Election latest: Starmer makes 'Swift pit stop'... at the Eras Tour (2024)

Key points
  • Starmer makes 'Swift pit stop'... at the Eras Tour
  • Tories raised less than £300,000 in donations in second week of campaign - Labour received £4.4m
  • Sunak asked if he's confident no more Tory candidates will be caught up in betting scandal
  • Electoral Dysfunction:What are odds betting scandal sinks Tories?
  • 'Own it': Corbyn responds to latest Starmer comments
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler
Election essentials
  • Manifesto pledges:Alliance Party|Conservatives|Greens|Labour|Lib Dems|Plaid Cymru|Reform|SNP|Sinn Fein|Workers Party
  • Trackers:Who's leading polls?|Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage:Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:Electoral Dysfunction|Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:Who is standing down?|Key seats to watch|What counts as voter ID?|Check if your constituency is changing|Guide to election lingo|Sky's election night plans


That's all from the Politics Hub tonight

We'll be back from 6am with all the latest from the general election campaign, with a little under two weeks to go until polling day.

You can scroll back through the page to catch up on what you've missed, or check out our 10pm round-up for a brief look at the day.

Join us on Saturday for another day of live updates.


Tories to focus on night time economy 'in first 100 days of government'

Slashing red tape for Britain's pubs, restaurants and music venues would be the focus of a review launched within the first 100 days of a Tory government, the party has said.

Ministers would look into ways to "crack down" on councils imposing "disproportionate conditions" and restrictions on licences as part of a bid to boost the UK night-time economy, the Conservatives say.

It comes as Rishi Sunak seeks to shift the focus of the campaign away from the betting scandal that has thrown his party into fresh turmoil in recent days.

The Tories used the announcement to attack Labour's record on nightlife in London and Wales, as polls continue to put the opposition party on course for a historic victory on 4 July.

Business minister Kevin Hollinrake said: "The night-time economy is a vibrant sector that's vital to our economy and our society as a whole.

"We've always supported our night-time economy, with business rates reliefs, economic support during the pandemic - but wherever Labour have been responsible for the sector, it's suffered.

"We'll continue to back our night-time economy - Labour would cripple it further with higher taxes and more burdensome regulation."


It's 10pm - time for your evening election update.

The general election takes place in under two weeks, and political parties from across the House of Commons are busy on the campaign trail.

Here's what you might have missed today:

  • Rishi Sunak has reiterated he was "incredibly angry" when he learned about allegations that his own parliamentary aid Craig Williams, who is a Tory candidate, had placed a bet on the election;
  • Laura Saunders, the candidate for Bristol North West, and her husband, director of campaigns Tony Lee, are also being investigated by the Gambling Commission;
  • David TC Davies, the Welsh secretary, told Sky News this morning that he "certainly" did not bet on the date of the general election;
  • And the Conservatives got less than £300,000 in party donations between 7 and 12 June - far behind the £4.3m handed to Labour;
  • But a Tory candidate told Sky News tonight that the Conservatives have a "sizable war chest" to run a "decent campaign" this year;
  • Mr Sunak's favourability is now at an all time low, with three quarters of Britons having an unfavourable view of him - less even than Mr Johnson's lowest polling;
  • The Welsh Conservatives have launched their manifesto today.
  • Over with Labour, who - as we just mentioned - have come top of the list for party donations for the second week of the general election campaign.
  • And Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer today said he would not enter negotiations with the Scottish government on an independence referendum if the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats at the 4 July election;
  • Sir Keir has also admitted today that the choice the public faced in the 2019 general election - Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn - "wasn't a good one";
  • But he opted to have a night off - at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in London;
  • And Welsh Labour has launched its manifesto today, with shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves detailing the "simple choice" voters have to face on 4 July.
  • Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey today criticised Rishi Sunak's response to his party's betting scandal as "not good enough";
  • And Plaid Cymru has claimed Welsh Labour's manifesto lacks ambition and undermines devolution. The party said that Labour is imposing further austerity on Wales with £1.8bn worth of cuts to public services.

While you're here, check out more of our election coverage below:


Conservatives and Labour told to 'grow up' and tackle social care crisis as unpaid carer tells his story

By Rob Powell, political correspondent

The architect of the government's delayed reforms to social care has told Sky News politicians need to "grow up" and tackle the crisis in the sector.

Amid a bitter election row over public spending, Sir Andrew Dilnot said he believed the two main parties were reluctant to discuss care reform for fear of being accused of plotting future tax hikes.

Sir Andrew - whose 2011 report laid out several key measures adopted by the government - described social care as the "biggest risk that isn't managed" that the country faces.

He said: "Four out of five people are going to needsocial carebefore they die, we should grow up and face it."

"I think politicians are reluctant to talk about it firstly because they're worried about anything that means an increase in public spending and therefore possible taxation," he added.

You can read more below:


Starmer makes 'Swift pit stop'... at the Eras Tour

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has taken a break from general election campaigning tonight - to shake it off at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour.

Sir Keir and his wife Victoria joined thousands of Swifties at the first of three Eras Tour shows at Wembley Stadium - which will be followed up by five more in August.


Government net borrowing lower than forecast - but next chancellor 'facing Pandora's box'

Government borrowing was less than expected in May, new figures have revealed.

Net borrowing - the difference between public sector spending and income - was £15bn, an increase of £0.8bn on the same time last year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported on Friday.

The amount is below the £15.7bn forecast by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) and less than expected by economists.

However, it was still the highest amount for the month of May since theCOVID-19 pandemic.

The ONS also said that public sector net debt, excluding public sector banks, was provisionally estimated at 99.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) in May - the highest level since March 1961.

The figure is also 3.7 percentage points higher than during the same period last year.

Economists said it showed that whoever wins theupcoming general electionwill face a string of potential financial challenges.


Farage stands by claim Andrew Tate is 'important voice' for men

Nigel Farage has stood by his comment describing Andrew Tate as an "important voice" for men as he greeted supporters in Clacton-on-Sea.

The Reform UK leader had praised Tate while speaking on the Strike It Big podcast in February for defending "male culture" and said the "jury is out" on investigations into the influencer, The Guardian reported.

Since December 2022, Tate has faced charges in Romania of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women, which he denies.

Asked whether Tate was an "important voice" for men as he was leaving a meeting with supporters, Mr Farage said: "He's got a massive following and that shows you how big the gap is.

"I mean, clearly he's facing some serious allegations and has said some things that are difficult to level with, but the fact that he's got the following shows you how big the gap is."

Mr Farage did not specify what "gap" he was referring to.


Poll tracker: Where do the parties stand today?

Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to the general election.

It currently shows a drop in support in recent days for Labour and the Tories - with a jump for Reform and the Liberal Democrats.

Read more about the tracker here.


That's all from the Politics Hub show tonight

The Politics Hub is live on Sky News every night at 7pm throughout the general election campaign.

But stick with us online - we'll have updates throughout the evening.


'The system kept backing away until I cracked' - the real life impact of the social care crisis

Norman Phillips and his wife Ros - who lives with multiple sclerosis and dementia - are the human faces of the social care crisis.

Initially Norman was able to combine work with his caring responsibilities, but as Ros's condition worsened, he took early retirement.

The couple found help hard to come by and after Norman suffered an injury, they were forced to sell their home to settle care-related debts.

Ros is now subject to an NHS continuing healthcare plan after Norman suffered a breakdown earlier this year and authorities decided he was unable to carry on caring for his wife.

This includes around the clock care for Ros - something Norman said would not have been needed if a lower level of help had been made available earlier.

He said: "They've got six million of us unpaid carers. If they… help us, we can help the system.

"But what's happened to me, you know, is the system just kept backing away and backing away until I cracked."

Election latest: Starmer makes 'Swift pit stop'... at the Eras Tour (2024)


How did Keir Starmer make his money? ›

In 2021/2022, Sir Keir Starmer's salary for being a Labour MP was £76,961 and he received as extra £49,193 for being leader of the opposition. He was previously Director of Public Prosecutions and head of the Crown Prosecution Service from 2008 to 2013, a role which is known to command a hefty salary.

What illness did Keir Starmer's mum have? ›

Keir Rodney Starmer was born on 2 September 1962 in Southwark, London. He grew up in the town of Oxted in Surrey. He was the second of the four children of Josephine (née Baker), a nurse, and Rodney Starmer, a toolmaker. His mother had Still's disease.

How many children does Keir Starmer have? ›

The Labour leader, who has a 13-year-old daughter and a 16-year-old son, said he and his wife Victoria “will fiercely protect their privacy” if he makes it to No.10. Every opinion is predicting that Starmer is set to become PM with a massive Commons majority as the Tory election campaign goes from bad to worse.

Why is Keir Starmer Leader of the Labour Party? ›

He said he wanted to stay and fight to change Labour, arguing that “leaders are temporary, but political parties are permanent.” After Corbyn led Labour to election defeats in 2017 and 2019 — the latter the party's worst result since 1935 — Labour picked Starmer to lead efforts to rebuild.

Why is Keir Starmer a vegetarian? ›

'And to be frank we applaud anyone who takes action to cut down or cut out meat from their diet, even with the odd slip-up. ' Sir Keir spoke in 2020 of how he gave up eating meat 'years ago' for health and environmental reasons.

Is Keir Starmer a socialist? ›

“I would describe myself as a socialist. I describe myself as a progressive”. These were Labour leader Keir Starmer's words in May 2024 shortly after his first speech of the election campaign. Labour's constitution defines it as a democratic socialist party.

Why did Keir Starmer get a sir? ›

Sir Keir Starmer — a title he rarely uses himself — was awarded a knighthood in 2014 for his work as head of the CPS and director of Public Prosecutions; a tradition for those in this role. His services for “law and criminal justice” were cited as reasons for the honour.

Is Sir Keir Starmer married? ›

What team does Keir Starmer support? ›

Keir was obsessed with football and still plays every Sunday with friends. He describes himself as a “box-to-box midfield general,” although his teammates may have different views. A lifelong Arsenal fan, he has a season ticket at the Emirates, where he attends with his children.

Who was Labour leader before Kier? ›

The Labour Party leadership of Keir Starmer began when Keir Starmer was elected as Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition in April 2020, following the resignation of Jeremy Corbyn after Labour's defeat at the 2019 general election.

Who is the Leader of the Labour Party now? ›

Incumbent. Sir Keir Starmer

The post of Leader of the Labour Party was officially created in 1922.

What did Keir Starmer do before he became an MP? ›

Keir got his qualifications as a lawyer in 1987 and began working as a barrister. He spent a lot of his time providing free legal advice defending ordinary people against the powerful.

Is Keir Starmer's wife a lawyer? ›

Has Jeremy Corbyn ever worked? ›

After school, Corbyn worked briefly as a reporter for the local Newport and Market Drayton Advertiser newspaper.

Is Keir Starmer conservative or Labour? ›

Who is Keir Starmer, the Labour leader favored to win Britain's July 4 election? LONDON (AP) — Dutiful, managerial, a bit dull — Keir Starmer is no one's idea of a firebrand politician. The Labour Party hopes that is just what Britain wants and needs after 14 turbulent years of Conservative rule.


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