How to find percentage of a number between two numbers [solved] (2024)

The percentage is a fraction or a ratio in which the value of the whole is always 100.

Answer: To find the percentage of a number between two numbers, divide the number by the other number and then multiply by 100.

Let us see an example to calculate the percentage of a number between two numbers.


Consider two numbers 30 and 45. Let us calculate what percentage is 30 out of 45.

For this, we divide the part (30) by the whole (45) and multiply the result by 100.

This gives 30/45 × 100 = 66.67%.

So, 30 is 66.67% of 45.

Hence, to find the percentage of a number between two numbers, divide the number by the other and then multiply the result by 100.

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How to find percentage of a number between two numbers [solved] (2024)


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