How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (2024)

Cyberattacks on big corporations are certainly newsworthy. However, hackers frequently target small businesses in data breaches and other cyberattacks. Cybersecurity incidents can paralyze your business and destroy customer trust, and recovering from these attacks is expensive. To help prevent these devastating consequences, it’s crucial for businesses of all sizes to put cybersecurity safeguards in place.

Like many core business functions, cybersecurity incurs expenses. But how much should you budget for your company’s cyber defenses? We’ll look at best practices for cybersecurity budget planning, outline cyberattack costs, and share various types of cyber incidents to be aware of.

Why budget for cybersecurity?

How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (1)

Cybersecurity affects businesses of all sizes. According to Netwrix Research Lab’s 2023 Hybrid Security Trends Report, 68 percent of all organizations surveyed — large and small — had experienced a cyberattack in the past 12 months. More specifically, 43 percent of data breaches involved small businesses.

How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (2)

Here are some benefits of establishing a cybersecurity budget for your small business:

  • Protecting your business: A cybersecurity budget funds programs that protect your company from a cyberattack’s costs and disruptions.
  • Satisfying risk-assessment clauses: A funded cybersecurity plan acts as a safety measure for dealing with third-party cybersecurity risk assessments (or other vendor requirements). Risk-assessment clauses are becoming standard in contracts.
  • Helping with compliance: Your cybersecurity budget will help you comply with regulations such as GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA and other national or state regulations that legally require companies to maintain cybersecurity standards.
  • Keeping your company competitive: Your cybersecurity budget will help you compete for large projects or contracts.

What cybersecurity areas should your budget include?

The cybersecurity arena is massive. As you build your budget, consider the following investment areas that small businesses should prioritize:

  • Risk assessment
  • Business preparation and continuity
  • Incident response
  • Employee training
  • Network and website vulnerability identification and management
  • Regular scanning and testing, including dark web scanning and ethical hacking
  • Cyber insurance policies

If you’re not convinced that your company needs a cybersecurity budget, consider that your business won’t be the only victim of a cyberattack; your employees, customers and strategic partners will experience the fallout as well. The only way to prevent an attack is to strengthen your understanding, posture and defenses — a process that merits investment for every small business.

Did You Know?

Cybersecurity risk management is the process of identifying the specific risks your company faces and planning how you'll defend against them. When you understand the risks, you can craft unique cybersecurity strategies to fit your situation.

How much should you spend on cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity spending is often tied to a business’s overall IT budget, which takes into account the company’s size and IT infrastructure. According to the 2023 State of IT report, 54 percent of companies globally plan to increase their IT budgets because of the following factors:

How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (3)

  • Experiencing recent security incidents
  • Updating older systems to shore up cybersecurity vulnerabilities
  • Enhancing security software
  • Spending more on managed security services

According to Statista, businesses worldwide spend an average of 12 percent of their IT budgets on cybersecurity. For example, if a company pays $3,000 monthly to an IT managed service provider to cover their IT needs, its cybersecurity budget would be about $360 per month.

How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (4)

However, the percentage of total IT spending on cybersecurity will vary widely due to the following factors:

  • Industry and company size
  • Compliance and other mandates that affect your business
  • The sensitivity of the data you collect, use and share
  • Requests from company stakeholders or customers

Here are a few tips for deciding on your cybersecurity spending:

  • Don’t spend a lot all at once. When you create a cybersecurity budget, you don’t have to invest a lot of money upfront. If you haven’t had a cybersecurity budget, try working a small amount into your upcoming budget. A little bit can go a long way; for a relatively small investment, you can take the critical first step of performing a cybersecurity risk assessment and start working on key improvements.
  • Get advice from your cybersecurity provider. Your cybersecurity provider can help you identify your business’s highest-priority and lowest-cost action items. From there, you can tailor your cybersecurity program and slowly grow your budget to provide enhanced protection and mitigate risks. Your cybersecurity is an ongoing initiative, not a one-time project.
  • Get company leadership on board. Small businesses often operate on tight budgets. In some cases, the person building and approving the budget may not understand the critical nature of cybersecurity. If you’re facing hesitation from leadership, stakeholders or the board of directors, perform a basic risk assessment to show them where your company stands and how an investment could bolster protection. Leadership — whether the board, C-suite executives or company owners — is responsible for guiding the company in the right direction, and that includes protecting it from threats.


Investing in employee training is crucial for any cybersecurity program. According to the World Economic Forum, human error causes 95 percent of cybersecurity breaches.

How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (5)

How much does a data breach cost?

Cyberattacks cause significant damage and expense. According to IBM’s 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average impact of a data breach on organizations with fewer than 500 employees is $3.31 million; the average cost per breached record is $164.

How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (6)

But the full cost of a data breach isn’t always immediately known. Potential direct costs include the following:

  • Monetary theft
  • Remediation and system repair
  • Regulatory and compliance fines
  • Legal and public relations fees
  • Notification, identity theft repair and credit monitoring for affected parties
  • Increase in insurance premium

Potential indirect costs include the following:

  • Business disruption and downtime
  • Loss of business or customers
  • Loss of intellectual property
  • Damage to company credibility, brand and reputation

Taking crucial cybersecurity steps can mitigate the damage and reduce the costs resulting from a data breach. These steps include having an incident response team and cybersecurity plan in place, using encryption, conducting employee training, and securing cyber insurance.

The concept of “cyber resilience” is growing in importance. Given the potential expenses and negative impacts of a data breach on a small business, any budget you dedicate to improving your company’s cybersecurity posture is well spent.

5 types of cyberattacks that threaten businesses

Your in-house IT team or outsourced IT partner should stay vigilant about the following cyberattack types. Some are obvious, while others are more overlooked attack vectors.

1. Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks

A DoS attack is designed to overwhelm a machine or network’s resources so the intended users cannot access the system. DoS attacks are accomplished by bombarding the specified target with a flood of traffic or information to crash the system.

Unlike other types of cyber risks, DoS attacks do not directly benefit the attacker. A competitor may initiate a DoS attack to disrupt your website and gain an advantage, or it may be the first stage of a greater cyberthreat.

A DDoS attack is the same as a DoS attack but is launched from many host computers. A DDoS attack aims to overwhelm a company website or service beyond what the server can accommodate so that it malfunctions.

There are different types of DoS and DDoS attacks, but these are the most common:

  • TCP SYN flooding: These attacks can be prevented by placing servers behind a firewall.
  • Ping-of-death attacks: A ping-of-death attack can be prevented by placing a server behind a firewall.
  • Teardrop attacks: Teardrop attacks result from a vulnerability that’s common in older versions of Windows; multiple patches have been issued over the years. Keep your operating system up to date to prevent teardrop attacks.
  • Botnets: Botnets can be prevented by enabling RFC 3704 filtering and black-hole filtering.

2. Phishing and spear-phishing attacks

Phishing attacks are a common cyberthreat in which attackers send emails that appear to be from trusted sources. The goal is to gain personal information, like usernames and passwords, or to cause someone to take a specific action, such as downloading malware onto their machine.

A spear-phishing attack is similar, but instead of casting a wide net, attackers target individuals and take time to research victims and create personal, relevant messages.

The best way to prevent phishing attacks within your company is to train your staff on what to look for and how to spot risky emails and links.

Did You Know?

Businesses are using machine learning to detect spear-phishing attacks by analyzing company social graphs, profiling user communication styles and analyzing email structure.

3. Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks

As the name implies, a MitM attack is when attackers insert themselves between a user and the services they interact with. MitM attack types include session hijacking, IP spoofing and replay attacks.

No single method can prevent all types of MitM attacks. However, encryption and digital certificates help prevent attackers from inserting themselves between users and servers.

4. Drive-by-download attacks

These attacks spread malware far and wide. An attacker looks for insecure websites to hack and plants malicious code throughout the site. When a user visits a hacked website, they may unintentionally install malicious code or be redirected to a site created by the attacker. Unlike other types of cyberthreats, a drive-by download doesn’t require the user to take an action, like clicking a button or opening an email, to be infected.

The best way to prevent this type of attack is to train your staff to keep their internet browsers and operating systems updated and to avoid insecure websites.

5. Password attacks

Obtaining a user’s password is among the oldest, most common and most effective cyberattack forms. Hackers can steal passwords in several ways:

  • Watching someone type in their password
  • Searching for unencrypted passwords on a network
  • Using social engineering to reconstruct passwords
  • Guessing a correct password through brute-force or dictionary attacks.

To protect your company from password attacks, implement two-factor authentication policies; require your employees to use strong, unique passwords; and implement a policy that locks user accounts after several invalid password attempts.

Cybersecurity can mitigate — but not eliminate — attacks

Cybersecurity is no longer a “nice to have” — it’s a must-have for businesses and a necessary budget item. A comprehensive cybersecurity program doesn’t have to cost a lot, but it requires prioritization and commitment from leadership, IT and other employees.

No matter how much you dedicate to cybersecurity, however, there are no 100-percent protection guarantees. Your best bet is to deploy a multifaceted, ongoing cybersecurity program using a combination of resources, testing, training and time.

The cost of a comprehensive cybersecurity program is a small price to pay for the peace of mind you’ll enjoy knowing that your company is better protected.

Jennifer Dublino contributed to this article.

How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? (2024)


How Much Should Your SMB Budget for Cybersecurity? ›

SMBs typically spend around 10% of their annual budget on cybersecurity.

How much should a small business spend on cyber security? ›

As a general rule for reducing cyber risk, a business should spend between a high single-digit figure and a low double-digit proportion of their IT budget on cyber security, i.e., 7% to 20%. This figure will vary depending on an organisation's risk exposure, the potential cost of a data breach, and its overall budget.

How much does cyber security cost for a small business? ›

Small businesses with effective security programs allocate around 10% to 20% of their total IT budget to cybersecurity measures. With a similar budget, you can support a wide range of cybersecurity activities, including: Cybersecurity awareness training.

What is the budget for cyber security? ›

These efforts to adopt technologies and practices that enhance cybersecurity defenses and ensur- ing the human capital to maintain these endeavors will and must continue. The President's Budget includes ap- proximately $13 billion of budget authority for civilian cybersecurity-related activities.

How much does the average person spend on cyber security? ›

In 2023, the average budget allocated to cyber security amounted to 26.8 million U.S. dollars in the United Kingdom and to 27.3 million U.S. dollars in the United States.

What is the average IT budget for a small business? ›

The cost of IT support for small businesses provided by a managed services vendor typically averages between $1500 and $3500 per month and depends on many factors. Of course, the costs can also be higher or lower than that, depending on specific circ*mstances (some of which are described below).

How much should you invest in cybersecurity? ›

Viewing cybersecurity through the lens of investment rather than expense is crucial. Globally, small to medium-sized businesses allocate approximately 12% of their IT budget to cybersecurity. But of course, there is no cookie-cutter approach when it comes to your own business.

How much does good cyber security cost? ›

How Much Do Managed Cybersecurity Services Cost? Minimum costs for outsourced cybersecurity services start around $2,000 - $3,500 per month and go up from there. On a per-user basis, that breaks down to a range between $195 and $350 per user, including support and maintenance.

How much money do you need to start a cyber security business? ›

So, for a single person starting a cyber security company, certifications could cost you the first $5000, and from there you'll need: A computer system - $2000 to $5000. Relevant tools (software) - $3000 - $5000. Website - $1000 to $3000.

How do I set up cyber security for my small business? ›

10 Cyber Security Tips for Small Business
  1. Train employees in security principles. ...
  2. Protect information, computers, and networks from cyber attacks. ...
  3. Provide firewall security for your Internet connection. ...
  4. Create a mobile device action plan. ...
  5. Make backup copies of important business data and information.

Why is a cybersecurity budget important? ›

Effective cybersecurity depends on a well-considered, strategically allocated budget that spans various key areas: infrastructure, personnel, training, tools, and third-party services. A well-balanced budget does more than address risks; it positions the organization to respond proactively to diverse types of threats.

How much does the cyber security industry cost? ›

Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 10.56%, resulting in a market volume of US$273.60bn by 2028. The average Spend per Employee in the Cybersecurity market is projected to reach US$52.21 in 2024.

How much money is in the cybersecurity industry? ›


The global cyber security market size was valued at USD 172.32 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 424.97 billion in 2030, exhibiting a 13.8% CAGR during the forecast 2023-2030. North America accounted for a market value of USD 67.77 billion in 2022.

How much do small businesses spend on cybersecurity? ›

How much should you spend on cybersecurity? According to Statista, businesses worldwide spend an average of 12 percent of their IT budgets on cybersecurity. For example, if a company pays $3,000 monthly to an IT managed service provider to cover their IT needs, its cybersecurity budget would be about $360 per month.

Is cyber security high paying? ›

A cybersecurity career can be well paid, with salaries ranging from entry-level positions starting at $50,000 and quickly reaching six figures as you gain experience.

Is cybersecurity really worth IT? ›

As long as digital assets exist, cybersecurity professionals will be in demand. This indicates high job security, which coupled with high earning potential shows that a cybersecurity degree is worth it.

Do small businesses need cyber security? ›

Whether a company is thinking of adopting cloud computing or just using email and maintaining a website, cybersecurity should be a part of the plan.

How much is cyber security needed? ›

SMBs typically spend around 10% of their annual budget on cybersecurity. The amount of money that many businesses spend on cyber security services varies but usually falls around 10% of the yearly IT budget. Companies spend $250,000 on cybersecurity solutions and training with annual IT budgets of $2.5M.

Can you make 500k in cybersecurity? ›

Some organizations are paying more than US $500,000 for “top” cyber security talent in specific roles. That's according to a new report from security analysis firm IANS which indicates that salary and staff size contribute significantly to not only talent retention but also the success of security strategies.

What is the average cost of cybercrime for an organization? ›

American firms saw the biggest cybercrime cost increases: they were 29 percent more than they were in 2018. The average per-company cost was US$27.4 million – twice the cost reported by firms in all the other countries covered in the survey. Japan came next, at US$13.6 million, followed by Germany, at US$13.1 million.


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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