How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (2024)

Project managers often struggle to calculate project ROI and communicate a project’s financial value to stakeholders as they might not have the right tools or processes to do so.

This guide has everything you need to start calculating the ROI of your projects, avoid scope creep, and improve project efficiency.

You’ll learn proven steps, formulas, and examples to calculate and improve project ROI.

Let’s dive in.

What is project ROI?

Project ROI (return on investment) measures how much profit a project generates compared with its final cost.

This metric helps businesses understand which projects are worth the investment, if it was a good financial decision, and how to prioritize future tasks.

Based on what stage the project is at, there are different ways to measure project ROI.

For example, if you haven’t started working on a project, you can use the anticipated ROI to predict project performance.

Let’s look more closely at the four different types of project ROI that you can calculate.

What are the different types of ROI in a project?

Here are the four types of ROI in a project:

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (1)

Anticipated ROI

Anticipated ROI is the expected ROI of a project before it begins.

Project managers calculate anticipated ROI based on research and analysis of similar projects, market conditions, and potential risks.

Calculating anticipated ROI helps them understand if a project is worth completing, evaluate risk, and prioritize profitable projects.

Actual ROI

This is the project’s true financial performance compared to initial estimations.

Actual ROI has multiple uses as it:

  • Shows how profitable the project is
  • Helps evaluate how accurate initial ROI estimates are
  • Can compare actual ROI with anticipated ROI. This helps project managers learn valuable lessons for future projects

Positive ROI

A positive project ROI is a project manager’s dream. It proves a project generated more revenue than it cost to complete.

Positive ROI is the goal of every project as it shows a successful investment with profitable outcomes.

Negative ROI

Negative ROI is as bad as it sounds. This means the project is not profitable and costs more than the revenue generated.

But the positive here is the lessons to be learned for future projects.

Here are some ways negative ROI can help project managers:

  • It can identify inefficiencies, overspending, and underestimated costs to help refine future processes.
  • Negative ROI often stems from unforeseen risks or poor risk management. It can be a wake-up call for project managers to focus on risk assessment.
  • Analyzing projects with negative ROI helps project managers make better decisions about how to invest their future resources.

How to calculate the ROI of a project?

Calculating project ROI can be done in six straightforward steps.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (2)

1. Estimate the time required to deliver the project

Estimating the project’s duration sets a strong foundation for realistic expectations and accurate ROI calculations.

To nail time estimates, break down the project into smaller tasks and estimate the duration of each one.

We recommend using a Work Breakdown Structure to outline your project’s tasks and create more detailed and accurate estimates.

In Toggl Track, setting time estimates for your tasks is easy when creating or editing projects.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (3)
How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (4)

You can also use the Project Dashboard to see past data and create estimates based on similar projects.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (5)

2. Set up labor costs based on the resources allocated to the project

In professional service teams, like agencies and consultancies, labor costs account for a large part of a project’s total expenses, so set them up from the start to measure project profitability effectively.

In Toggl Track, you can set labor costs at project and organizational workspace levels.

Here’s how to add labor costs for individual project members in two steps:

  1. Go to the Projects page and select the Team tab.
  2. Add Labor Cost under the COST column for each project member.
How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (6)

3. Set up billable rates

Next, establish and set up your billable rates.

These should reflect the value of your work, cover all project costs, and be profitable against current market rates..

Here are some tips for setting effective billable rates for your project:

  • Analyze project costs: Calculate direct costs like labor and materials alongside indirect costs like overhead and administrative expenses. Clarify these costs before deciding on your billable rates.
  • Understand market rates: Market rates can often vary depending on your location, expertise, and industry. Research and the going rates for similar services to ensure you remain competitive.
  • Include a profit margin: Besides covering costs, your billable rates should also include a profit margin. The margin size may vary based on your growth strategy or competition.
  • Add a contingency margin: Risks like project delays, unexpected costs, and scope changes are common in any project. Adding a contingency margin to your billable rates creates a financial buffer against unforeseen risks.

When these variables are clear, use a project profitability tool like Toggl Track to add your billable rates at workspace, project, and team member levels.

It’s easy to add billable rates for project members:

  • Go to the Team’s tab on the Projects page and add rates for each project member under the RATE column, as shown below.
How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (7)

4. Track billable hours

Start tracking billable hours once your rates are set up.

Make sure you clearly define what’s billable and what’s not. Separating billable and non-billable hours will make your life easier when billing clients and give you accurate profitability insights.

Here’s how to track billable hours with Toggl Track’s timer in the web app:

  1. Type in your ‘time entry description’
  2. Find your client
  3. Select what ‘project’ you’re working on
  4. Select the ‘task’ within the project
  5. Start the timer
How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (8)

Further Reading:

How to Track Billable Hours and Increase Profits by 20%

5. Calculate ROI

Finally, calculate your project’s ROI with the following formula:

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (10)

The cost of investment means all project expenses and the net profit equals the total revenue minus total project costs.

For example, if you complete a project with total revenue of $150,000 and total project costs of $100,000, your project ROI would be:

Net profit = $150,000 – $100,000 = $50,000

ROI = $50,000/$100,000 x 100 = 0,5 x 100 = 50%

For every dollar you invested in the project, you gained 50 cents in profit—a 50% return on your investment.

6. Monitor ROI as a metric and take corrective actions where necessary

Monitoring project ROI helps you identify performance issues and bottlenecks early and take action.

Using a powerful reporting tool like Toggl Track, you can easily track the profitability of your projects.

The Insights Dashboard shows project profitability data for a chosen period in a visual, easy-to-understand format.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (11)

This profitability report shows project income versus expenses and total billable hours tracked. You can also export this profitability report in CSV or Excel format.

How to calculate ROI for fixed price, T&M, and recurring revenue projects?

While the fundamental ROI formula stays the same for all projects, how you calculate net profit and cost of investment varies with each project model.

1. Fixed price projects

Fixed price projects have a well-defined budget from the start, so calculating ROI for fixed price projects is straightforward.

With this type of project, you know both the total revenue and the total costs of the project, so the calculation is as follows:

  • First, you need to calculate the net profit by subtracting the project’s expenses from the fixed price paid by the client.
  • Then, you can calculate ROI using the formula shown in the previous section.

For example, if a client pays $100,000 and the project costs $70,000, the net profit is $30,000.

Then, calculate the ROI: divide the net profit by the project costs and multiply by 100, which is $30,000/$70,000 ×100 = 42.86% In this case, the ROI is 42.86%.

2. Projects with time and materials (T&M) pricing

T&M projects have a flexible budget and charge clients for the actual time spent and materials used.

Calculating ROI for T&M projects can be more challenging as revenue and costs vary.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Track billable hours accurately and make sure to account for all labor costs.
  • Keep a precise record of the materials you used for the project and their costs.
  • Calculate the net profit: the total billable hours minus labor costs and materials.
  • Calculate the project’s ROI using the formula above.

For example, if total billable hours result in $120,000 and labor and materials cost $90,000, subtract these costs to get a net profit of $30,000.

Next, calculate the ROI: divide the net profit by the total costs and multiply by 100. This formula gives $30,000/ $90,000 ×100 = 33.33%

The ROI of 33.33% indicates that the project has a 33.33% return on the investment.

Further Reading:

Time and Materials vs. Fixed Fee: What To Choose?

3. Recurring revenue projects

For recurring revenue projects like subscriptions or ongoing service contracts, you must assess profitability for each billing cycle and determine the average ROI over the client’s lifetime.

This is a simplified process of the ROI calculation for this kind of project:

  • Calculate the net profit for each period (e.g., monthly, quarterly, etc.)
  • Calculate ROI for each period
  • Calculate the average ROI over the client’s lifetime

For example, if monthly revenue is $10,000 and costs are $6,000, the net profit would be $4,000. Then, calculate the ROI for the month by dividing the net profit by the costs and multiplying by 100, resulting in $4,000 / $6,000 ×100 = 66.67%

Repeat this calculation for each billing period. Finally, calculate the average ROI over the entire client relationship by averaging these periodic ROI percentages. This approach provides a clear measure of profitability over time.

Why is it important to calculate ROI in project management?

You might ask why should project managers and business owners calculate project ROI.

The answer lies in the benefits this process provides:

  • Prioritize profitable projects: Not all projects are created equal. Some might deliver profitable numbers, others might give you negative project ROI.

When you calculate ROI for projects, it’s easy to see what brings in the most profit and what doesn’t to help prioritize profitable projects and clients.

  • Spot bottlenecks and solve them timely: Your company’s leadership wants to see project ROI and profit.

Calculating project ROI lets you spot potential negative numbers and take action to boost your chances of approval.

  • Evaluate project success: Project ROI is a key measure of project success. A high ROI indicates the project successfully met its financial goals. The higher the ROI, the better.
  • Promotes growth: Looking at your projects through the ROI lens gives you useful insights into what works and what doesn’t to make changes to improve.

What is an example of project ROI?

Here’s a practical example of how to calculate project ROI:

Let’s say a tech company decided to create a new project management software. They set a budget of $500,000 for research, development, marketing, and distribution.

After launching, the software generated $750,000 in sales in the first year.

We calculate ROI with the formula:

ROI = Net profit/Investment cost x 100

First, we find the net profit by subtracting the cost from the revenue:

Net profit = $750,000 – $500,000 = $250,000

Then, we can calculate the project ROI:

ROI = $250,000/$500,000 x 100 = 50%

Achieving a 50% ROI proves the project was profitable and a good financial decision.

How can you improve project ROI?

You’ve calculated your project ROI, and the results were not so good. The goal now is to improve the ROI of future projects.

Here are some tips to do that.

1. Make more accurate estimates

Project estimates are the foundation for the project’s expectations, costs and timelines.

Estimates help you track progress and negotiate project budgets. That’s why they should be as accurate as possible.

Alex Taylor, Head of Marketing at CrownTV, agrees that accurate estimates can lead to higher ROI: “In my experience, one best practice that I highly recommend to improve project ROI is to make more accurate estimates. While it may seem like a simple concept, it holds immense power in maximizing profitability and success.

Accurate estimates let us set realistic expectations from the start. When we can accurately estimate the resources required, the time needed, and the potential costs involved, we can make informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently. This ensures that our projects are planned and executed with precision, reducing the likelihood of costly delays, unexpected expenses, and resource wastage.”

With Toggl Track, you can access historical project data to create accurate estimates:

  1. Go to Reports, then Summary Report, and see the time and costs of past projects in a clear, visual report.
How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (13)
  1. Find similar project tasks using the Project filter.
How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (14)
  1. See how long each task took to complete and create more accurate estimates.
How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (15)

To track project progress and see how actual time compares with estimates, access the Project Dashboard on the Projects tab and select the project you want to track.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (16)

Here, you can see a forecast of when a project should end based on estimates and progress against the fixed fee amount you set at the start.

2. Improve team billable utilization rate

The more your team works on billable projects, the more revenue they bring in.

Improving your team’s billable utilization rate can boost the ROI of your project, but it can also hurt it.

Give your team members too much work, and they risk burnout, which impacts their productivity and your bottom line.

To avoid this, use Toggl Plan’s Availability Overview feature to always assign the right amount of billable work to your team.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (17)

In this view, you can see each team member’s booking percentage and available hours for more efficient project planning.

Further Reading:

3. Reduce non-billable tasks

Non-billable tasks, while essential for day-to-day operations, do not directly generate revenue.

Common non-billable activities include admin duties, internal meetings, email management, and client communication. These tasks do not lead to billable work.

Identifying and reducing the time spent on these tasks means you can allocate more time to revenue-generating work and improve a project’s ROI.

Tom McSherry, the Managing Director of LeadLocal, highlights how important it is to make the most of internal meetings:

Efficient meetings are about saving time and fostering mutual understanding within the project team.

We utilize meetings to revisit our project benchmarks, delegate responsibilities clearly, and brainstorm creative digital strategies for our clients. These steps lead towards our project’s success and increased ROI.”

The first step in effectively reducing non-billable tasks is to identify them. With Toggl Track, team members can easily track time spent on unpaid work throughout the day.

Toggl Track then generates Summary reports to show exactly how much time your team spends on non-billable tasks.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (19)

4. Identify bottleneck tasks

Bottleneck tasks can slow progress, cause delays, and negatively impact your project’s ROI.

Your goal is to identify, address, and manage bottlenecks to minimize disruption.

Uku Tomikas, the CEO of Messente, talks about how his team tackles bottleneck tasks: “We use project management software to visualize each project’s workflow, allowing us to identify delays and bottleneck issues quickly. Through regular check-ins and our open-door policy, team members are encouraged to report issues as they occur, allowing us to respond promptly and keep projects moving forward.

You can use Toggl Track’s Summary Report to see how much time your team spent on what tasks and identify bottlenecks easily.

5. Get paid faster by sending accurate invoices

Accurate and detailed invoicing based on time tracking data builds client trust and minimizes time spent resolving invoice disputes.

With Toggl Track, you can create PDF invoices from your tracked time and send them to clients to receive faster payments.

Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Reports page and create a Summary Report.

Then, click “Create Invoice” on the bottom right side, as shown below.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (20)

You can also customize invoices by adding invoice ID, purchase order numbers, tax, custom memos, and more.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (21)

Over to you

With the right tools, calculating, tracking, and improving your project ROI is relatively easy.

Want to see how Toggl Track can help you measure project ROI, avoid scope creep, and improve profitability?

Sign up for a free Toggl Track account now.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (22)

The Toggl Team

Work tools to elevate your productivity – apps for incredibly simple time tracking and effective project planning.

How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example] (2024)


How to Calculate Project ROI [Steps, Formula, Example]? ›

For example, if a client pays $100,000 and the project costs $70,000, the net profit is $30,000. Then, calculate the ROI: divide the net profit by the project costs and multiply by 100, which is $30,000/$70,000 ×100 = 42.86% In this case, the ROI is 42.86%.

How do you calculate ROI step by step? ›

Return on investment (ROI) is an approximate measure of an investment's profitability. ROI is calculated by subtracting the initial cost of the investment from its final value, then dividing this new number by the cost of the investment, and finally, multiplying it by 100. ROI has a wide range of uses.

What is an example of ROI? ›

Consider someone who invested $90 into a business venture and spent an additional $10 researching the venture. The investor's total cost is $100. If the venture generated $300 in revenue but had $100 in personnel and regulatory costs, then net profits would be $200. ROI is $200 divided by $100 for a quotient of 2.

What is the formula for ROI in construction project? ›

ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) x 100

Net profit is the revenue generated from the investment minus the total costs incurred. All construction costs must be considered to receive an accurate ROI.

What is the formula for effective ROI? ›

You may calculate the return on investment using the formula: ROI = Net Profit / Cost of the investment * 100 If you are an investor, the ROI shows you the profitability of your investments. If you invest your money in mutual funds, the return on investment shows you the gain from your mutual fund schemes.

How to calculate ROI for a project in Excel? ›

Calculating ROI is simple, both on paper and in Excel. In Excel, you enter how much the investment made or lost and its initial cost in separate cells, then, in another cell, ask Excel to divide the two figures (=cellname/cellname) and give you a percentage.

How to develop a ROI calculator? ›

Building an ROI Calculator
  1. Pull Together the Right Team. Building an ROI Calculator will be a team effort. ...
  2. It's Never Going to be a Masterpiece. ...
  3. Helping Throughout the Sales Cycle. ...
  4. ROI is a Very, Very Practical Idea. ...
  5. Only Benefits That Count. ...
  6. Build in Variables. ...
  7. Provide Guideline Numbers. ...
  8. Keep Breaking Down Numbers.

How do you calculate ROI for a project example? ›

For example, if a client pays $100,000 and the project costs $70,000, the net profit is $30,000. Then, calculate the ROI: divide the net profit by the project costs and multiply by 100, which is $30,000/$70,000 ×100 = 42.86% In this case, the ROI is 42.86%.

What is an example of ROI in a sentence? ›

The company insists that the debt is supportable and the return on investment is attractive. The return on investment was disappointing because the spending was not matched by far-reaching public sector reform. They are looking for a return on investment and interoperability.

What are the 4 types of ROI? ›

What are the different types of ROI?
  • Gross ROI = (revenue – investment) / investment. Net ROI. ...
  • Net ROI = (gain from investment – cost of investment) / cost of investment. Cash ROI. ...
  • Cash ROI = (cash inflows – cash outflows) / cash outflows. Return on Equity (ROE)
Nov 16, 2023

What is ROI method in project management? ›

The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines Return on Investment (ROI) as a financial metric used to measure the profitability and efficiency of an investment or project. ROI represents the ratio of the net gain or loss generated from an investment relative to the amount of money invested.

What is an acceptable ROI for a project? ›

There is no set percentage. Some agencies might be satisfied with a 5-percent ROI, while others might be on the lookout for a higher number like 20 percent for it to be considered good ROI.

How do you calculate simple rate of return for a project? ›

The formula for the simple rate of return is: Simple rate of return = Annual incremental net operating income ÷ Initial investment $180,000 ÷ $1,200,000 = 15% Page 3 3 136.

Are there different ways to calculate ROI? ›

How do you calculate ROI?
  • ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) x 100.
  • ROI = [(Final Value of Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment x 100%>
  • Annualized ROI = [(1+ROI)1/n - 1] x 100% ...
  • NPV = TVECF - TVIC. ...
  • Equation.
Sep 21, 2022

Which of the following is the correct formula for calculating ROI? ›

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is option c. Operating profit divided by Average total assets. The return on investment is ascertained by dividing the net operating income by the average total assets.

How do you calculate ROI score? ›

How to calculate the ROI percentage?
  1. Find out the initial and final value of the investment.
  2. Subtract the initial value of the investment from the final value.
  3. Divide the result from Step 2 by the initial value of the investment and multiply the result by 100.
  4. Congrats! You have calculated the ROI percentage.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the formula for ROI monthly? ›

Take the ending balance and either add back net withdrawals or subtract out net deposits during the period. Then, divide the result by the starting balance at the beginning of the month. Subtract 1 and multiply by 100, and you'll have the percentage gain or loss that corresponds to your monthly return.

What is a good ROI percentage? ›

General ROI: A positive ROI is generally considered good, with a normal ROI of 5-7% often seen as a reasonable expectation. However, a strong general ROI is something greater than 10%. Return on Stocks: On average, a ROI of 7% after inflation is often considered good, based on the historical returns of the market.

What is the formula for calculating ROI on a balance sheet? ›

ROI is calculated by dividing a company's net income (earnings after tax) by total investments (total invested capital) and multiplying the result by 100.


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.