Bible Gateway passage: Deuteronomy 31:6-24 - New International Version (2024)

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Listen to Deuteronomy 31:6-24

6Be strong and courageous.(A) Do not be afraid or terrified(B) because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you;(C) he will never leave you(D) nor forsake(E) you.”

7Then Moses summoned Joshua and said(F) to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give them,(G) and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. 8The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you;(H) he will never leave you nor forsake you.(I) Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Public Reading of the Law

9So Moses wrote(J) down this law and gave it to the Levitical priests, who carried(K) the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the elders of Israel. 10Then Moses commanded them: “At the end of every seven years, in the year for canceling debts,(L) during the Festival of Tabernacles,(M) 11when all Israel comes to appear(N) before the Lord your God at the place he will choose,(O) you shall read this law(P) before them in their hearing. 12Assemble the people—men, women and children, and the foreigners residing in your towns—so they can listen and learn(Q) to fear(R) the Lord your God and follow carefully all the words of this law. 13Their children,(S) who do not know this law, must hear it and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as you live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.”

Israel’s Rebellion Predicted

14The Lord said to Moses, “Now the day of your death(T) is near. Call Joshua(U) and present yourselves at the tent of meeting, where I will commission him.(V)” So Moses and Joshua came and presented themselves at the tent of meeting.(W)

15Then the Lord appeared at the tent in a pillar of cloud, and the cloud stood over the entrance to the tent.(X) 16And the Lord said to Moses: “You are going to rest with your ancestors,(Y) and these people will soon prostitute(Z) themselves to the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will forsake(AA) me and break the covenant I made with them. 17And in that day I will become angry(AB) with them and forsake(AC) them; I will hide(AD) my face(AE) from them, and they will be destroyed. Many disasters(AF) and calamities will come on them, and in that day they will ask, ‘Have not these disasters come on us because our God is not with us?’(AG) 18And I will certainly hide my face in that day because of all their wickedness in turning to other gods.

19“Now write(AH) down this song and teach it to the Israelites and have them sing it, so that it may be a witness(AI) for me against them. 20When I have brought them into the land flowing with milk and honey, the land I promised on oath to their ancestors,(AJ) and when they eat their fill and thrive, they will turn to other gods(AK) and worship them,(AL) rejecting me and breaking my covenant.(AM) 21And when many disasters and calamities come on them,(AN) this song will testify against them, because it will not be forgotten by their descendants. I know what they are disposed to do,(AO) even before I bring them into the land I promised them on oath.” 22So Moses wrote(AP) down this song that day and taught it to the Israelites.

23The Lord gave this command(AQ) to Joshua son of Nun: “Be strong and courageous,(AR) for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you.”

24After Moses finished writing(AS) in a book the words of this law(AT) from beginning to end,

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Cross references

  1. Deuteronomy 31:6 : ver 7, 23; Jos 1:6, 9, 18; 10:25; 1Ch 22:13; 28:20; 2Ch 32:7
  2. Deuteronomy 31:6 : Jer 1:8, 17; Eze 2:6
  3. Deuteronomy 31:6 : S Ge 28:15; S Dt 1:29; 20:4; S Mt 28:20
  4. Deuteronomy 31:6 : Ps 56:9; 118:6
  5. Deuteronomy 31:6 : S Dt 4:31; 1Sa 12:22; 1Ki 6:13; Ps 94:14; Isa 41:17; Heb 13:5*
  6. Deuteronomy 31:7 : ver 23; Nu 27:23
  7. Deuteronomy 31:7 : Jos 1:6
  8. Deuteronomy 31:8 : S Ex 13:21
  9. Deuteronomy 31:8 : S Ge 28:15; S Dt 4:31
  10. Deuteronomy 31:9 : S Ex 17:14
  11. Deuteronomy 31:9 : ver 25; 1Ch 15:2
  12. Deuteronomy 31:10 : S Dt 15:1
  13. Deuteronomy 31:10 : S Ex 23:16; Dt 16:13
  14. Deuteronomy 31:11 : S Dt 16:16
  15. Deuteronomy 31:11 : Dt 12:5
  16. Deuteronomy 31:11 : Jos 8:34-35; 2Ki 23:2; Ne 8:2
  17. Deuteronomy 31:12 : Dt 4:10
  18. Deuteronomy 31:12 : Hag 1:12; Mal 1:6; 3:5, 16
  19. Deuteronomy 31:13 : S Dt 11:2
  20. Deuteronomy 31:14 : S Ge 25:8; S Nu 27:13
  21. Deuteronomy 31:14 : Nu 27:23; Dt 34:9; Jos 1:1-9
  22. Deuteronomy 31:14 : S Nu 27:19
  23. Deuteronomy 31:14 : Ex 33:9-11
  24. Deuteronomy 31:15 : S Ex 33:9
  25. Deuteronomy 31:16 : S Ge 15:15
  26. Deuteronomy 31:16 : S Ex 34:15; Dt 4:25-28; Jdg 2:12
  27. Deuteronomy 31:16 : Jdg 10:6, 13; 1Ki 9:9; 18:18; 19:10; Jer 2:13; 5:19; 19:4
  28. Deuteronomy 31:17 : Dt 32:16; Jdg 2:14, 20; 10:7; 2Ki 13:3; 22:13; Ps 106:29, 40; Jer 7:18; 21:5; 36:7
  29. Deuteronomy 31:17 : Jdg 6:13; 2Ch 15:2; 24:20; Ezr 8:22; Ps 44:9; Isa 2:6
  30. Deuteronomy 31:17 : Dt 32:20; Isa 1:15; 45:15; 53:3; 54:8
  31. Deuteronomy 31:17 : Job 13:24; Ps 13:1; 27:9; 30:7; 104:29; Isa 50:6; Jer 33:5; Eze 39:29; Mic 3:4
  32. Deuteronomy 31:17 : Jer 4:20; Eze 7:26
  33. Deuteronomy 31:17 : Nu 14:42; Hos 9:12
  34. Deuteronomy 31:19 : ver 22
  35. Deuteronomy 31:19 : S Ge 31:50
  36. Deuteronomy 31:20 : Dt 6:10-12
  37. Deuteronomy 31:20 : Ps 4:2; 16:4; 40:4; Jer 13:25; Da 3:28; Am 2:4
  38. Deuteronomy 31:20 : Dt 8:19; 11:16-17
  39. Deuteronomy 31:20 : ver 16
  40. Deuteronomy 31:21 : S Dt 4:30
  41. Deuteronomy 31:21 : 1Ch 28:9; Hos 5:3; Jn 2:24-25
  42. Deuteronomy 31:22 : ver 19
  43. Deuteronomy 31:23 : S ver 7
  44. Deuteronomy 31:23 : Jos 1:6
  45. Deuteronomy 31:24 : Dt 17:18; 2Ki 22:8
  46. Deuteronomy 31:24 : Dt 28:58
NextDeuteronomy 30Deuteronomy 32Next

New International Version (NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

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Bible Gateway passage: Deuteronomy 31:6-24 - New International Version (2024)


What is the NIV version of Deuteronomy 31 6? ›

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

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Deuteronomy 31 vs 6; Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee: he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

What is the new King James version of Deuteronomy 31 verse 6? ›

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

What does Deuteronomy 31:6 teach us? ›

What is the meaning of Deuteronomy 31:6? Deuteronomy 31:6 teaches Christians how to be strong and courageous in Christ by surrendering own natural power and ability and stepping into God's supernatural power and divine capability. It means abiding in the power of Jesus instead of living in your own power.

What verses are missing from the NIV version? ›

If you want to look for yourself, here are those 16 “missing” verses.
  • Mathew 23:14, Matthew 17:21, Matthew 18:11.
  • Mark 7:16, Mark 9:44, Mark 9:46, Mark 11:26, Mark 15:28.
  • Luke 17:36.
  • John 5:4.
  • Acts 8:37, Acts 15:34, Acts 24:7, Acts 28:29.
  • Romans 16:24.
Jan 10, 2024

What is Deuteronomy 31 talking about? ›

Deuteronomy 31:1-6

Moses addressed all Israel to tell them that his time leading them was coming to an end and that Joshua would succeed him and lead them into the Promised Land. He encouraged them to be strong and courageous because the Suzerain God (the LORD) will accompany them and will not fail them.

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John 3:16 is the world's most popular Bible verse

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

What did Jesus quote from Deuteronomy? ›

When Satan said, “Command these stones to become loaves of bread,” Jesus answered with what we know as Deuteronomy 8:3. “It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God'” (Matt 4:3–4).

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Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

What is Deuteronomy 31 6 easy version? ›

6 Be strong and be brave! Do not be afraid of those people, because the Lord your God goes with you. He will always be there to help you. He will never leave you.

What is Deuteronomy 31 verse 6 amplified version? ›

Deuteronomy 31:6 Amplified Bible (AMP) Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.

What religion is Deuteronomy? ›

The Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and final book of the Jewish Torah. Its name in both Greek (deuteronomion) and Hebrew (Mishneh Torah) may be translated as some form of 'repetition of the Law. ' As such, Deuteronomy represents a reiteration of Jewish laws set out in prior books of the Torah.

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Top Bible Verses about Life

John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

What is Deuteronomy trying to teach us? ›

Deuteronomy is a book so important that Christ himself used it to defend himself against the devil. It can teach us faith and obedience, as well as having victory through God through God's grace alone.

How to honor the Lord with our wealth? ›

Five actions that show we put God first with our money
  1. We tithe. “'Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. ...
  2. We provide for specific needs. ...
  3. We get out of debt and stay out of debt. ...
  4. We live contently. ...
  5. We don't fret about finances.

How to preach Deuteronomy 31 6? ›

Deuteronomy 31:6 calls us to embrace courage and strength, not because of our own abilities or resources, but because we know that God is with us. By placing our trust in Him, we can face any obstacle with confidence, secure in the knowledge that He is working for our good.


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.