How many millionaires in the Netherlands? (2024)

In the Netherlands, 223thousand households had assets of 1million euros or more in2019. This means that 2.8percent of all households were millionaire households.

Assets consist of property such as bank and savings deposits, shares, owner-occupied homes, and combined business assets minus debts such as mortgage debt, study debts and other debts. Two-thirds of the millionaires (151thousand households) had assets of between1 and 2million euros. Around 16percent of the millionaires had assets of between2 and 3million euros. More than 2percent had assets of 10million euros or more; this amounts to 4.8thousand households.

In2019, millionaire households had –on average– assets of more than 2.5million euros, compared to 129thousand euros for non-millionaires. Consequently, the assets of millionaires are on average 19times higher than those of non-millionaires.

In2019, 37percent of the assets of millionaires consisted of substantial interest and business assets; 23percent consisted of the value of their own homes. Fornon-millionaires, the value of their own homes represented 73percent of their assets while substantial interest and business assets made up 3.4percent. Asthe wealth of millionaire households increases, the relative share of substantial interest and business assets in their total assets rises and the share represented by their owner-occupied homes falls.

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Show tableComposition of assets, 1 January 2019* (%)Hide tableComposition of assets, 1 January 2019* (%)

Composition of assets, 1 January 2019* (%)
Soort Bank and savings deposits Securities Own home Other real estate Business assets Substantial interest Other assets
Non-millionaires 14 3 73 6 2 2 1
Millionaires 10 13 23 13 7 30 4
By equity; . . . . . . .
1 to 2 million euros 15 11 38 14 8 12 4
2 to 3 million euros 11 13 25 14 11 22 4
3 to 5 million euros 8 15 18 14 9 32 4
5 to 10 million euros 7 16 12 13 5 43 4
10 million euros or more 4 15 5 10 1 61 4
* provisional figures

Millionaires have relatively less debt than non-millionaires: on average, their assets total more than seven times their debt. Inthe case of non-millionaires, their assets total more than twice their debts. Ninety percent of the debts of non-millionaires comprise the mortgage debt on their own homes. This is slightly less than half for millionaires.

The number of millionaires grew steadily between2014 and2019. This was also the case between2006 and2008, though the number of millionaires subsequently declined almost every year until2014, partly as a result of falling house and stock market prices. Thenumber of millionaires in2016 matched the level of2008, and the number in2019 was a third higher than in2008. However, one million euros in2019 had a different value than in2008. Ifthe general price trend is taken into account, there were proportionately fewer millionaires in2018 than in2008.

Noord-Holland is home to the relatively largest number of millionaire households (3.8percent). This is also the location of the three municipalities with the highest proportion of millionaires: Bloemendaal (23percent), Laren (21percent) and Blaricum (18percent). Noord-Holland is followed by Utrecht and Zeeland, where more than 3percent of households are millionaire households. Atthe bottom of the list are Flevoland, Groningen and Limburg, with fewer than 2percent of households being millionaire households. Therelatively fewest millionaires live in the Limburg municipalities of Kerkrade, Brunssum and Landgraaf together with the municipalities of Den Helder and Nissewaard.

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Show tableMillionaire households, 1 January 2019*Hide tableMillionaire households, 1 January 2019*

Millionaire households, 1 January 2019*
Share of millionaire households
Aa en Hunze 3.7
Aalsmeer 5.5
Aalten 2.7
Achtkarspelen 1.6
Alblasserdam 1.8
Albrandswaard 3.4
Alkmaar 1.7
Almelo 1.3
Almere 0.9
Alphen aan den Rijn 2.8
Alphen-Chaam 8.0
Altena 3.6
Ameland 4.5
Amersfoort 2.5
Amstelveen 5.8
Amsterdam 3.6
Apeldoorn 2.2
Appingedam 1.2
Arnhem 1.3
Assen 1.2
Asten 4.7
Baarle-Nassau 6.6
Baarn 6.1
Barendrecht 2.9
Barneveld 4.9
Beek 1.8
Beekdaelen 2.3
Beemster 9.0
Beesel 1.5
Berg en Dal 2.8
Bergeijk 5.7
Bergen (L.) 2.5
Bergen (NH.) 9.9
Bergen op Zoom 1.7
Berkelland 3.5
Bernheze 4.4
Best 3.2
Beuningen 2.5
Beverwijk 1.1
Bladel 4.3
Blaricum 17.5
Bloemendaal 23.3
Bodegraven-Reeuwijk 6.3
Boekel 5.3
Borger-Odoorn 2.9
Borne 2.2
Borsele 4.2
Boxmeer 3.5
Boxtel 2.8
Breda 2.9
Brielle 2.5
Bronckhorst 4.7
Brummen 3.4
Brunssum 0.6
Bunnik 5.8
Bunschoten 3.7
Buren 4.7
Capelle aan den IJssel 1.7
Castricum 4.4
Coevorden 2.7
Cranendonck 3.9
Cuijk 2.3
Culemborg 2.0
Dalfsen 5.1
Dantumadiel 1.6
De Bilt 9.6
De Fryske Marren 3.1
De Ronde Venen 7.2
De Wolden 4.4
Delft 1.7
Delfzijl 1.3
Den Helder 0.8
Deurne 3.7
Deventer 1.6
Diemen 1.8
Dinkelland 6.0
Doesburg 1.5
Doetinchem 1.9
Dongen 2.5
Dordrecht 1.4
Drechterland 4.5
Drimmelen 3.3
Dronten 3.4
Druten 2.3
Duiven 1.5
Echt-Susteren 2.1
Edam-Volendam 4.2
Ede 3.4
Eemnes 6.0
Eersel 5.5
Eijsden-Margraten 3.7
Eindhoven 1.7
Elburg 2.1
Emmen 1.2
Enkhuizen 1.5
Enschede 1.2
Epe 4.2
Ermelo 3.3
Etten-Leur 2.2
Geertruidenberg 2.2
Geldrop-Mierlo 2.6
Gemert-Bakel 3.6
Gennep 2.4
Gilze en Rijen 2.4
Goeree-Overflakkee 3.4
Goes 2.8
Goirle 3.1
Gooise Meren 9.7
Gorinchem 1.8
Gouda 1.6
Grave 2.0
Groningen 1.4
Gulpen-Wittem 3.7
Haaksbergen 3.3
Haaren 6.5
Haarlem 3.2
Haarlemmermeer 3.2
Halderberge 3.0
Hardenberg 2.7
Harderwijk 1.9
Hardinxveld-Giessendam 2.9
Harlingen 1.9
Hattem 4.4
Heemskerk 1.9
Heemstede 13.1
Heerde 2.9
Heerenveen 2.3
Heerhugowaard 1.4
Heerlen 0.8
Heeze-Leende 6.3
Heiloo 5.3
Hellendoorn 2.7
Hellevoetsluis 1.5
Helmond 1.7
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 2.2
Hengelo 1.3
Het Hogeland 3.0
Heumen 3.7
Heusden 3.2
Hillegom 2.7
Hilvarenbeek 5.7
Hilversum 4.4
Hoeksche Waard 3.4
Hof van Twente 4.8
Hollands Kroon 4.0
Hoogeveen 1.4
Hoorn 1.6
Horst aan de Maas 3.5
Houten 3.6
Huizen 4.6
Hulst 3.5
IJsselstein 2.6
Kaag en Braassem 5.5
Kampen 2.1
Kapelle 3.3
Katwijk 2.7
Kerkrade 0.5
Koggenland 4.2
Krimpen aan den IJssel 2.8
Krimpenerwaard 4.4
Laarbeek 3.5
Landerd 4.7
Landgraaf 0.8
Landsmeer 6.4
Langedijk 2.9
Lansingerland 4.8
Laren 21.4
Leeuwarden 1.3
Leiden 2.3
Leiderdorp 2.9
Leidschendam-Voorburg 4.2
Lelystad 1.0
Leudal 3.4
Leusden 3.9
Lingewaard 2.3
Lisse 3.2
Lochem 6.4
Loon op Zand 3.6
Lopik 6.0
Loppersum 3.6
Losser 3.1
Maasdriel 4.2
Maasgouw 2.3
Maassluis 1.2
Maastricht 1.8
Medemblik 3.0
Meerssen 2.9
Meierijstad 3.6
Meppel 1.6
Middelburg 1.7
Midden-Delfland 7.3
Midden-Drenthe 2.9
Midden-Groningen 1.6
Mill en Sint Hubert 4.2
Moerdijk 2.9
Molenlanden 6.2
Montferland 2.3
Montfoort 5.5
Mook en Middelaar 5.3
Neder-Betuwe 3.3
Nederweert 3.7
Nieuwegein 1.1
Nieuwkoop 5.1
Nijkerk 4.0
Nijmegen 1.5
Nissewaard 0.8
Noardeast-Fryslân 2.3
Noord-Beveland 4.2
Noordenveld 2.9
Noordoostpolder 4.2
Noordwijk 5.9
Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten 5.1
Nunspeet 3.6
Oegstgeest 9.0
Oirschot 5.6
Oisterwijk 6.2
Oldambt 1.7
Oldebroek 3.2
Oldenzaal 1.9
Olst-Wijhe 4.1
Ommen 4.7
Oost Gelre 2.8
Oosterhout 2.3
Ooststellingwerf 2.6
Oostzaan 3.9
Opmeer 3.6
Opsterland 2.8
Oss 2.3
Oude IJsselstreek 2.4
Ouder-Amstel 7.3
Oudewater 7.0
Overbetuwe 2.6
Papendrecht 1.8
Peel en Maas 3.2
Pekela 0.9
Pijnacker-Nootdorp 4.4
Purmerend 1.0
Putten 6.0
Raalte 3.4
Reimerswaal 3.1
Renkum 4.6
Renswoude 6.4
Reusel-De Mierden 4.9
Rheden 2.5
Rhenen 4.1
Ridderkerk 2.1
Rijssen-Holten 3.1
Rijswijk 2.1
Roerdalen 2.5
Roermond 1.6
Roosendaal 1.8
Rotterdam 1.4
Rozendaal 14.2
Rucphen 3.5
Schagen 3.4
Scherpenzeel 3.6
Schiedam 1.0
Schiermonnikoog 4.6
Schouwen-Duiveland 5.0
's-Gravenhage 2.8
's-Hertogenbosch 2.5
Simpelveld 1.6
Sint Anthonis 6.3
Sint-Michielsgestel 5.1
Sittard-Geleen 1.3
Sliedrecht 1.8
Sluis 5.7
Smallingerland 1.4
Soest 5.1
Someren 4.5
Son en Breugel 4.9
Stadskanaal 1.5
Staphorst 6.6
Stede Broec 1.9
Steenbergen 3.1
Steenwijkerland 3.0
Stein 1.2
Stichtse Vecht 5.4
Súdwest-Fryslân 2.9
Terneuzen 2.3
Terschelling 5.3
Texel 5.8
Teylingen 5.0
Tholen 2.8
Tiel 1.4
Tilburg 1.3
Tubbergen 6.1
Twenterand 2.4
Tynaarlo 3.8
Tytsjerksteradiel 2.2
Uden 2.9
Uitgeest 2.7
Uithoorn 2.7
Urk 1.9
Utrecht 2.2
Utrechtse Heuvelrug 6.6
Vaals 1.9
Valkenburg aan de Geul 2.8
Valkenswaard 2.8
Veendam 1.2
Veenendaal 1.8
Veere 7.1
Veldhoven 3.1
Velsen 2.5
Venlo 1.6
Venray 2.9
Vijfheerenlanden 3.2
Vlaardingen 1.1
Vlieland 2.8
Vlissingen 1.0
Voerendaal 2.6
Voorschoten 6.3
Voorst 4.4
Vught 6.5
Waadhoeke 2.3
Waalre 6.6
Waalwijk 2.5
Waddinxveen 2.7
Wageningen 2.4
Wassenaar 17.2
Waterland 6.1
Weert 2.5
Weesp 3.4
West Betuwe 4.7
West Maas en Waal 3.4
Westerkwartier 2.5
Westerveld 4.7
Westervoort 0.9
Westerwolde 2.5
Westland 5.1
Weststellingwerf 3.2
Westvoorne 7.3
Wierden 4.4
Wijchen 2.5
Wijdemeren 7.7
Wijk bij Duurstede 3.4
Winterswijk 2.9
Woensdrecht 2.9
Woerden 4.4
Wormerland 3.0
Woudenberg 4.6
Zaanstad 1.2
Zaltbommel 3.4
Zandvoort 5.4
Zeewolde 3.7
Zeist 6.5
Zevenaar 1.5
Zoetermeer 1.2
Zoeterwoude 4.9
Zuidplas 4.2
Zundert 5.8
Zutphen 1.5
Zwartewaterland 3.7
Zwijndrecht 2.0
Zwolle 1.9
* provisional figures

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How many millionaires in the Netherlands? (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.