How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (2024)

Last updated on May 10, 2024

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Identify the risks


Develop a risk mitigation plan


Engage your stakeholders


Manage the resistance


Adapt to the changes


Here’s what else to consider

Organizational change is inevitable and necessary for any business that wants to adapt, grow, and innovate. However, change also brings uncertainty, disruption, and potential resistance from stakeholders. As an executive leader, you need to anticipate and mitigate the risks that may arise during the change process, and ensure that your vision, strategy, and communication are clear and aligned. Here are some tips on how to do that.

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  • Piotr Maksimczuk Vice President | General Manager | BY | EMEA | IT | CX |

    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (3) 6

  • Jayakumar Sundararaj A servant leader, hands-on engineer, loves to help people.

    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (5) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (6) 11

  • Ryan McGrath Chief Executive Officer + President at Asset Living

    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (8) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (9) 11

How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (10) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (11) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (12)

1 Identify the risks

Before you implement any change, you need to conduct a thorough risk assessment that covers the internal and external factors that may affect your change goals. For example, you may need to consider the impact of the change on your customers, suppliers, competitors, regulators, employees, culture, processes, systems, and finances. You can use tools such as SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, or risk matrix to identify and prioritize the risks based on their likelihood and severity.

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  • Jayakumar Sundararaj A servant leader, hands-on engineer, loves to help people.
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    To effectively mitigate risks during organizational change, begin by pinpointing potential hazards. Thorough risk identification allows for the strategic development of action plans that address these challenges head-on, ensuring a smoother transition and bolstering the organization’s resilience.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (21) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (22) 11

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    Identifying risks is essential; however, it is equally imperative to maintain a balance when implementing changes. Achieving equilibrium in planned changes results in what is termed "Managed Risk," wherein you are, to a certain extent, shielded from potential risks. This equilibrium allows for proactive responses to emerging risks, as the planned changes are well-balanced, mitigating risks in one aspect while maintaining stability in another. For instance, a comprehensive organizational restructuring can significantly impact business operations, affecting management, customers, products, and more. Yet, by aligning these changes with a strategic short/long-term transformation outlook, the risk factor becomes more manageable.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (31) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (32) 7

  • Rachelle Channell Developing programs commensurate with US Government regulations. Fractional Industrial Security, Insider Threat (FCL/FSO/ITPSO), and Human Resources Subject Matter Expert.
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    Mitigating risk during organizational change is a multi-pronged approach. You need to factor in stakeholders and buy-in and map out the more significant potential issues at the beginning with an action plan of how to circumvent or prevent those issues, which can go a long way in engaging the stakeholders and achieving that buy-in. Change managers can identify and communicate the potential larger problems within the context that additional minor (or completely different) issues may arise. When that happens, feedback will be needed to be agile. It lessens resistance if everyone feels they are working toward a common goal.

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2 Develop a risk mitigation plan

Once you have identified the risks, you need to develop a plan to address them. This means defining the actions, resources, responsibilities, timelines, and indicators for each risk. You also need to establish a contingency plan for the worst-case scenarios, and a monitoring and evaluation system to track the progress and outcomes of your risk mitigation efforts. You should involve your team and other relevant stakeholders in the planning process, and communicate the plan clearly and regularly.

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    Part of both identification and mitigation is also prevention. Being able to think three steps ahead is essential here. How does the project scale? What are the areas to look out for? How to make sure everything is rock solid and fool proof? What are the unknown unknowns?


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (50) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (51) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (52) 4

  • Horeiba Garcia Business Consultant | Regulatory Consulting for Companies | Business ally in charge of coordinating activities, to make things happen | Regulatory Project Manager
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    As a professional who has experienced many organizational changes during my career due to sales and company mergers, I can say that one of the most important things is to maintain communication with the team. There is nothing worse than uncertainty and hearing from people outside the company about the changes that are coming.It is advisable to communicate from time to time about progress, even when there is no progress (that is also appreciated). It is also important to listen to them and know what worries them.Maintaining communication with the team will help them calm anxiety and focus on their work and achieving objectives.


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3 Engage your stakeholders

One of the biggest risks of organizational change is losing the trust and support of your stakeholders, especially your employees. To avoid this, you need to engage them early and often, and listen to their feedback, concerns, and suggestions. You need to explain the rationale, benefits, and expectations of the change, and how it will affect them personally and professionally. You also need to provide them with adequate training, coaching, and support to help them adapt and perform in the new environment.

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  • Dr.MuthuKumaraswamy B
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    Managing risks in a company is akin to tightrope walking. Recognize the risks, but don't let them deter you. Instead, prepare a safety net. Smart planning is key.Like planning a road trip, you don't impulsively start; you plan your route and prepare for contingencies. This preparation allows you to enjoy the journey with less worry.Open discussions about risks are crucial. Sharing your concerns with friends can lead to new solutions or support in tough times.Ultimately, it's about balancing excitement with stability. It's not about avoiding risks, but about understanding and managing them wisely. Like a tightrope walker, move forward with a plan, keeping aware of potential pitfalls.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (70) 3

  • Gena Hoxha PhD in Leadership Studies | Chief of Staff at Ignitium | Strategic Advisor, Organizational Capacity Builder
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    When implementing change, I don't just rely on the leadership team. I also involve key influencers within the organization who may not have formal leadership titles but significantly impact company culture. Their power lies in their ability to shape change acceptance through their influence, intelligence, networking abilities, and respect within the company. Involving these informal influencers early in the change process builds confidence across the organization through trusted voices and lays a solid foundation for the change initiative.


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4 Manage the resistance

Even with effective stakeholder engagement, you may still encounter some resistance to change from individuals or groups who are reluctant, fearful, or hostile to the change. You need to manage this resistance proactively and constructively, by acknowledging their emotions, addressing their issues, and involving them in the solution. You also need to recognize and reward the early adopters and champions of change, and create a positive and collaborative culture that fosters trust and commitment.

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  • Patrick Bangert SVP of Data, Analytics and AI | CTO | Data Science | Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Machine Learning (ML) | Data Analytics | Product Development | Software Engineering
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    Resistance is usually a form of asking what is in it for me? Change is painful for individuals and so they want something in return. If you can clearly communicate what that is, in a way that addresses their individual needs, then resistance will usually melt away. Continued resistance is usually met only when leaders have not been able to identify or address the individual needs or viewpoints by the stakeholder concerned. Some of these may be personal and have nothing to do with the workplace. An honest conversation with probing questions and an open attitude will often bring them to light.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (89) 8

  • Ray Ramsay Risk Management Professional | CPRM | Behavioural Risk and Risk Culture Specialist | Behavioural Psychologist | Board Member Beverley Park Golf Club | Veteran - Ex Reservist | Best Selling Author
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    Resiliently managing resistance to change requires proactive and constructive approaches. Acknowledge the emotions of reluctant, fearful, or hostile individuals or groups and address their concerns. Involve them in the change process to foster ownership and buy-in. Recognise and reward early adopters and change champions to encourage positive momentum. Cultivate a collaborative culture built on trust and commitment, where diverse perspectives are valued. By embracing resistance as an opportunity for growth and innovation, leaders can navigate change effectively and drive sustainable organisational transformation.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (98) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (99) 2


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5 Adapt to the changes

Finally, you need to be flexible and agile as an executive leader, and be ready to adjust your plans and strategies as the change unfolds. You need to monitor the internal and external environment, and respond to the emerging opportunities and challenges. You also need to solicit and act on the feedback from your stakeholders, and learn from your successes and failures. You need to celebrate the milestones and achievements of your change initiative, and continuously improve your performance and results.

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  • Ryan McGrath Chief Executive Officer + President at Asset Living
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    Mitigating risks during organizational change demands readiness to pivot despite meticulous planning. Plans seldom unfold flawlessly, requiring agile responses to unforeseen challenges. Embrace adaptability—constantly learning and adjusting strategies to navigate change effectively.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (108) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (109) 11

  • Robert H Myers VP of Operations at Marker Investments
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    Eisenhower said, "Planning is invaluable, but plans are worthless." And that's the guy who pulled off D-Day.Keep a limber mind and remember that nothing is sacred. Expect to be wrong about some of your assumptions and be willing to own that in front of the team.Your job as a leader is to see as far and clearly as possible. If something isn't working, make a change. Then make another. Unabashedly own your failures and take pressure off the team whenever you can. Finally, share your thinking every step of the way.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (118) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (119) 5

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    Creativity is also useful here when discussing flexibility and adaptability. What is needed in this instance? How does this solution look in the long run? What are the ripple effects of different outcomes? Where can further risk be prevented? What is the resistance right now and how can we overcome it?


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (128) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (129) How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (130) 4


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Piotr Maksimczuk Vice President | General Manager | BY | EMEA | IT | CX |
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    Pro Tip: Make sure you have very detailed, hour-by-hour communication plan for the D Day:Who talks to whom, how & where, using what materials, what are expected outcomes. There is no space for improvisation in case of major organizational change. Layer by layer communication is the most common solution but you need to act fast due to corridor gossips and info leakage risks.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (139) 6

  • Gena Hoxha PhD in Leadership Studies | Chief of Staff at Ignitium | Strategic Advisor, Organizational Capacity Builder
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    Consider introducing a neutral change facilitator. I find that conflicts arise when change is solely led by top executives; especially inter-departmental conflicts as different teams vie for their views to prevail, regardless of the overall benefit. Bringing in an unbiased third party can help mitigate internal office politics and maintain focus on the broader objectives of the change.


    How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (148) 3

  • Horeiba Garcia Business Consultant | Regulatory Consulting for Companies | Business ally in charge of coordinating activities, to make things happen | Regulatory Project Manager
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    In 2008 when I joined Wyeth's Regulatory team, I never thought about all the changes that would happen from that moment on. Barely a year after being there, Pfizer bought the company. While at Pfizer I was in the Nutritional Division, which was later sold to Nestle in 2012, where I worked until 2013 since the Nutritional Division was sold again to another company. Anyway, I accidentally went through four companies in just 5 years. Despite the many moments of uncertainty, each process was a learning experience for me and helped me develop resilience and focus on doing my job.


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Executive Leadership How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (157)

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How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? (2024)


How do you mitigate risks during organizational change? ›

Mitigating risks during organizational change involves clear communication, thorough planning, and active stakeholder engagement. First, define the change and its goals clearly to all involved. Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential issues and develop contingency plans.

How can an organization overcome risks that are involved in change management? ›

How do you overcome the risks of change?
  1. Assess the risks.
  2. Involve stakeholders.
  3. Communicate clearly.
  4. Manage the transition.
  5. Learn from feedback. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Jun 25, 2023

How do you mitigate organizational risk? ›

Risk reduction

This can take many forms, but common methods include putting controls and safeguards in place, developing business continuity and operational resiliency plans, and conducting employee training programs to improve organizational risk awareness.

What are the 5 steps to mitigate risk? ›

The risk management process includes five steps: identify, analyze, evaluate, treat, and monitor. You can mitigate risks by avoiding, accepting, reducing, or transferring them.

What are 5 examples of mitigation? ›

Examples of mitigation actions are planning and zoning, floodplain protection, property acquisition and relocation, or public outreach projects. Examples of preparedness actions are installing disaster warning systems, purchasing radio communications equipment, or conducting emergency response training.

What are the 6 steps that are used to mitigate risk? ›

  • Step 1: Hazard identification. This is the process of examining each work area and work task for the purpose of identifying all the hazards which are “inherent in the job”. ...
  • Step 2: Risk identification.
  • Step 3: Risk assessment.
  • Step 4: Risk control. ...
  • Step 5: Documenting the process. ...
  • Step 6: Monitoring and reviewing.

What are the risks of organizational change? ›

  • Impact on customers.
  • Impact on suppliers.
  • Decline in morale.
  • Legacy of failed change.
  • Stress, confusion and fatigue.
  • Change saturation.
Jan 19, 2022

What are the four barriers of organizational change? ›

poor or inefficient communication. inadequate resources or budget - see cost of change management. resistance to organisational culture shift. lack of management support for the change.

How do you mitigate organizational change? ›

Mitigating risks during organizational change is crucial for a smooth transition and successful implementation. Key strategies include transparent communication, employee involvement, change management, leadership support, training and development, risk assessment, and monitoring and evaluation.

What are the four 4 ways to manage risk? ›

There are four main risk management strategies, or risk treatment options:
  • Risk acceptance.
  • Risk transference.
  • Risk avoidance.
  • Risk reduction.
Apr 23, 2021

What strategies do you suggest to mitigate the risks? ›

Common risk mitigation strategies include:
  • Implementing security measures and protocols.
  • Providing training and education to employees.
  • Establishing contingency plans and backup systems.
  • Diversifying investments and supply chains.
Jun 7, 2024

What are 4 mitigation tactics? ›

Accept, avoid, limit, or transfer. These are the options laid before you when it comes to mitigating risk. A risk mitigation plan allows you to reduce and eliminate risk.

What is one way a company can mitigate a risk? ›

Insurance as Financial Mitigation

Purchasing insurance is a way to reduce the financial impact of a business interruption, loss or damage to a facility or equipment.

What are the 4 Ts of risk mitigation? ›

There are always several options for managing risk. A good way to summarise the different responses is with the 4Ts of risk management: tolerate, terminate, treat and transfer.

What are the four elements of risk mitigation? ›

After potential risks are identified and assessed, they are evaluated and one or more techniques to manage or mitigate risks may be implemented:
  • Avoidance (eliminate the risk or cease the activity)
  • Reduction (reduce the likelihood or impact)
  • Transfer (shift the risk to a third party)
  • Retention (accept the risk as is)
Apr 6, 2020

What are the 4 steps in risk strategy plan? ›

Identify the risk. Assess the risk. Treat the risk. Monitor and Report on the risk.


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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.