Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (2024)


Welcome to Bloodied Bludger! This is a Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor build guide for low and high level players. Bloodied works by using a Legendary weapon with the Bloodied modifier, which increases our damage the lower our health is. Also works well with Instigating or Anti-Armor weapons. Since the One Wasteland update, this is now less of a 1-hit build and more of a 2-5 hit build, depending on the enemy.

This guide focuses on low maintenance. Melee needs no ammo or reloading, just an occasional weapon repair. Power Armor degrades slowly, even without Power Patcher. We use a myriad of defenses to make sure we don’t die (often), and we use rads to keep our health low. This build is capable of soloing all Daily Ops mutations in under 8 minutes and completing any event or expedition solo. However, team-based events like Project Paradise or the Scorchbeast Queen, while technically possible, are pretty miserable to do alone.

Want to use a gun instead? Swap nearly seamlessly between this one and my Chambered Assault build! Just change your perk cards and weapon and you’re good to go.

Optional S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

  • Exterminator is good if you aren’t picking many locks. If you eventually buy Master Infiltrator, you can move these points anywhere.
  • Revenant is fun if you have a team member willing to help out.
  • Suppressor, Hard Bargain.
  • Hacker until you buy Master Infiltrator.
  • This is admittedly an annoying one for this build. You’ll want at least 5 intelligence so you can use all the crafting cards. We only really need Nerd Rage, so if you want, you can move those 2 extra points elsewhere and create a “crafting” S.P.E.C.I.A.L. loadout later.
  • Dodgyif you feel like you need more defenses, but you’ll always have 0 AP
  • Born Survivorif you feel like you need more defenses, but you’ll always have 0 Stimpaks


Listed in order of importance for acquiring and upgrading.

  • Funky Duds: More defense. More info on Funky Duds in the Defenses section. You only really need 2 stars in this one for it to be useful. Then you can buy other Legendary Perks.
  • Legendary Strength: More strength = more damage (and carry capacity). SPECIAL is capped at 15
  • Taking One for the Team: More damage
  • Collateral Damage: More damage
  • Power Armor Reboot: When fully upgraded, it activates a lot and is useful in harder Daily Ops
  • Flex slot – I like Master Infiltrator.


  • Non-Legendary Weapons
  • Fire axe, Baseball Bat, Grognak Axe, Super Sledge, Sledgehammer, War Drum, Bone Club, Auto-axe, any other strong 2-handed weapon
  • Legendary weapons (in order of importance)
  • Bloodied, increased Swing Speed, +1 strength
  • Bloodied, increased Power Attack, +1 strength
  • Bloodied, 25% damage when standing still, +1 strength
  • Instigating, Anti-Armor, and Vampire are good replacements if you can’t find a Bloodied weapon

Instigating and/or Swing Speed are my favorite mods on an otherwise unlucky melee weapon. Instigating often feels better than Bloodied when playing solo. Bloodied is still better for all around combat. Feel free to try other mod combinations, if the damage feels good then you’re good! It’s rather difficult to find well rolled melee weapons in the wild since everyone else plays with guns.


Fallout 76 has lots of different Power Armor sets that do different things. Your main interest early on will likely be with these, as you get them during quests:

  • Excavator Power Armor: The most useful feature is its +100 carry capacity bonus. Perfect if you hoard. Easily attained.
  • X-01/Ultracite: Most people will be happy stopping here. No crafting required to obtain these.
  • T-65: This is among the strongest Power Armor in the game, but it’s one heck of a grind to unlock.


  • Chest: Emergency Protocols. Vital for the build. Huge damage mitigation.
  • Head: Internal database. +2 intelligence, completely offsets a mutation drawback. Low priority.
  • Arms: Optimized Bracers. Reduces AP cost for power attacks.
  • Legs: Calibrated Shocks. Adds +100 carry capacity. Sometimes this mod is glitched and doesn’t work…
    Also consider… Kinetic Servos (increased AP regen when moving) or Optimized Servos (reduced AP cost while sprinting). Mix and match if you want.

Unlocking T-65

  • T-65 can only be bought with Gold Bullion. You obtain Gold Bullion from events, Scoreboard, or trading 40 Treasury Notes for 400 Bullion per day at vending machines in Crater or Foundation.
  • You need 6,900 total Gold Bullion to buy the plans for T-65. That could take 18 days! With mods, you might be nearing the 10,000 Gold Bullion cost. 25 days!
  • Between Excavator and T-65, we’re talking single-digit damage reduction for PvE play. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you’re running on ~80 health, reducing hits from 3 damage to 1 damage is very strong. T-65 is well worth it. If you dislike time-gated grinds, X-01/Ultracite is just fine.

Legendary Power Armor

  • Overeaters
    +1 Strength
  • DO NOT USE: Dissipating. It heals your rads.

+1 Strength (2-star minimum rolls) are your goal for max damage. Besides Dissipating, there’s not a useless mod for us.

Legendary Power Armor is crafted with Legendary Cores (dropped from events and Daily Ops) and Legendary Modules (bought from Purveyor Murmrgh with Legendary scrip).


  • The important ones:
  • Twisted Muscles, Adrenal Reaction, Grounded, Scaly Skin, Healing Factor
    • Healing Factor seems to cause the fast travel glitch but I still like it.
  • The less important ones:
  • Carnivore, Marsupial, Speed Demon, Herd Mentality
  • Considerations:
  • Electrically charged, Plague Walker. Any other mutation either reduces our Strength or isn’t very helpful.


Since we exist at low life for maximum damage, we are at constant risk of dying. Luckily, you’ll still have high defenses.



You can level this entire build with only melee if you want to. I recommend transitioning to low-life when you have a Bloodied weapon, all the important mutations, Starched Genes, Nerd Rage, and the Emergency Protocols mod for one of your sets of power armor. Once you’re setup, jump in a lake until your rads are about 75% of your health and try it out.


Do I have to use Power Armor?No but it’s definitely easier to start with power armor. If you really want to use normal armor, look for high level Unyielding, +1 Strength armor from vendors or drops or lucky crafts. There may be some defensive perk cards you would want to use to increase survivability.

Can I add even more damage? There are many methods to temporarily stack strength and, as a result, damage, but the One Wasteland changes really killed the once sky-high damage output of this build. I don’t think it’s worth the effort anymore.

In power armor, I have around 30 strength, and tend to 1-5 hit enemies. With Unyielding SS armor and some temporary boosts, I can get around 60 strength, and tend to … 1-5 hit enemies.

The other sources are: Cooking, bobbleheads, magazines, drinks, sneak attacks with sneak perks, VATS crits with related perks, perks with team-combos, and chems.

May 1, 2021 at 10:31 am

Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (1)


14 +33 2B+31

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13 Replies


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (2)

4 +2

April 19, 2024 at 9:25 pm

On your build planner you have some levels with nothing listed. Am I free to do whatever I want?


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (3)

MarioDragon 14 +33 2B+31

April 20, 2024 at 2:53 pm

Yes, and that was auto-generated. I believe it’s because there’s no perk cards in this build you could buy until you’re high enough level to get the next ones, if that makes sense. You could also do nothing, save those points, and you should be able to buy all the cards (or most) by the time you hit level 50.


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (4)

Greaybush3223 4 +2

April 21, 2024 at 10:16 am

Thank you for the quick response. First time playing and using your guide has made the game fun and easy. I enjoy crafting so I took some crafting stuff between those levels. Cheers!


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (5)

3 +1

April 21, 2024 at 7:22 am

Do you think Union power armor would be good as pwor armor for this build?


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (6)

MarioDragon 14 +33 2B+31

April 21, 2024 at 12:06 pm

Union fits very well. The poison resist allows you to drop Funky Duds entirely and the extra carry capacity makes it a good replacement for Excavator. I didn’t mention it because I want this to be a somewhat beginner friendly guide, and Union PA takes forever to unlock if you have to grind out the stamps. Also turns out Union PA isn’t available to buy anymore as it’s bugged in some way. Maybe we’ll see it again someday.


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (7)

Geggiot 3 +1

April 21, 2024 at 2:05 pm

ok ty a lot for response


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (8)


May 1, 2024 at 5:33 am

Would using bird bones mutation be dumb? I really hate when the character waits like 3 seconds even after jumping normally with power armor on.


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (9)

Greaybush3223 4 +2

May 4, 2024 at 9:06 am

Reduces strength so bad to use.


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (10)

MarioDragon 14 +33 2B+31

May 5, 2024 at 1:11 pm

The strength reduction makes it not ideal, however that -4 strength (which turns a measly -1 reduction with Class Freak) isn’t super noticeable.


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (11)


May 6, 2024 at 6:24 am

I have a question. So I’m loving this build just hit lvl 75 and it feels great!. the only issue that I am having is that my weapon brakes soooooo much like multiple times a play session. I am using the Whacker Smacker from the Nuka World Spin the Wheel event because i haven’t got a better two-handed yet. What can do to fix that? Ik there’s the perk card but there’s not room for it in the build so do i just deal with it???


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (12)

MarioDragon 14 +33 2B+31

May 6, 2024 at 5:12 pm

Weapon Artisan can help out when you make a repair. Just swap it in and out as you need it. Your situation sounds pretty normal and repair materials for Super Sledges are easy to find. I kill enough Scorchbeast Queens to sustain the repair kits her event drops and I use those when my weapon breaks. I haven’t run out yet. There’s also atom shop repair kits but that’s a waste of money (sometimes they’re free daily).

Keep a backup weapon of some kind, like a regular super sledge, for when your main one breaks. Pay attention to the durability meter on the weapon before you do something that takes a while. All weapons break in Fallout 76, it’s part of the game.


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (13)


May 11, 2024 at 3:19 pm

So, I’m pretty new to 76, I’m building something similar to this one, I just got to lvl 80, my main weapon is auto axe, would you change something in the build for this weapon to be your main? I was thinking about stable tools, since it heps to keep mt axe a little bit longer. Also, do you have a backup ranged weapon? I’m using cremator and a shotgun when necessary. Any sugestions?


Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (14)

MarioDragon 14 +33 2B+31

May 24, 2024 at 10:10 pm

You have the right idea. Those weapons break a lot so repair it with Weapon Artisan and use Stable Tools and you’ll have a better time. I think the autoaxe is the strongest melee weapon you can use so it’s hard to go wrong. I have a Vampires one I’ll use against the queen to tank her forever. I don’t like dealing with the startup animation of the autoaxe 24/7 though so I still run a Bloodied Super Sledge.

The only backup ranged weapon I use is a blooded 10mm pistol. It’s great for tagging because it shoots fast and 10mm ammo is everywhere. Sometimes it’s a pain in the neck trying to do some events when everything is getting tesla cannoned to death, and even though it’s a lot better since they removed legacy weapons you can still feel left out as a melee user. Any range weapon that suits your needs works.

Bloodied Two-Handed Melee Legendary Power Armor Build Guide - (2024)


What is the best 2H melee weapon in Fallout 76? ›

Side note: the best 2H melee weapon is the Auto-axe and the Chainsaw (Auto-axe is a bit better with the electric mod).

What is a bloodied build in Fallout 76? ›

Bloodied builds in Fallout 76 offer high rewards for players constantly at low health. Unyielding armor, Adrenal Reaction mutation, and bloodied weapons are crucial for maximizing damage output in a bloodied build.

What is the best melee build in Fallout? ›

For the best Fallout 4 melee builds, two main play styles stand out: the Juggernaut and the Ninja, both of which are highly powerful builds. The Juggernaut charges headfirst, a walking tank in heavy armor that shrugs off enemy attacks while landing powerful blows.

What does bloodied do? ›

Bloodied is a legendary weapon effect that increases damage as your health gets lower, so it became synonymous with low health over time.

What is the best power armor for melee build in Fallout 4? ›

The best weapon and armor to collect for the melee build is Grognak's Axe and Grognak Costume. Grognak's Axe causes more staggers and causes targets to suffer bleeding damage. Moreover, it can be obtained easily in the game, allowing you a powerful melee weapon at the start of Fallout 4.

What is the highest damage melee weapon in Fallout New Vegas? ›

Oh Baby is one of the strongest melee weapons in New Vegas.

Oh Baby deals more damage than a Super Sledge at 80 base damage, in addition to having a unique VATS move that deals 50 percent more damage. You can acquire Oh Baby in the southwestern area of Charleston Cave.

What is the bloodied legendary perk? ›

"Bloodied" is a Legendary weapon modifier that is a relatively rare quality across all weapons. The Bloodied modifier makes it so that a weapon can deal up to 95 percent bonus damage based on your missing health. Check your perk display to see what your current total bonus is.

Is healing factor good for bloodied build? ›

I'm a low/bloodied build and I use Healing factor. It only fills health not replace rads with hp. But you are going to be hungry more often. Need to be full in order for it to work.

What is the bloodied rule in 4e? ›

The “bloodied” condition, originally from Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, is used to signify how a creature is faring in a combat scenario. A creature becomes bloodied when it reaches half of its hit point maximum (rounded down), which acts as a way of communicating the state of an opponent in a fight.

What is the highest damage one handed weapon in Fallout 76? ›

Melee Unarmed weapons will do the most damage, as strength gives you a damage buff. Usually bear claw or death claw are popular choices but I prefer the brass knuckles. For one-handed; Combat knife for speed, careful of skinning it as some will actually make it perceptibly slower. Plasma cutter for power.

What weapon does the most damage in Fallout 76? ›

With a whopping 230 Base Damage, The Dragon is a quad-barrel shotgun in Fallout 76, capable of unleashing up to 920 Damage if all rounds hit.

What is the most efficient heavy weapon in Fallout 76? ›

Depends on what you mean by ammo efficient. RMPyro is right, that the Gatling gun is PROBABLY the best bet as it fires 5mm rounds (something that is easy to make) slowly, and each round has a decent punch to it. There is also the broadsider and harpoon gun, which are both single shot heavy weapons.


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.