9 benefits of cryptocurrency in business | TechTarget (2024)

It's becoming increasingly clear that cryptocurrency usage is not a short-term fad and is likely to be a technology trend that will continue to provide benefits for business into the future.

For the uninitiated, cryptocurrency is a form of digital currencies that differs in many ways from the traditional fiat currency individuals worldwide have been using for centuries. Unlike fiat currency, cryptocurrency isn't issued and managed by any one central national government. Cryptocurrency is distributed and runs on blockchain technology that provides an immutable ledger for tracking transactions.

There are many different cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin perhaps the most well-known, though not the only, cryptocurrency in popular usage. Other commonly used cryptocurrencies used by businesses include Ethereum, which is widely used in support of Web 3.0 applications. Here are some of the many benefits of cryptocurrency for businesses.

1. No paper money required

Unlike all fiat money, there's no paper version of cryptocurrency. Many transactions with fiat currency are digital, but they come with an underlying foundation of physical money. Businesses accepting cryptocurrency don't risk dealing with physical currency that can easily be mishandled.

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2. Access to new liquidity and capital

Cryptocurrency has the potential to help a business raise new funds and improve financial liquidity. A business could potentially be loaned cryptocurrency without being subject to the same limitations that might be associated with getting a loan of fiat money from a traditional bank. Cryptocurrency is also often at the center of decentralized finance, which can potentially help a business with financial liquidity.

In the early days of cryptocurrency, funds also were often raised via an initial coin offering (ICO). A new cryptocurrency is first minted and offered on an exchange much like an initial public offering when a company offers shares for sale for the first time. But the practical utility of ICOs as a vehicle for fundraising has diminished due to the crypto market's maturation.

9 benefits of cryptocurrency in business | TechTarget (1)

3. Expanded payment methods

By supporting cryptocurrency, a business can offer consumers and business partners a broader range of payment options, instead of being limited to fiat currency alone.

4. Potential for attracting new customers and demographic groups

Every business accepts fiat money, but not every business accepts cryptocurrency. That differentiation can potentially attract new customers and different demographic groups beyond what a business can serve with fiat currency alone. An October 2022 report found that a growing number of businesses in the U.S. and worldwide are accepting cryptocurrency.

5. Entry into the Web 3.0 world

Cryptocurrency is a gateway for organizations to enter and be part of the Web 3.0 universe. Web 3.0 technologies rely on blockchain and tend to require cryptocurrency as a method of payment during transactions. There are many different Web 3.0 use cases and examples that can benefit a business. One method is participating in the decentralized applications (dApps) space to build or sell services, though it's not quite as comprehensive as it once was. There's also a market for businesses with nonfungible tokens.

6. Transaction transparency and auditability

Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain, which provides an immutable ledger -- a tamperproof, cryptographically assured record of transactions. The ledger's high degree of auditability enables a business to track audit transactions. The ledger also enables transparency to identify if a transaction occurs, potentially boosting accountability as well.

7. Extra layer of customer privacy

While the blockchain on which cryptocurrencies exist provides transparency into each transaction, it also helps protect user privacy. Blockchain and cryptocurrency, unlike fiat forms of payment like a credit card or bank account, don't associate with any personally identifiable information. A cryptocurrency transaction relies on public key cryptography that involves a public and private key, which individuals can use and store in a crypto wallet.

8. Cross-border transactions

Even in the modern era of technology, businesses often encounter barriers when selling their products globally because of issues related to handling fiat money payments. Cryptocurrency offers an alternative, enabling businesses to buy and sell products without engaging a bank or payment processor that might charge additional fees for an international trade.

While the value of cryptocurrency can and does fluctuate, the prevailing value is consistent worldwide. This global consistency for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin eliminates the complexities of currency conversions and associated transaction fees, while the absence of intermediaries can potentially foster faster and more cost-effective transactions.

9. Less risk of chargeback fraud

Cryptocurrency usage can help reduce the risk of chargeback fraud by introducing irreversible transactions. Unlike traditional payment systems like credit cards in which customers can initiate chargebacks, cryptocurrency transactions recorded on the blockchain are permanent and can't be reversed due to the immutable ledger.

9 benefits of cryptocurrency in business | TechTarget (2024)


9 benefits of cryptocurrency in business | TechTarget? ›

Reduced cost of transactions

Businesses that accept cryptocurrency might interact directly with customers or use a broker. The cost of a transaction is meagre when there is no intermediary. Surprisingly, you'll only have to pay transaction fees if you get paid by other third-party management services.

How does cryptocurrency benefit businesses? ›

Reduced cost of transactions

Businesses that accept cryptocurrency might interact directly with customers or use a broker. The cost of a transaction is meagre when there is no intermediary. Surprisingly, you'll only have to pay transaction fees if you get paid by other third-party management services.

What is the biggest benefit of crypto? ›

What Are The Advantages of Cryptocurrency?
  • Inflation Protection. Due to inflation, the value of many currencies decline. ...
  • Transactional Speed. ...
  • Cost Effective Transactions. ...
  • Decentralization. ...
  • Diversity. ...
  • Accessibility. ...
  • Safe And Secure. ...
  • Transparent.
Jan 10, 2024

How will cryptocurrency affect businesses? ›

Using crypto in daily operations could help develop new means of innovative commerce. That's in addition to possibly extending the company's reach in the marketplace—not only to new customers, but also to new counterparties.

How can crypto benefit the economy? ›

Remittances: Cryptocurrencies can lower the cost and increase the speed of cross-border remittances. Workers sending money to their home countries can benefit from reduced fees, which can have a positive impact on the economies of receiving nations.

How does crypto make you money? ›

The most common way to make money with crypto is through mining. Mining verifies transactions on the blockchain and adds new blocks of data to the chain. By doing this, miners are rewarded with cryptocurrency for their effort. Mining can be done with specialized hardware or with cloud mining services.

What are the pros and cons of cryptocurrency? ›

Advantages and disadvantages of Cryptocurrency
  • Funds transfer between two parties will be easy without the need of third party like credit/debit cards or banks.
  • It is a cheaper alternative compared to other online transactions.
  • Payments are safe and secured and offer an unprecedented level of anonymity.

Why is crypto better than real money? ›

Some blockchains can provide privacy, security, and 24-7 access to any global user. A sort of swiss-army knife, users can earn, fund, invent, invest, pay, and program. Cryptocurrencies can offer lower associated fees and more cost-efficient transactions.

Why might businesses want to accept payments in crypto? ›

Lower Transaction Fees

Transaction fees can be a silent profit-eater. And they are increasing every year. Many credit card companies and banks typically charge 1.5% to 3% per transaction, and others charge even more. But transaction fees of crypto payments are significantly less, regardless of the transaction size.

Why is crypto the future of money? ›

Some bitcoin proponents view the cryptocurrency as a hedge against inflation because the supply is permanently fixed, unlike those of fiat currencies, which central banks can expand indefinitely. However, after bitcoin plummeted amid stock market volatility in 2022, many experts questioned this argument.

What is the purpose of cryptocurrency? ›

Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens. They are a type of digital currency that allows people to make payments directly to each other through an online system. Cryptocurrencies have no legislated or intrinsic value; they are simply worth what people are willing to pay for them in the market.

Does cryptocurrency benefit society? ›

Both experts agreed that many of the economic challenges that society face can be solved by the use of cryptocurrencies. The seminar also touched on the other potential benefits that using cryptocurrencies could have, most notably the removal of a third party when making transactions.

Is it beneficial to invest in crypto? ›

There are several risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency: loss of capital, government regulations, fraud and hacks. Loss of capital. Mark Hastings, partner at Quillon Law, warns that investors must tread carefully in crypto's unique financial environment or risk significant losses.

Is crypto still a good investment? ›

Summary. Cryptocurrency can be a great investment with astronomically high returns overnight; however, there is also a considerable downside. Investors should analyze whether their time horizon, risk tolerance, and liquidity requirements fit their investor profile.

What is the biggest risk in crypto? ›

What are the risks of owning crypto?
  • Price volatility. ...
  • Taxes. ...
  • Custody of keys. ...
  • Technical complexity and making mistakes. ...
  • Scammers and hackers. ...
  • Smart contract risk. ...
  • Centralization and governance risk. ...
  • Bottom Line.

Is cryptocurrency beneficial? ›

Many investors also point out cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as a promising hedge against inflation because of its finite supply of 21 million coins. Theoretically, this allows Bitcoin to be impervious to inflation, which can take the value of conventional currencies over certain periods.


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