22 Savvy Tips to Impress Your Crush (The Right Way) (2024)

To truly impress your crush, you need authenticity, subtlety, and a genuine understanding of what they like. Let’s dive into this article to find the best tips for impressing your crush!

The Science Behind Attraction

Attraction is the magnetic force that shapes our connections. It’s the mix of emotions, behaviors, and physical reactions that pull people together. It is about feeling drawn to someone romantically, platonically, or otherwise. Your psychological and emotional states can also influence attraction.

Studies1 https://clarkrelationshiplab.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/Effects%20of%20moods%20on%20thoughts%20about%20helping,%20attraction,%20and%20information%20acquisition.pdf have shown that people in a positive mood are more likely to be attracted to others, while negative moods have been associated with decreased attraction levels.

The happier you are, the more attractive you become.

That isn’t to say you should always be happy—that can be toxic positivity. And if you’re not a happy go-getter? No worries! We’ve got tips to help you work with what you’ve got. Let’s dive in.

22 Best Tips to Impress Your Crush

While grand gestures may tempt you, the little things often work best. Focus on being an engaged friend-laugh at their jokes, listen thoughtfully, and share things about yourself.

Stay true to yourself

Like we said before, you don’t have to pretend to be happy—or someone else you’re not—to impress someone.

In fact, science shows that authenticity leads to excellent relationship outcomes. Individuals who are faithful to themselves tend to have better long-term relationship outcomes compared to those who play hard to get or exhibit traits associated with the Dark Triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy). Authentic people also tend to possess higher emotional intelligence, enhancing their ability to connect deeply with others.

When you embrace who you are, quirks and all, you emit a magnetic charm that captivates those around you.

Jennifer Lawrence is a great example of authenticity—when she won the 85th Oscars, she even tripped going up the stairs before giving her speech:

Of course, you don’t have to trip to show your crush your authenticity (but props if you do!). Being authentic can be easier than that. Check out this guide to become a more authentic version of yourself: How To Be More Authentic By Being Yourself: 3 Easy Steps

Confidence > Arrogance

Confidence is undoubtedly vital, especially when making a positive impression, perhaps on a crush or in a professional setting. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize when confidence spills over into arrogance, as it can harm your interpersonal relationships.

So what’s the difference?

Confidence is rooted in a genuine sense of self-assuredness. It’s about knowing your strengths and limitations and being comfortable with both. Confident people are often approachable, listen actively, and are open to feedback because they are secure in their value.

On the other hand, arrogance is marked by an overbearing sense of self-importance. It often manifests as dismissive behavior towards others’ opinions and an excessive need to prove superiority. Arrogant individuals may dominate conversations, ignore contrary perspectives, and generally lack empathy.

Confidence exudes self-assurance and authenticity, whereas arrogance can be rude and off-putting.

Action Steps:

  • Practice positive affirmations daily to reinforce a healthy self-image
  • Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone in social situations
  • Set achievable goals to build your confidence in various aspects of your life gradually

Show Interest

It’s no secret that showing genuine interest in your crush’s passions can leave a lasting impression. Genuine interest in what they love builds a strong bond faster than anything else.

Action Steps:

  • When your crush talks about photography, actively listen, maintain eye contact, and nod occasionally to show engagement
  • Instead of closed-ended questions, such as “Do you like photography?” ask open-ended ones. For example, if your crush loves hiking, instead of a dry response like, “Oh, that’s nice,” try saying something like, “Really? I want to try hiking, too. By the way, Are you free this weekend? Let’s hike together!”

Respect Personal Boundaries

Chatting with your crush is great. You’re laughing and feeling a real connection. But always remember, boundaries matter. These invisible lines are the unspoken rules of “what’s acceptable and what’s not.”

Here are some ways to respect their boundaries:

  • Read and Respond to Cues: Closely to your crush’s verbal and nonverbal signals. If they seem hesitant or pull back during specific topics, steer the conversation towards more neutral ground. This sensitivity shows that you value their comfort.
  • Avoid Monopolizing the Conversation: Ensure the dialogue flows both ways. Give them ample opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings, and listen actively when they do. This balance demonstrates respect and genuine interest in what they have to say.
  • Observe Nonverbal Cues: Much of communication is nonverbal. Watch for signs like body language and facial expressions to gauge their comfort level. If they seem closed off or anxious, it might be a signal to change the topic or give them space.
  • Respect Their Space: Keep a respectful distance in both physical and digital communications. Don’t crowd their personal space during face-to-face interactions; avoid bombarding them with messages online.
  • Ask for Feedback: If you’re unsure about their boundaries, it’s okay to ask directly. A simple “Is this topic okay?” or “Let me know if you need a break from chatting” can go a long way in building trust and rapport.

For more riveting insights, check out this: How to Tell If Someone Likes You: 7 Cues You Need to Know

Compliment, But Don’t Overdo it

What could be more beautiful than a few compliments from someone? Tell them you like their new haircut, that you noticed changes since they started their gym subscription, or that you like how they matched their tie with socks.

Compliments pack a punch. When you genuinely give one, it boosts the other person’s self-esteem and can make them associate positive qualities with you.

Action Steps:

  • Focus on specific traits or actions you genuinely admire, such as their humor, kindness, or creativity. Exercise caution when complimenting on physical characteristics.
  • Keep it accurate—aim for compliments only when they feel authentic. Too much flattery can seem fake.
  • A genuine smile or gesture coupled with a compliment can say much without saying anything.

For example, instead of simply saying, “You’re amazing,” try something like, “I really appreciate how you always go out of your way to help others. It’s inspiring.” This specific compliment shows that you’ve noticed and valued their actions.

Notice Their Cues

Understanding your crush’s signals is important. Beyond their words, focus on their actions and pay attention to subtle cues to understand their emotions.

Pro Tip: Notice their body language, how often they smile, and if they’re up for doing things with you. These subtle signs tell you a lot about their interest and comfort.

For example, Let’s say your crush mentions they love a certain type of music. Don’t just nod. Act on it! Get them tickets to a concert in that genre (if your relationship is close enough). It shows you’re not just listening but also eager to make them happy.

Want to be more attractive? Check this out: The First Impression Cue Men and Women Find Most Attractive

Be Kind; It’s Contagious

Small acts of kindness can boost attraction between people. According to the Mental Health Foundation, things like holding doors, lending an ear, or random acts of kindness leave a positive impact and build emotional bonds.

You can try to start with small acts, such as:

  • Holding the door open for them when entering or leaving a building
  • Offering to carry something heavy for them if they seem burdened
  • Say “please” and “thank you” in your interactions with them

Check out our big list of acts of kindness here: 62 Unique Ideas to Be a Nicer Person, According to Science

Dress to Impress

Your appearance speaks volumes before you even utter a single word. While at it, make sure your clothes match, and don’t call you out for throwing on whatever was close by.

Action Steps:

  • Conduct a Wardrobe Audit: Take a day to go through your entire wardrobe. Remove items that no longer fit, are out of style, or don’t make you feel great when you wear them. This clears space for clothes that truly reflect who you are and want to be seen as.
  • Invest in Quality Basics: Purchase high-quality staples that can form the foundation of any outfit. Items like a well-fitting pair of jeans, a classic blazer, and versatile shoes can be mixed and matched to create numerous stylish and functional looks.
  • Show Your True Colors: Choose colors that complement your skin tone and make you stand out. If you’re unsure about your best colors, consult a color analysis chart2 https://lauryncakes.com/2021/04/how-to-choose-clothing-colors-for-your-skin-tone.html . Wearing the right colors can enhance your natural features and make you appear more vibrant and engaging.
  • Accessorize Wisely: Accessories can transform an ordinary outfit into something special. Whether it’s a standout watch, a stylish belt, or statement jewelry, the right accessories add a personal touch and show attention to detail.
  • Plan Outfits in Advance: Plan your outfits the night before an event or meeting to avoid last-minute decisions. This helps you create a coherent look and reduces stress, ensuring you feel prepared and confident.

Impressing someone can be nerve-wracking! If you’re struggling on trying to impress your crush, try this goodie:

Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals
Join People School

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Maintain Good Hygiene

What could be more important to personal well-being and social interactions than good hygiene? Keeping yourself clean and presentable promotes physical health and enhances your confidence and social appeal.

A clean appearance signals professionalism, attention to detail, and respect for social norms, promoting positive impressions and interactions.

Action Steps:

  • Establish a daily hygiene routine
  • Use appropriate skincare products if applicable
  • Maintain regular dental check-ups3 https://trustdentalcare.com/dental-check-ups/ and oral hygiene practices4 https://www.arrowsmiledental.com/blog/10-great-dental-hygiene-tips/ to keep your teeth and gums healthy and fresh
  • Get a new haircut if needed

Want some advanced tips for a major transformation? Check this out: 30 Tips to Have a Glow Up (The Best One You’ll Ever Have)

Flirt Subtly

Flirting subtly is an art that enhances interactions, creating an intriguing layer of communication that piques interest without being overpowering. It’s about finesse, using nonverbal cues and gentle verbal hints to express your interest in a respectful and engaging manner.

Here’s how to flirt without taking things overboard:

  • Incorporate Light Banter: Engage in playful banter to build a cheerful and lively dynamic. This could be light teasing or joking about a shared situation, which shows you’re comfortable and enjoying their company. For instance, if they mention being clumsy, you could playfully say, “I’ll make sure to stand on your non-clumsy side!”
  • Deliver Compliments with Precision: Offer compliments that are specific and meaningful. Instead of general praise, highlight unique traits you admire. Say something like, “Your passion for books is really infectious. It makes me want to pick up reading more!”
  • Use Humor Tactfully: Introduce humor that’s flirty but tasteful. A well-placed joke can make the conversation lively and memorable. For example, “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cutecumber.” It’s light, fun, and shows your playful side.

Maintain Your Independence

Independence5 https://www.jstor.org/stable/20629979 signals confidence, self-assurance, and a sense of purpose, all of which are highly attractive traits.

In contrast, showing clinginess can be a major red flag and something to avoid if you can. Go through this list—do any of these resonate with you?

  • Constantly asking for reassurance (Do you really love me? Are you sure you’re my friend?)
  • Fear of being alone
  • Feeling very insecure
  • Obsessively worrying that people don’t like you or don’t want to be around you
  • Putting friends on a pedestal or thinking they are perfect
  • Feeling jealous when friends or partners hang out with other people
  • Radically changing tastes when around new people (acting so much a “social chameleon” that you do not show up as who you truly are)
  • Stalking someone’s social media
  • Texting lots of messages at once
  • Calling someone several times a day
  • Demanding to know where someone is or who they are with
  • Compulsively checking for text messages from a friend or partner
  • Feeling panicked when someone doesn’t respond

If you said yes to any of the above, you might be more clingy than you think. I highly recommend checking out our guide on how to spot clinginess and reduce that behavior: How to Not Be Clingy: 10 Helpful Ways to End Neediness

Make Them Laugh

Laughter is the glue in human connections. Making your crush laugh can break down barriers and build a memorable rapport that resonates long after the conversation ends.

Here are a few ways to use humor in your interactions to lighten the mood and forge a lasting connection:

  • Share Quirky Observations: Point out the lighter side of everyday situations. For instance, comment on how your morning coffee acts as a magic potion that transforms you from a zombie to a superhero.
  • Incorporate Playful Challenges: Turn small interactions into games. For example, if you’re at a cafe, challenge them to invent a backstory for another customer, turning it into a fun and creative conversation starter.
  • Use Call-Back Humor: Revisit a funny moment you both shared earlier in the conversation or from a previous encounter. This shows you’re attentive and value your shared moments, strengthening the bond.
  • Add in our new article on how to make a girl laugh link?

Here’s a real-life example: Actor Chris Pratt is renowned for his ability to make people laugh, both on-screen and in interviews. His spontaneous and relatable humor makes him hugely popular. Check out this YouTube video where Chris Pratt shares hilarious behind-the-scenes:

Be Adventurous

Adventure sparks curiosity and excitement, drawing your crush in and making you stand out from the crowd. In fact, research6 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/9042337_Love_at_First_Fright_Partner_Salience_Moderates_Roller-Coaster-Induced_Excitation_Transfer shows that exciting activities can actually make you appear more attractive.

Try a new activity, explore a new place, or go on a spontaneous road trip. Try to plan unique and exciting dates to show your adventurous side! Here are some more ideas:

  • Hot Air Balloon Ride: Start your date with a thrilling hot air balloon ride at sunrise or sunset. It’s not only romantic but offers breathtaking views, making for unforgettable moments.
  • Escape Room Challenge: Test your teamwork and problem-solving skills together by tackling an escape room. It’s a great way to engage and connect through a shared challenge.
  • Night at the Museum: Attend a special after-hours event at a museum, where you can explore exhibits without the crowds. Many museums offer night-time tours or adults-only evenings with additional entertainment.
  • Outdoor Movie Night: Go beyond the typical movie date by setting up an outdoor movie night. Choose a scenic spot, bring a portable projector, and enjoy a film under the stars.
  • Cooking Class Adventure: Take a cooking class together where you can learn to make something exotic or outside your comfort zone. It’s a fun, hands-on activity that ends with a delicious meal you’ve made together.

For more inspiration on adventurous date ideas, check out this article: 66 Unique First-Date Ideas That’ll Make Them Fall For Youg

Stand Up for Them

Show them that you’ve got their back. This demonstrates loyalty, integrity, and compassion.

When you stand up for someone, you show them that you value and respect them and that you’re willing to take a stand to protect their well-being

Action Steps:

  • Provide Emotional Support During Challenges: Be the person they can rely on during tough times. If your crush is facing a difficult situation, like a stressful work project or a personal issue, offer your ear and your time. You could say, “I know it’s tough right now, but I’m here for you. Let’s find a way to make things easier for you.”
  • Stand Up for Them: If someone speaks unfairly about them, be quick to defend their character and integrity. An example could be, “I’ve worked closely with her, and that hasn’t been my experience at all. She’s always been reliable and fair.”
  • Act with Integrity in Your Own Life: Let your actions reflect the values of loyalty and compassion you admire. For instance, if you witness bullying or unfair treatment in your social circles or at work, take a stand against it, even if it’s uncomfortable. You might intervene with a comment like, “I don’t think it’s right to talk about someone like that when they’re not here to share their side.”

Be Culturally Savvy

Show your crush that you appreciate diversity and value different perspectives. This can definitely impress your crush by showing them your openness, understanding, and respect for different cultures.

Here are some effective ways to do it:

  • Ask or have a research on your crush’s cultural background, including customs, traditions, and values
  • Share your cultural background through cooking, language lessons, or travel anecdotes
  • Ask her to go to a festivals, museums, or international restaurants together

Reminder: Avoid making assumptions based on cultural stereotypes. Treat each individual as unique and complex, and avoid generalizations about their culture or background.

Be Tech-Savvy

Just like being savvy with culture, being proficient with technology can enhance your connection and make your interactions with your crush more fun, engaging, and memorable.

Action Steps:

  • Keep up with tech trends your crush likes
  • Send interesting articles, memes7 https://knowyourmeme.com/ , etc., they’ll like
  • Use emojis GIFs8 https://giphy.com/ to keep convos fun
  • Be mindful of privacy and limits

Here are some essential resources to boost your tech-savviness:

  • Social Media 101: A Beginner’s Guide9 https://disruptiveadvertising.com/social-media/social-media-marketing-101/ – Learn the basics of popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Creating Memes10 https://imgflip.com/memegenerator – For meme-making and learning on how to create your own memes.
  • Social Media Privacy Guide11 https://proprivacy.com/guides/social-media-privacy-guide – Learn how to protect your privacy and stay safe while using social media.

Be a Time Saver

Time is a precious commodity, and when you prioritize someone’s time, you show them that you respect and appreciate their presence in your life, according to Forbes Magazine12 https://www.forbes.com/sites/elizabethharris/2017/08/30/study-shows-time-is-the-most-valuable-commodity-so-heres-a-smart-way-to-value-time/?sh=5db959c42c31 .

Studies13 https://faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/eli-finkel/documents/38_EastwickFinkel2009_EncyclopediaOfHumanRelations_Reciprocity.pdf have shown that individuals who feel respected are more likely to reciprocate positive feelings, leading to deeper bonds and increased attraction.

For example: You’re meeting your crush for lunch. Do not be late! You arrive 10-15 minutes early, snagging the best table and focusing solely on them when they arrive. Being fully present shows them they matter to you and makes a lasting impression.

Reminder: If ever there’s a need to change plans, be understanding and communicate openly to find alternative arrangements.

Have a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset, characterized by a willingness—-to learn, adapt, and embrace challenges, can be magnetic in romantic pursuits. Here’s how to cultivate it:

  • Stay curious and open-minded; ask questions, seek new experiences, and embrace learning opportunities
  • Focus on solutions and maintaining optimism in tough times.
  • Embrace change with flexibility and strength to develop resilience and adaptability

Befriend Their Friends

Bonding with your crush’s friends builds a supportive network and gives you insight into your crush’s personality and interests.

Try these tips:

  • Bring Something Unique to the Table: When you join group activities, don’t just blend in—stand out! For instance, if you’re joining a game night, bring a quirky, fun board game that’s not well-known but easy to learn. This shows you’re thoughtful and adds a unique twist to the evening.
  • Create Shared Experiences: Organize an event that’s slightly out of the ordinary to create memorable experiences. How about a themed dinner party or a scavenger hunt around the city? Initiating such events shows you’re not only fun but also a catalyst for bonding moments.
  • Offer Individual Value: Make each friend feel seen. If one of them is a coffee enthusiast, perhaps share a sample of exotic coffee beans you’ve come across. For a friend who loves movies, maybe bring a list of underrated film recommendations when you meet. These personalized gestures show that you pay attention and care about their interests.

For more relevant and helpful tips, try this:

Send Thoughtful Texts

Thoughtful messages can make your crush feel valued, appreciated, and excited to connect with you. Texting can even be great for your mood, says a Berkeley researcher.

Good texts should follow 4 patterns:

  1. Consistency Over Quantity: It’s not about bombarding them with messages throughout the day; it’s about the thoughtful timing of your texts. Aim to send messages that continue your ongoing conversations rather than overwhelming them with new topics all at once.
  2. Personalization is Key: Tailor your messages to reflect what you know about their likes, dislikes, or any personal anecdotes they’ve shared with you. This could be as simple as sending them a song from a band they mentioned they like or a meme that relates to an inside joke between you.
  3. Encouraging Dialogue: Craft your texts to invite responses. Ask open-ended questions related to their interests, seek their opinion on something, or create a playful challenge that requires a reply, thus fostering a deeper connection.
  4. Positivity and Support: Texts should be uplifting and supportive. Whether they’re having a good day or facing challenges, a message from you should be a bright spot that encourages or cheers them up. Use positive affirmations or remind them of their strengths and your admiration for them.

Action Steps:

  • Speak from the heart, avoid clichés, and personalize your messages, such as saying “Hey, I hope your day is off to a great start! I couldn’t stop thinking about that movie we watched together last week. Any other recommendations?”
  • Ask thoughtful questions and listen carefully to their answers. For example, “I remember you mentioning your passion for photography. Did you get a chance to take any photos over the weekend? I’d love to see them!”

To make mundane conversations into an interesting one, try this: 190 Good Conversation Starters For Texting

Use Subtle Touches

Physical contact, when done appropriately and respectfully, can communicate warmth, affection, and interest, deepening your connection and leaving a memorable impression.

Pro Tips: Begin with light touches like a brief arm touch or a friendly pat on the back. Be mindful of your crush’s comfort level, and back off if they seem uneasy.

These gestures can convey a sense of closeness and intimacy, creating a bond that goes beyond words.

For more interesting and helpful tips, try reading this: Reading Female Body Language: 15 Cues To Reveal Attraction

Use The Triangle Gazd

Eye contact is a powerful nonverbal communication tool that can convey confidence, sincerity, and attraction.

When you make eye contact with your crush, it shows that you’re fully present and engaged in the conversation, valuing their presence and attention.

But how do you make eye contact that shows interest?

Try the triangle gaze. Triangle gazing involves looking from one eye to the other, to the mouth, and then back at the first eye. As you practice this, maintaining good eye contact should start to feel more natural.

Pro Tip: Do not overdo eye contact. Find a natural balance that’s comfortable for both you and your crush. If you catch yourself staring without blinking, take a break and then resume.

Want more tips? How To Make Unforgettable Eye Contact In Any Situation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Impressing Your Crush

How can I impress my crush authentically?

Impress your crush by staying true to yourself, embracing your uniqueness, and avoiding the temptation to pretend to be someone you’re not to genuinely captivate their interest.

How does physical attraction contribute to overall attraction?

Physical attraction, including initial sparks based on looks, body language, and scent, can draw individuals together initially, but it’s often deeper emotional and cognitive factors that sustain long-term connections.

How can I navigate cultural differences when trying to impress my crush?

Show respect and curiosity for your crush’s cultural background, avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes, and engage in open and respectful communication to bridge cultural gaps and foster understanding.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when trying to impress my crush?

Avoid oversharing personal information, pretending to be someone you’re not, being disrespectful or pushy, bragging excessively, and rushing into things without considering your crush’s feelings and boundaries.

Final Thoughts on Making Your Crush Impressed

That’s a wrap! Now, go forth and impress your crush like never before. As a recap, follow these rules:

  • The golden rule: Authenticity Over Grand Gestures. Instead of flashy moves, focus on authenticity, subtlety, and genuine understanding of your crush.
  • Follow these tips:
    • Be confident
    • Respect boundaries and pay attention to cues
    • Offer sincere compliments
    • Let relationships grow naturally
    • Find common interests to bond over
    • Be attractive without going overboard
    • Use subtle flirting and humor
    • Be consistent and trustworthy
    • Use subtle touches and eye contact
  • Avoid these:
    • Oversharing personal information.
    • Pretending to be someone you’re not.
    • Disrespecting others or being aggressive.
    • Bragging excessively.

So, whether your attempts at impressing your crush yield the desired outcome or not, hold onto the confidence of being your authentic self. The right person will be drawn to the real you, flaws and all.
For further reading on attraction, check out this: Law of Attraction: What Does Science Say About This Theory?

Article sources
  1. https://clarkrelationshiplab.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/Effects%20of%20moods%20on%20thoughts%20about%20helping,%20attraction,%20and%20information%20acquisition.pdf
  2. https://lauryncakes.com/2021/04/how-to-choose-clothing-colors-for-your-skin-tone.html
  3. https://trustdentalcare.com/dental-check-ups/
  4. https://www.arrowsmiledental.com/blog/10-great-dental-hygiene-tips/
  5. https://www.jstor.org/stable/20629979
  6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/9042337_Love_at_First_Fright_Partner_Salience_Moderates_Roller-Coaster-Induced_Excitation_Transfer
  7. https://knowyourmeme.com/
  8. https://giphy.com/
  9. https://disruptiveadvertising.com/social-media/social-media-marketing-101/
  10. https://imgflip.com/memegenerator
  11. https://proprivacy.com/guides/social-media-privacy-guide
  12. https://www.forbes.com/sites/elizabethharris/2017/08/30/study-shows-time-is-the-most-valuable-commodity-so-heres-a-smart-way-to-value-time/?sh=5db959c42c31
  13. https://faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/eli-finkel/documents/38_EastwickFinkel2009_EncyclopediaOfHumanRelations_Reciprocity.pdf


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22 Savvy Tips to Impress Your Crush (The Right Way) (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.