Expense Ratio: What Is It & Why You Should Know About It (2024)

An expense ratio is the annual cost of managing and operating an investment fund, like a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF). It’s expressed as a percentage and represents the fees and expenses investors pay. A lower expense ratio is generally better, as it means lower costs for investors.

What is the Expense Ratio?

The expense ratio is the percentage that denotes the amount of money you are paying to the AMC as a fee to manage your investments. In other words, it is the per-unit cost for running and managing the mutual fund. The expense ratio differs from one mutual fund to another. You do not pay for this expense ratio separately; it is calculated as a percentage of the daily investment value.

For example, if you invest Rs 5000 in a mutual fund with an expense ratio of 2%, then (2%/365=0.0054%) will be deducted from the investment value each day. The per-day levying of the expense ratio ensures that you only pay for the period you stay invested. But this deduction of the expense ratio is lowering your returns by a tiny amount every day. Hence, a mutual fund scheme with a lower expense ratio is more beneficial to you because it takes away a lesser portion of money from your returns.

Expense Ratio Formula

Expense Ratio=Total expenses/Average AUM

  • Total expense: The costs incurred by the AMC mentioned above like fund manager’s fee, marketing, and distribution expenses, legal/audit costs
  • Average AUM:The total value of all investors’ money in that fund

Calculation of Expense Ratio

Now that you have understood what is mutual fund expense ratio let us assume a hypothetical equity mutual fund scheme with AUM (assets under management) of Rs 700 Cr, and the expenses it bears for the above-mentioned costs sum up to Rs 14 Cr.

Hence, the expense ratio formula will be Rs 14 Cr/Rs 700 Cr= 2%

This implies that in a year, each investor will have to pay 2% as the expense ratio to the AMC, which will be deducted each day till the time you are invested in the scheme.

Components of Expense Ratio

There can be multiple types of expenses associated with a mutual fund expense ratio, like-

  • Fund Manager’s fee: Every mutual fund comes with an investment objective and it is the fund manager’s decisions that ensure that these objectives are met. Such actively managed mutual funds’ expense ratio includes the compensation to the fund manager as a part of the expense ratio. For passively managed funds, this component of the mutual fund expense ratio is far lower than actively managed, because the fund manager need not actively manage the fund’s portfolio in the former.
  • Legal/Audit fee: Mutual funds are governed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, and hence, to comply with all the regulations and laws, they need constant legal intervention and audits of their processes, schemes, etc. Any costs pertaining to audits, registration, transfers, legal checks, etc., are also a part of the expense ratio.
  • Marketing/Distribution fee: – The costs pertaining to the mutual fund’s marketing, creating awareness, and then getting it distributed through mutual fund distributors are a part of the expense ratio. The cost component for intermediaries is lesser for direct funds and higher for regular funds because when you invest in a regular fund, there are costs for brokers like the distributors. This fee is also known as the brokerage fee. Hence, investment in direct funds via ET Money will prove to be cheaper than regular funds. The former part about marketing and pamphlet distribution also comes under the 12B-1 fee.

Example of Expense Ratio

Let us understand the expense ratio meaning with an expense ratio example, assuming your mutual fund scheme’s expense ratio is 1.25%. If your investment in this fund is Rs 1,00,000, and assuming your investment value grows to Rs 1,00,500 and 1,00,125 on two subsequent days, this is how much expense ratio you pay on each day-

DateValue of investment on the dayExpense Ratio
1st Jan 2021Rs 1,00,500(1.25%/365)*1,00,500= Rs 3.44
3rd Mar 2021Rs 1,00,125(1.25%/365)*1,00,125= Rs 3.42

You pay Rs 3.44 on 1st Jan, Rs 3.42 on 3rd Mar, and so on. Each day, a portion of your corpus is being paid to the fund house as the expense ratio, thereby reducing the returns. Irrespective of whether the returns are positive or negative, this expense ratio must be paid until you stay invested.

Broadly speaking, the costs mentioned above comprise the mutual fund expense ratio.

What are the Expense Ratio Limits?

The Securities and Exchange Board of India has levied some limits on the various types of mutual funds when it comes to the expense ratio-

For actively managed mutual funds:

Assets Under Management (AUM) in CroresTotal Expense Ratio (TER) limit for equity schemesTotal Expense Ratio (TER) limit for other than equity schemes
Rs 0-5002.25%2.00%
Rs 501-7502.00%1.75%
Rs 751-20001.75%1.5%
Rs 2001-50001.6%1.35%
Rs 5001- 10,0001.5%1.25%
Rs 10,001- 50,0000.05% total expense ratio reduces with every increase of Rs 5000 Cr of daily net assets0.05% total expense ratio reduces with every increase of Rs 5000 Cr of daily net assets
Remaining assets1.5%0.80%

For passively managed and closed-ended mutual funds:

SchemeMaximum Total Expense Ratio (TER)
Close-ended equity-oriented or interval schemes1.25%
Other than close-ended equity-oriented or interval schemes1.00%
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)/ Index Funds1.00
Fund of funds (FoFs) that invest in actively managed equity schemes2.25%
Fund of funds (FoFs) that invest in actively managed other than equity schemes2.00%
Fund of funds (FoFs) that invest in liquid funds, index funds, or ETFs1.00%

Importance of Mutual Fund Expense Ratio

Now that you have understood the expense ratio let us understand its importance in your mutual fund journey-

  • It is evident from the examples above that the higher the expense ratio, the lower your returns will be. At the same time, a higher expense ratio does not imply it’s a better mutual fund. A fund with a lower expense ratio can be equally or more capable of producing better returns.
  • The expense ratio of a regular fund is higher than a direct fund. This is because while you invest in a direct fund through the AMC or platforms like ET Money, regular mutual funds are distributed through mutual fund distributors. Hence, the commission to the distributor also becomes a part of the expense ratio. Over some time, this commission has the potential of significantly lowering your returns.
  • If you are looking at two similar mutual funds, the expense ratio can be one of the factors to decide which fund to invest in. For example, if you are looking at two large-cap equity funds A and B, with similar holdings and investment objectives and expense ratios of 1.5% and 2%, respectively, your choice will clearly be fund A.
  • The expense ratio impacts debt funds more because of the relatively lower returns. A return of 7% with an expense ratio of 2% will be reduced to 5% and won’t be good enough to beat inflation.

Impact of Expense Ratio on Mutual Fund Returns

A fund’s expense ratio significantly determines the overall return of your mutual fund investment as it directly affects a fund’s NAV (Net Asset Value). If a fund has a lower expense ratio, its NAV will be higher.

Implication of Expense Ratio

The expense ratio in a mutual fund is indicated as a percentage of the total AUM (Asset under management), representing the fund’s operating expenses. These expenses are deducted from the AUM to declare the fund’s NAV (Net asset value) daily, thereby reducing the overall return from the mutual fund.

Many of us believe that funds having a higher expense ratio will give us higher profits in future, as they are managed by the top professional and are passively managed. However, funds with lower expense ratios but managed by the best fund managers, then in this case they can also deliver higher returns.

A higher expense ratio can erode your overall return from the mutual fund but can not be a prime indicator of its performance. Other factors, such as XIRR, past performance, fund managers, etc., should also be considered before selecting the fund.

Expense Ratio Limit by SEBI

As mutual funds are regulated by the SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), they have prescribed the maximum percentage of expense ratio that can be charged from the investors. These rates vary based on the type of funds (Equity or non-equity, Fund of funds (FoFs), ETFs, etc.) and the AUM of the fund.

For example, in the case of equity-oriented funds, if the AUM of the fund is upto Rs 500 crore, then the maximum expense ratio can be 2.25%, and if the AUM is between Rs 501 crore and Rs 750, then the maximum expense ratio can be 2%.

While for debt funds, for AUM upto Rs 500 crore, the maximum expense ratio can be charged upto 2%, and if it is between Rs 501 crore to Rs 750 crore, then the maximum expense ratio can be 1.75%.

Things to Remember about Expense Ratio

Now that you are well versed with what is the expense ratio and how it impacts your returns, let us note the things to remember-

  • The expense ratio is the cost you are paying to the AMC for the management of the fund.
  • A lower expense ratio is always favorable, but align your investment objectives with the mutual fund. Don’t blindly go with the ones with a lower expense ratio.
  • The expense ratio of regular plans is higher than direct plans, and also that of actively managed funds is higher than passively managed.
  • It has a higher impact on debt funds because the returns from debt funds are relatively lower. Deducting the expense ratio from the returns can make them ill-equipped to beat inflation.
  • You can use the expense ratio to compare mutual funds.
  • It is deducted from your investment amount daily; you don’t pay it separately to the AMC.
  • A fund with a higher AUM is likely to have a lower expense ratio because the management costs are getting distributed amongst more investors vis-a-vis a fund with a lower AUM.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a good expense ratio for a mutual fund?

The lesser, the better, we’d say. There is no number to a ‘good’ expense ratio; it is always looked at in comparison to another. It is best kept low because it is your hard-earned money, after all, and every penny counts. But you may also want to look at the fund and if it meets your investment objectives. If the returns gathered are worth the cost, then that makes sense.

Do all mutual funds have expense ratios?

Yes, every mutual fund comes with an expense ratio. The % can be less or more depending on whether the fund is actively or passively managed or a regular or direct plan. But it is definitely always there.

Is the expense ratio charged every year?

It is charged every day till you stay invested. The value of the expense ratio is prorated and charged to your investment amount each day. The everyday calculation ensures that you pay the fee only for the time you are invested, and not for the whole year in one go.

Why Is Expense Ratio Important?

The expense ratio for a mutual fund affects the returns you garner from it. It is a fee that you are paying to the fund house for the management of your investment. It is essential to lower this amount paid because it is deducted from your investment value each day. Hence, as your corpus grows, the amount you pay as the fee also grows considerably. The smarter way to invest is to choose direct plans in order to minimize the expense ratio. The expense ratio can also be used to compare two funds and choose which one to invest in if they belong to the same category.

Do mutual fund returns include expense ratio?

The mutual fund NAV is calculated after deducting the expense ratio every day; hence, the returns are net of the expenses. In other words, the returns expressed are what the investors gathered after deducting the expense ratio.

Does NAV include the expense ratio?

The NAV is calculated after deducting the expense ratio. Hence, it is net of the cost. The expense ratio is deducted from the value of the mutual fund scheme’s assets that day and divided by the number of outstanding units to derive at that particular day’s NAV. Hence, the higher the expense ratio, the lower the NAV will be.

Does NAV matter in mutual funds?

Yes, very much. It is the cost at which you buy every mutual fund unit. And the fluctuation in NAV can also help you identify to gauge the past performance of the fund. Beyond this, NAV is not relevant in comparing two mutual funds or even deciding whether or not to invest in a particular mutual fund. The value of NAV does not make any fund good or bad.

Expense Ratio: What Is It & Why You Should Know About It (2024)


Expense Ratio: What Is It & Why You Should Know About It? ›

An expense ratio is the cost of owning a mutual fund or ETF. Think of the expense ratio as the management fee paid to the fund company for the benefit of owning the fund. The expense ratio is measured as a percent of your investment in the fund. For example, a fund may charge 0.30 percent.

What is an expense ratio and why is it important? ›

The expense ratio is how much you pay a mutual fund or ETF per year, expressed as a percent of your investments. So, if you have $5,000 invested in an ETF with an expense ratio of . 04%, you'll pay the fund $2 annually. An expense ratio is determined by dividing a fund's operating expenses by its net assets.

Is high expense ratio good or bad? ›

Since the expense ratio is charged on a regular basis, a high expense ratio over the long term may significantly eat into your returns as a result of the power of compounding. For example, Rs 1 lakh over 10 years at the rate of 15 per cent will grow to Rs 4.05 lakh.

What is a good expense ratio for a 401k? ›

For a typical 401(k) plan, the expense ratio should be no higher than 2% and more likely in the 1.0% to 1.5% range. The lower the expense ratio the better, with higher fees eating into profits.

What is the difference between management fee and expense ratio? ›

A management fee is charged by an investment manager for managing the fund's assets, while the MER, typically called the expense ratio, represents the total cost of managing and operating a fund and is given as a percentage of the fund's total assets.

Should I worry about expense ratio? ›

A high expense ratio can significantly impact your returns, and it pays for things like the management of the fund, marketing, advertising and any other costs associated with running the fund. Both mutual funds and ETFs charge an expense ratio.

What is the best income to expense ratio? ›

50% of your net income should go towards living expenses and essentials (Needs), 20% of your net income should go towards debt reduction and savings (Debt Reduction and Savings), and 30% of your net income should go towards discretionary spending (Wants).

How much should I pay for expense ratio? ›

A "good" expense ratio will be determined by a variety of factors, such as if the fund is actively managed or passively managed. Generally, for an actively managed fund, good expense ratios range between 0.5% and 0.75%. Anything above 1.5% is considered high.

How much difference does the expense ratio make? ›

A fund's expense ratio significantly determines the overall return of your mutual fund investment as it directly affects a fund's NAV (Net Asset Value). If a fund has a lower expense ratio, its NAV will be higher.

Are expense ratios automatically deducted? ›

The cost of an expense ratio is automatically deducted from an investor's returns. In fact, when an investor looks at the daily net asset value of an ETF or a mutual fund, the expense ratio is already baked into the number that they see.

What is the best salary expense ratio? ›

Here, 50 per cent of your income should go towards living expenses (needs), like household expenses, groceries; 20 per cent (savings) towards savings for your short, medium, long-term goals; and 30 per cent towards spending (wants), including outings, food and travel.

What is the 4% expense rule? ›

It's relatively simple: You add up all of your investments, and withdraw 4% of that total during your first year of retirement. In subsequent years, you adjust the dollar amount you withdraw to account for inflation.

What does 6% 401k match mean? ›

Q: What does a 6% 401(k) match mean? A: This means that the employer is matching up to a total of 6% of an employee's overall compensation to his or her 401(k) account on top of what the employee is contributing. So, if an employee is earning $50,000 per year, the employer's match would not exceed $3,000.

Is 2% mer high? ›

These mutual funds passively track popular stock and bond indexes and so they don't have to pay a fund manager to make active investment decisions. That means index funds charge more reasonable fees in the range of 1% MER or less. Investors should avoid mutual funds that charge 2% MER or more.

Is a 1% management fee high? ›

Answer: A 1% fee is around industry average, but you could pay less. You need to ask yourself what type of value you're receiving for that fee. “Does the fee include ancillary services such as financial planning or tax preparation? Investment management, like any service, can be shopped around.

Do you pay both MER and management fee? ›

The MER is the total of the fund's management fee, operating expenses (or fixed administration fee) and provincial/federal taxes charged to the fund during that year. The main cost of investing in a mutual fund is captured in the fund's Management Expense Ratio, or MER.

What is the purpose of the operating expense ratio? ›

OER is used for comparing the expenses of similar properties. An investor should look for red flags, such as higher maintenance expenses, operating income, or utilities that may deter them from purchasing a specific property. The ideal OER is between 60% and 80% (although the lower it is, the better).

What are the benefits of a low expense ratio? ›

A lower expense ratio is generally preferable for investors, as it means less of the fund's assets are being used for operational expenses, potentially leading to higher net returns for investors. It's a critical metric for comparing the risks and rewards of different mutual funds.

Why is cost ratio important? ›

The cost ratio is also known as the expense ratio. It's an important figure to consider when choosing a fund because it directly reduces the fund's returns to the investors. A lower cost ratio generally means more of the fund's returns are passed on to the investors, assuming identical pre-expense performance.


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