_overs); crr = crr.toFixed(2); html += '

  • '; if (item.event_status_id == "115" || item.event_status_id == "127") { //var isFGAvail = $.grep(fg_matches, function (a) { // if (item.game_id == a) { return a; } //}); //if (isFGAvail.length > 0) { // html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + 'Fantasy TipsGet Team'; //} else { html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //} } html += ''; html += '' + playstatus + ''; var isIOS = !window.MSStream & /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent); if (1) { if (!isIOS) { html += 'notify'; } } html +=''+ team1n + '' + scorehtml1 + '\'+ team2n + '' + scorehtml2 + ''+ item.event_sub_status + 'CRR: ' + crr + '' + fantasyhtml + '
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  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + '' + item.participants[0].value + '' + team2n + '' + item.participants[1].value + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
  • '; } } }) $("#scr_live").html(html); } else { noLive = true; $("#scr_live").html(noMatchHtmlProgress); } if (upcoming.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(upcoming, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'upcoming'); } catch (e) { } var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var finaldate = dayNames[dt.getDay()] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ' - ' + formatAMPM(dt) + ' IST'; var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } if ( == "cricket") { html += '

  • '; //html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //var isFGAvail = $.grep(fg_matches, function (a) { // if (item.game_id == a) { return a; } //}); //if (isFGAvail.length > 0) { // html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + 'Fantasy TipsGet Team'; //} else { html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //} html += ''; var isIOS = !window.MSStream & /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) /*(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) && !window.MSStream*/; if (1) { if (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") != -1 & !isChrome) { var sportsLInk = '' + link + '?pfrom=sports-calendar'; html += ''; } else { html += ''; } } html += ' ' + team1n + ' ' + team2n + ''+ finaldate + '' + fantasyhtml + '
  • '; try { var win = getWinPercentagetop(item.game_id); } catch (e) { } } else if ( == "football") { html += '

  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + ''+ team2n + '' + finaldate + '
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  • ' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + '' + team1n + ''+ scorehtml1 + ''+ team2n + '' + scorehtml2 + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
  • '; } else if ( == "football") { html += '

  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + '' + item.participants[0].value + '' + team2n + '' + item.participants[1].value +'FT
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    Harry Kane England 6 6
    Romelu Lukaku Belgium 6 4
    Antoine Griezmann France 7 4
    Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 4 4
    Denis Cheryshev Russia 5 4

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    India vs Qatar Live Streaming FIFA World Cup Qualifier Live Telecast: Where To Watch Match Live | Football News (2024)


    India vs Qatar Live Streaming FIFA World Cup Qualifier Live Telecast: Where To Watch Match Live | Football News? ›

    In the US and worldwide, the AFC World Cup Qualification match between Qatar and India is available to watch and stream online live through FIFA+. Check out GOAL's Live Match Centre for updates.

    How can I watch World Cup qualifiers live in India? ›

    The Qatar vs India, FIFA World Cup qualifier match can be watched LIVE on the FanCode app and website. India faces AFC Asian Cup 2023 champion, Qatar, in its last second round match of the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers on June 11 at Jassim Bin Hamad Stadium in Doha, Qatar.

    Which channel is broadcasting India vs Qatar today? ›

    The India vs Qatar, FIFA World Cup Qualifier match will be streamed live on Fan Code app and website. Get the Latest T20 World Cup 2024 Updates, check out T20 WC 2024 schedules and T20 World Cup points table at NDTV Sports.

    Is World Cup streaming free in India? ›

    Where to watch T20 World Cup in India. The ICC Men's T20 World Cup will stream for free through Disney+ Hotstar in India. This differs from regular Disney+ and requires an Indian phone number to sign up, so people from other countries with Disney+ accounts won't be able to use this.

    Where can I watch FIFA World Cup qualifying? ›

    Stream AFC qualifiers for FIFA World Cup 26 live and free on...
    • Stream and watch selected matches from AFC FIFA World Cup qualifying.
    • Matches available to stream live for free across FIFA+ in selected territories.
    • Click here to visit the streaming page.
    Jun 10, 2024

    On which app India vs Qatar is available? ›

    The India vs Qatar football match will begin at 9:15 PM IST today. Fans can watch the live streaming of IND vs QAT football on the Fan Code app.

    On which channel World Cup is broadcast in India? ›

    Star Sports Network has the broadcasting rights for ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024 in India. Star Sports 1 HD/SD will live telecast Super 8 match live with English Commentary while Star Sports Hindi HD/SD will live broadcast the matches with Hindi Commentary.

    What is the national TV channel of Qatar? ›

    Qatar Television, (Arabic: تلفزيون قَطَر, romanized: Tilifizyūn Qaṭar); abbreviated as Qatar TV or QTV), is a Qatar Government owned public service national television channel in Qatar which is owned and run by Qatar General Broadcasting and Television Corporation.

    On which app we can watch World Cup live? ›

    Disney+ Hotstar is currently the best application available in India for watching the live streaming of the T20 World Cup.

    Can I watch World Cup in Hotstar? ›

    This year, the leading OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar brings you complete coverage of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024. What's more? Now get a Vi Disney+ Hotstar pack to enjoy: Full coverage of the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2024.

    Where can I watch ICC World Cup in India? ›

    India. There will be plenty of people in India cheering on Rohit Sharma's side and fans will be able to enjoy all the action via Star Sports Network and Disney + Hotstar.

    How to watch world cup 2026 qualifiers? ›

    Watch all the action from the next two rounds of CAF qualifying for the 2026 tournament, with highlights available worldwide. The race to qualify for FIFA World Cup 26™ resumes across Africa on Wednesday, 5 June, with 52 matches set to be streamed live and free on FIFA+.


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    Author: Margart Wisoky

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    Author information

    Name: Margart Wisoky

    Birthday: 1993-05-13

    Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

    Phone: +25815234346805

    Job: Central Developer

    Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

    Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.